Full-time sword repair

Chapter 925 Re-entering the Demon Realm

Under the cover of Cai Kun, Lin Jichen successfully left the Rakshasa Sea and returned to the long-lost land.

"My son-in-law, that...you go to the Ten Thousand Monsters Territory, that villain will go back first..."

Seeing that Lin Jichen was going to the Ten Thousand Monster Territory, Cai Kun's face turned pale, and he quickly slipped back into the sea with an excuse

"Who allowed you to go?"

Lin Jichen looked at him with a smile.

Cai Kun thought that Lin Jichen was going to kill the donkey, so he was about to cry.

"How do I know if you are lying to me, so you continue to lead the way, and when I find those two people, you can go back."

Lin Jichen said threateningly, "You'd better pray that you didn't fool me."

Cai Kun quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, don't worry, son-in-law, I will never lie to you."

"It's better like this. If I find out that you are playing tricks on me, I will pickle you into a salted fish, then chop it up into eight pieces, and sell it to the cook to make all kinds of salted fish dishes for people to enjoy." Lin Jichen said incredulously Said this with a change of color.

Cai Kun's hairs stood on end, and he scolded Lin Jichen for being a pervert in his heart. This guy is 100% a magician!Otherwise, how could he think of such a vicious method?


Lin Jichen raised his arm and sacrificed the Qingming Sword, the blade expanded and hovered in mid-air.

Lin Jichen flew the sword on his body, and said to Cai Kun, "Come up."

Cai Kun was really scared of Lin Jichen, and hurriedly said: "I don't need my son-in-law, I can fly too."

Lin Jichen didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he directly twisted him, and then flew into the air.

Only then did Cai Kun understand why Lin Jichen didn't let him fly by himself, because he thought he was too slow.

He looked at the exaggerated speed in shock, and thought that it seemed that the geomagnetic mountain in the Rakshasa Sea bound Lin Jichen's hands and feet.

If it was land, Lin Jichen wanted to run away, and no one in the murloc would be able to keep him...

Finally, without being affected by the Geomagnetic Mountain, Lin Jichen is also very happy to control the sword freely.

On the contrary, Cai Kun's face became paler and paler, and he wanted to vomit several times but dared not vomit.

This murloc is the first time he has run out of the Rakshasa Sea, but he has never flown at all...

Looking at the lofty sky, Cai Kun fainted directly.

Lin Jichen didn't care about his virtue, and continued to twist him, galloping all the way to the territory of the ten thousand monsters.

With the blessing of Tianpin Yujianshu, Lin Jichen flew to the territory of Ten Thousand Monsters in less than an hour, but Lin Jichen didn't meet Chu Tianhan and Li Mu along the way.

However, the territory of Wan Yao is very wide, and the two may not come to this position.

Lin Jichen arrived at the location where he entered for the first time.

And compared to the last time, there is no one guarding the Ten Thousand Monster Territory this time.

The original enchantment is also fragmented, extremely loose.

Lin Jichen now completely believes that the demon world is in chaos.

He kicked Cai Kun, who was still unconscious, and Cai Kun vomited on the spot.

And the first time he left the sea, he was very uncomfortable, his face was pale, and his legs were shaking.

Lin Jichen showed no sympathy, and planned to give him some 'physical' stimulation while holding the sword.

Cai Kun hurriedly got up and led the way, walking like a brisk walk.

The two passed through the barrier without hindrance, and the previous teleportation array had also been destroyed.

The forest was so foggy that even the sun couldn't shine in.

There is almost no line of sight, and there is a smear of darkness three meters away.

Covered by such a strong demonic aura, it is impossible to fly at all. If you want to completely enter the territory of ten thousand demons, you can only walk through this demon forest.

However, Lin Jichen was already immune to these circumstances. He took the lead, while Cai Kun followed closely behind him, for fear of getting lost.

Along the way, Lin Jichen saw the corpses of many demon and human races, and there were traces of battle everywhere.

