Full-time sword repair

Chapter 924 A Congratulatory Gift to Your Door

"There's an island here, you go chase someone first, I'll see if there's anything suspicious here, and I'll be here in a while."

After a group of murlocs passed by the island, a murloc man with blue hair parted in the middle spoke.

The other murlocs knew that he was the steward of the son-in-law's mansion with a high status, so they listened to him and continued to chase him.

And this man with a middle-parted hairstyle came to this island alone.

He first checked the island to make sure there were no outsiders, and then he showed a sly smile.

"What a godsend, hahaha, it's my turn to get rich, Kunkun!"

Cai Kun couldn't hide his excitement.

Just now when he heard that the son-in-law was kidnapped in the son-in-law's mansion, he didn't immediately follow the princess to look for it. Instead, he sneaked into the backyard and sneaked into the room next to the son-in-law's wedding room.

After opening the door, he found that the mountain of congratulatory gifts inside had not been moved.

So Cai Kun had a bold idea, that is to take these congratulatory gifts privately!Put the blame on the kidnappers.

Anyway, there was no one in the Prince Consort's Mansion, so no one would know that he took these congratulatory gifts.

Even if the princess found out afterwards, she probably wouldn't care about these gifts.

Cai Kun did what he said, stole all these congratulatory gifts, and hid them in his storage ring.

But he was still afraid of being examined by the princess one by one, so just in case, he decided to hide this batch of wealth outside the Murloc tribe.

After the turmoil subsides in the future, he will secretly come back to pick it up.

Thinking of this, Cai Kun almost grinned.

He searched the island casually, and happened to find a deserted cave, and walked in.

The cave was dark, and Cai Kun didn't care, but took out all the congratulatory treasures, and started digging a hole, preparing to bury them in the ground, so that it would be safe.

"Get rich, get rich, haha, with these treasures, I, Cai Kun, will definitely be able to make a fortune in the future, hehe."

While thinking about the bright future, Cai Kun worked hard to dig a hole, unaware that there was a figure standing behind him at some time.

"Steward Cai, you are really a good housekeeper."


Cai Kun was so frightened by the sudden voice that he almost burst into urine, he turned his head reflexively, and when he saw this person, the smile on his face froze immediately.

It was replaced by panic and despair.

"Consort...consort...consort...you...you you...why are you here..."

Cai Kun's teeth were chattering up and down, and his speech was like epilepsy.

Lin Jichen looked at him with a smile, and said, "If I wasn't here, how would I know that you have the guts to guard yourself?"

Cai Kun's heart froze, and the thought of desperately flashed through his mind, but when he thought of Lin Jichen's strength in the martial arts arena, his fighting spirit disappeared immediately.


Cai Kun fell to his knees and begged: "My son-in-law, the villain knows his mistake. I am obsessed with money for a while, please let me go. The villain is willing to be a cow and a horse for the son-in-law, and I have no complaints!"

Lin Jichen smiled and said, "I don't need a duplicitous dog like you."

Cai Kun burst into tears immediately, and in order to show his ultimate value, he hurriedly said: "My son-in-law, as long as you don't kill me, I am willing to take you out of the Rakshasa Sea!"

"Do you think I will believe what you say?"

Cai Kun hurriedly explained: "What I said is true, my son-in-law, there are murloc guards all over the sea looking for you now, and you will definitely not be able to escape their search if you kill me."

"And our murlocs have racial sympathies with each other. As long as you take me with you, I can help you avoid the pursuit of all the murlocs and leave the Rakshasa Sea."

Lin Jichen hesitated when he heard the words, and first asked what happened last night.

Cai Kun didn't dare to hide anything, and told everything he knew.

After listening to his description, Lin Jichen probably guessed that he appeared at the entrance of this cave. It should be Chu Tianhan and Li Mu who temporarily hid him here to escape from the pursuit.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen finally agreed to his suggestion.

He originally wanted to wait for Li Mu and Chu Tianhan here, but he was worried about the safety of Li Mu and Chu Tianhan, so he decided not to sit still.

"Lead the way, remember, if you can't take me out of the Rakshasa Sea, at worst, I'll go back to the murlocs and continue to be a son-in-law. Anyway, I was kidnapped by someone, and if I go back to the murlocs, I will expose you for guarding and stealing." Things, I don’t know if you will survive or not.”

Lin Jichen reminded leisurely.

When Cai Kun heard it, his expression was as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit. He didn't expect that he would transfer the treasure, but Lin Jichen happened to catch him.

God, why do I carry my back like this?

But at this moment, Cai Kun only wanted to survive, so he didn't dare to think about anything else, so he quickly said with a smile on his face, "Oh son-in-law, don't worry, I, Cai Kun, will definitely try my best to take you out of the Rakshasa Sea!"

Of course Lin Jichen knew that he was forced to serve him, but he didn't care at all. As long as he had this reason, Cai Kun would definitely listen to him.

He walked unhurriedly to the congratulatory gifts, and put them all into his storage ring.

Cai Kun's heart was bleeding when he saw it. He had these things at his fingertips, but it was just a bit too far-fetched, and now he has nothing.

Lin Jichen not only took away these congratulatory gifts, but also snatched his storage ring and checked it carefully in order to make sure that the kid was not hiding anything.

After confirming that no private goods were hidden, Cai Kun was allowed to lead the way.

Cai Kun wanted to cry but had no choice but to resign himself to his fate and take Lin Jichen to leave the island.

To be on the safe side, Lin Jichen left a line of writing in the cave, fearing that Li Mu and the others would not find him when they came back.

With Cai Kun leading the way, Lin Jichen was safe all the way. As long as there was a murloc approaching nearby, Cai Kun would know immediately, and then took Lin Jichen to hide.

The two fled all the way to the outskirts of the Rakshasa Sea, but Lin Jichen didn't only care about himself.

The two found a place to rest, but Lin Jichen was still ordering Cai Kun.

"Now you go to a group of murlocs to find out if you have found the two 'kidnappers', and then come back and report to me. Remember that if you dare to run away, I will go back to the murlocs to expose your crimes."

Cai Kun smiled bitterly after hearing this, and could only obey obediently.

Not long after he left, he turned back and told Lin Jichen the bad news. Tie Shengyi found Li Mu and Chu Tianhan and recognized them.

And at this time, Tie Yanhao also learned of this, and was very annoyed, but because he had something important to do and couldn't make a move, he still sent two generals of the ethnic group to chase and kill them.

After hearing this, Lin Jichen's expression darkened, and he hurriedly asked, "Where did they escape?"

Cai Kun replied honestly: "I heard from the group of guards that one of them was severely injured, and the most powerful remaining one temporarily forced the two murloc generals to retreat, and fled with his accomplices in the direction of the Ten Thousand Monsters Territory."

"The Territory of Ten Thousand Monsters?" Lin Jichen was startled.

Cai Kun nodded, and said: "The villain dare not hide the truth from the son-in-law. The Ten Thousand Monsters Territory is the closest to the Rakshasa Sea. If they want to escape, they can only escape there. I just don't know if they can escape..."

Lin Jichen got up immediately and decided to go to the Ten Thousand Monster Territory!

two more

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