"Senior Lin, I'm afraid it's not easy for you to enter the demon world. Although the demon clan has serious civil strife, it is still full of dangers. The further you go into the demon forest, the more big monsters are there, and it is easy to ambush them. Moreover, the demon clan hates our human race very much now. , once we find traces of our human race, we will kill them."

The sharp-mouthed man kindly persuaded him.

Lin Jichen just nodded, and said: "Thank you for your reminder, I know it well, so please take care of yourself."

"Senior, wait!" The sharp-mouthed man stopped Lin Jichen.

"Anything else?"

The man smiled and took out a map, handed it to Lin Jichen, and said: "This is the map of the monster clans I found on a scorpion monster. It has the locations of the big and small monster clans on it. I will give it to seniors. I hope it can be useful. .”

Lin Jichen was very surprised. He took the map, checked it, and was sure that it was the real map, because he had been to both the Fox Demon Country and the Peacock Country, and the location on it was also correct, obviously it was real.

He accepted the map and understood what the other party meant.

This kind of casual practice is nothing more than wanting to make good karma, make connections, and pave the way for yourself.

In the Eight Desolation World, there are many people like this, and they all hope for more security, more friends and more paths.

But Lin Jichen didn't like to owe favors to others, so he took out a big bag of spirit stones, worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Unexpectedly, the man declined.

Lin Jichen didn't believe it, and took out a bag of medium-grade spirit stones again, the breathing of the man and his accomplices became heavier, and the partners behind him all persuaded him to accept it.

But the man struggled for a moment, but still refused.

"Senior, you don't need to give any more, even if it's a top-grade spirit stone, I won't take it."

"What's your name?" Lin Jichen asked in surprise.

The man hurriedly replied: "My lord, Wang Ping, is also a swordsman, so I especially admire senior's swordsmanship. When I was in Futu Sect, I vowed to become a master of swordsman like senior!"

Lin Jichen started to look him up and down, and said: "I think you are talented, why don't you join Jianzong, why are you just a casual cultivator?"

Wang Ping smiled wryly, and said: "I also want to join, but I am ugly, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and those sects rejected me on the grounds that my appearance is too evil."

Lin Jichen didn't believe it, and asked with a smile, "Are you lying?"

Wang Ping's heart skipped a beat, then he sighed, and confessed honestly: "This is just one of them, and the most important thing is that I am an orphan of Moxiu, my father was a disciple of Moxiu, and he was full of evil. Because of my father's relationship, I am not qualified to join the Zhengdao sect."

"Oh? Then why don't you go to the Demon Sect, the Demon Sect can also learn swords." Lin Jichen said.

Wang Ping shook his head stubbornly: "Although I am an orphan of demon cultivators, I don't want to degenerate like my father. Most of those cultivators of the demon sect are vicious and do all kinds of evil. I am ashamed to be with them, and in my heart, the sword is A gentleman's tool, if a wicked person learns to use a sword, it will only tarnish the name of a swordsman!"

Lin Jichen looked at this unattractive man in surprise. Although this man looked ugly, he had a rare decent heart.

He thought for a while and said, "Are you interested in joining the Tianyan Sword Sect?"

"Ah?" Wang Ping couldn't believe it.

Lin Jichen smiled, and said: "If you are interested, go to Tianyan Sword Sect, and tell me that I recommended it when you arrive."

"Will I be able to join the sect then? Will the elders of the sect agree?" Wang Ping was still a little uneasy.

Lin Jichen said to himself: "Don't worry, if they don't agree, they have to agree."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jichen walked into the depths of the demon forest again without turning his head, leaving Wang Ping where he was, carefully trying to figure out the meaning of his words.

Why did Senior Lin say that if the elder doesn't agree, he has to agree?Isn't he just a disciple?Could it be that words are more effective than elders?Where did the seniors come from...

After Lin Jichen left, Cai Kun really didn't want to go.

But compared to staying here and facing this group of strong men with malicious intentions, he would rather feel safer with Lin Jichen.

The sharp-mouthed man was indeed right, the more he walked in, the more demonic he was, and strange voices kept coming out of the forest.

"My son-in-law...how about we go back..."

As soon as Cai Kun finished speaking, a monster aura suddenly shot up in the forest beside him!


A black shadow quickly flashed out from the forest, with a flash of silver light, the claw blade struck!

Lin Jichen was already prepared, and easily dodged sideways.

However, Cai Kun behind him was not so lucky. He was hit by the claw blade on the spot, bleeding from his chest, and fell to the ground screaming.

"My son-in-law, save me..."

Cai Kun was so frightened that he seemed to have forgotten that he was also a murloc in Nascent Soul Realm. Although the blow was painful, it was not fatal at all.

Soi Ying didn't stop there, but attacked Lin Jichen even more fiercely.

Lin Jichen snorted, "Looking for death!"

Yushuang sword made a move and cut at will.

The black shadow wanted to hide, but Lin Jichen's sword was so tricky that he couldn't dodge it at all.

Stab it!

The black shadow was cut and flew backwards.

Lin Jichen threw out a light chrysalis, illuminating the surrounding area, and he could see clearly that the fallen guy was a wolf demon in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

After the wolf demon was injured, his viciousness became more serious. With a snarl, he charged at Lin Jichen again.

The two sides fought in the forest for several rounds, Lin Jichen was unscathed, and most of the wolf demon's life was lost.

Realizing that he encountered a tough stubble, the wolf demon did not run away, but turned to the sky and howled.

After a while, a lot of the same evil spirit appeared in the forest, and there was even a Nascent Soul Realm.

More than a dozen pairs of green-lighted eyes wandered in the pitch-black demon forest.

Seeing this scene, Cai Kun almost lost his soul, and said in a trembling tone, "My son-in-law... what should I do..."

Lin Jichen said indifferently, "If you don't want to die, you should take out your weapon and fight like a man, instead of just shouting chicken, you are too... Oh no, I just shouted for help."

At this time, more than a dozen wolf demons had already attacked, Lin Jichen did not retreat but advanced, rushed into the group of wolf demons without fear, and killed them with a sword!

Cai Kun also seemed to be stimulated by Lin Jichen, summoned up his courage, sacrificed his meteor hammer like a basketball, and started to fight back.

The battle lasted for a cup of tea, and the wolf monsters fell in a pool of blood until the last wolf monster fell.

Lin Jichen walked out of the darkness soaked in blood. Seeing Cai Kun who had also dealt with the two wolf demons, he joked, "I thought you really didn't grow, but I didn't expect it to be that bad."

Cai Kun forced a proud smile with his pale face, and said, "That's natural, anyway, I'm also one of the murloc warriors!"

Lin Jichen pointed to his wet crotch and asked, "Then what is this, warrior?"

Cai Kun looked down and felt ashamed.

Lin Jichen tidied up these soul graves casually and took them all away.

Although they are all small things, Lin Jichen doesn't dislike them, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat.

What's more, he now has the Qiankun Ring in his hand, so he doesn't have to worry about not having enough space, so he can pretend to be whatever he has!Goose plucks hair!

After packing up, Lin Jichen set off again.


One more~

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