Ever since the murlocs purchased the inner alchemy of the Yaozu at a high price, the territory of the Ten Thousand Monsters has fallen into a situation of internal and external troubles.

Many monks of the human race ventured here for high rewards, just to seize the demon pills and exchange for wealth.

Just as the two continued to go deeper, there was the sound of fighting ahead, and a group of monks were besieging a pig demon.

Under the siege of several people, the pig demon could only scream and finally died under the knife and axe.

Lin Jichen looked at all this indifferently, bypassed these people, and continued to walk inside.


Unexpectedly, someone still saw them and ordered them to stop.

Lin Jichen didn't bother to pay attention to it, but these people immediately surrounded them and stood in front of them.

"I told you to stand down and didn't hear it?" A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said fiercely.

At this time, the rest of the people noticed Cai Kun, who had blue hair parted in the middle, and asked in surprise, "Is this a murloc?"

"That's right, it's the murlocs! Damn it, it's so ugly that it's still in the middle, it's disgusting!"

"Why did the murloc go to the Ten Thousand Monster Territory?"

"Haha, isn't that good, just kill it."

"It's a pity that it's not a female murloc, otherwise it could be caught and sold for a good price."


Cai Kun was so scared that his face turned pale, and he quickly shrank behind Lin Jichen.

The sharp-mouthed man kept looking at Lin Jichen, and he always felt that he looked familiar.

After a careful inspection, the sharp-mouthed man's eyes suddenly widened, and he said in disbelief, "You, you...you are... Taoist Jichen!"

Lin Jichen was a little surprised, and said, "You know me?"

The sharp-mouthed man immediately confirmed it, breaking out in cold sweat, quickly put away his weapon, and knelt down on the ground: "Taoist Jichen, I am blind and offended you, please spare my life."

When the guys beside him heard the name, they all showed shocked expressions, and then they all knelt down, shaking like chaff.

Cai Kun was a little confused, what's going on?what's going on?They were obviously so fierce just now, why did they kneel down all at once?

"Answer my question first." Lin Jichen asked quietly.

The sharp-mouthed man nodded hastily: "Taoist Jichen, I have been to the Immortal Ascension Conference before, please forgive me for my disrespect."

Lin Jichen was not angry, and said, "Forget it, you didn't do anything to me, and I'm not a demon cultivator, so I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Cai Kun curled his lips in disdain, cut!Who will believe this!He is definitely a magician!The out-and-out big devil!

The sharp-mouthed man felt relieved, but Lin Jichen continued to ask, "Are you here to hunt the demon pill?"

The sharp-mouthed man nodded quickly: "Yes, we are all casual cultivators, and we formed a team together."

Lin Jichen just wanted to know about the Yaozu, so he asked the sharp-mouthed man some questions.

Unexpectedly, the sharp-mouthed man knew quite a lot, and he said everything.

Lin Jichen learned some important information from him. The civil strife in the demon clan was serious. Because of the melee, many small demon kingdoms were even wiped out.

Now in the demon clan, the tiger demon kingdom and the peacock kingdom are competing for the boss position. I heard that both parties want to completely rule the demon world and end the civil strife.

Moreover, Lin Jichen also got a map of the demon world from the sharp-mouthed man, which marked the geographical locations of almost all the demon clans.

"Is the Fox Clan still there?" Lin Jichen asked abruptly.

The sharp-mouthed man nodded quickly: "It's still there. The Fox Clan is not weak, but they were attacked by the Peacock Clan and lost their territory. Now they are hiding under the protection of the Tiger Demon Kingdom."

Lin Jichen was a little moved, this time he came to the Ten Thousand Monsters Territory, while looking for Chu Tianhan and Li Mu, why don't he look for Xiong Zang...


The author's digression: I have been staring at the house decoration for the past few days, and I come back very late every day. Fortunately, Sake's mother came over and she helped me watch it. I don't have to worry about it from tomorrow, and the update will resume tomorrow!

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