Full-time sword repair

Chapter 923 Continue to flee

Chu Tianhan led the way, Li Mu escaped from the son-in-law's mansion with Lin Jichen on his back, rushed out of the murloc tribe, passed through the abyss under the sea, and finally left the underwater world.

"Haha, it's finally out!" Li Mu said with a smile for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"Don't get too excited, this is still the Rakshasa sea area, hurry up, it's safe to leave the sea area." Chu Tianhan said calmly.

Li Mu didn't dare to stay, and hurriedly sacrificed the magic weapon of the ferry.

Even though it was still late at night, it was very unsafe at sea, and it was very easy to be attacked by sea beasts.

But at this moment, Li Mu and Chu Tianhan didn't care about these things anymore, and the three of them escaped by boat on the sea, taking advantage of the darkness, and fled all the way to the coast.

And on the bottom of the sea, the murloc tribe, the son-in-law's mansion.

Tie Shengyi, who went back to sleep, tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep, feeling faintly that something was wrong.

She suddenly remembered that when she heard the two maids detoxifying Lin Jichen in the wedding room just now, it seemed that Li Mu was the only one calling.

The other most beautiful maid didn't say a word or make a sound from the beginning to the end.

A little uneasy Tie Shengyi got up and decided to go back and have a look.

However, when she returned to her wedding room, she was surprised to find that the door was opened. She realized something was wrong and rushed into the room immediately.

The next second, she rushed out of the house with an ugly face, and immediately summoned all the servants and maids of the consort's mansion to look for Lin Jichen in the mansion.

However, the Prince Consort's Mansion has been searched over and over, but nothing has been gained.

Tie Shengyi guessed that those two 'handmaids' secretly kidnapped her husband.

She was furious, and directly ordered: "Notify the guards, go to the sea to find it! No matter what, we must find the son-in-law!"

A servant hurriedly asked: "Princess, do you want to go to the palace to inform the king?"

Tie Shengyi was about to nod his head, but then he thought about it, fearing that the father would be furious and punish the son-in-law if he found out, so he hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

"Not for now, let's go find it first!"

After Tie Shengyi finished speaking, he sacrificed his sledgehammer and rushed out of the son-in-law's mansion first. With a large group of troops and a large group of murloc guards under him, he quickly left the murloc tribe and chased towards the sea.

The speed of the murlocs in the sea is unmatched. Not long after, Tie Shengyi rushed out of the sea and commanded his subordinates to search the sea separately.

"All monks at sea will be strictly investigated by this princess, and no one will be let go!"

After Tie Shengyi finished speaking, he twisted the sledgehammer and led several people to pick a direction to chase.

The remaining murloc guards also started to move separately.

The bright moonlight shines on the entire Rakshasa sea area, which looks so quiet, but tonight, it is not destined to be peaceful here.

Chu Tianhan who was sitting on the ferry with his eyes closed and resting his mind suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the end of the rear with deep eyes.

Li Mu also sensed something was wrong, and said, "What's wrong?"

Chu Tianhan said in a deep voice: "They are catching up."

Li Mu was startled, and said, "So fast? We seem to be unable to outrun them, what should we do?"

Chu Tianhan stood up, raised his light sword, and calmly said, "You just drive the boat."

Seeing this, Li Mu didn't talk nonsense, and urged his mana with all his strength, and the ferry speeded up again.

The murloc guards behind them were still much faster than them. They spotted the suspicious ferry in front of them, and immediately caught up, and ordered: "Humans in front! Stop the boat for me! Accept our inspection!"

Li Mu didn't listen at all, and continued on his way.

"It's weird! Stop them!" The murloc guards took action immediately.


At this time, a sword energy swept from the boat, illuminating the night sky.

The murloc guards were stopped, but they were not vegetarians. They continued to follow up and started to fight back against Chu Tianhan.

A clever murloc captain immediately ordered his subordinates to attack the opponent's ferry first.

The three bow-wielding murlocs accurately shot a large number of ice spirit arrows, and Chu Tianhan shot in time to kill all the spirit arrows.

However, more and more attacks were flying towards the ferry, and the murloc captain had already attacked first, Chu Tianhan couldn't care about it alone.

When the ferry was attacked, its speed immediately slowed down, and it began to shake violently, almost throwing Lin Jichen, who was still sleeping, into the sea.

Li Mu immediately sacrificed a defensive magic weapon to block it temporarily.

Seeing this, Chu Tianhan's heart froze, and he slashed out an incomparable golden light sword aura!

The sword energy swept across, and many murloc guards were hit one after another. The murloc captain was even forced back by Chu Tianhan's move, and his pursuit was slow.

Chu Tianhan showed no mercy and continued to attack.

This team of murloc guards suddenly turned on their backs.

After Chu Tianhan beat the murloc captain to serious injuries, he didn't kill him, which would definitely delay more time.

He was afraid that there would be murlocs chasing him from other places, so he told Li Mu to speed up and escape from here.

"Quick! Inform Her Royal Highness that we have found the son-in-law!"

The murloc captain dragged his seriously injured body and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to report.

Soon, the murlocs on the sea immediately gathered in the same direction.

Chu Tianhan and Li Mu sensed that there was another killing intent approaching from behind, and knew that the murlocs might be chasing them again.

Li Mu panicked and said, "We seem to be unable to escape."

Chu Tianhan's face was also serious, but at this moment, a small island appeared in front of him.

Chu Tianhan had an idea and had an idea.

"Let's go to the island first and find a cave to hide Lin Jichen before we escape. As long as he's not there, those murlocs might not be able to recognize us."

Li Mu thought it made sense.

The two went to the island immediately and hurriedly hid Lin Jichen in a cave.

The two of them left the island in a hurry before leaving any notes and signals for Lin Jichen, and continued to flee.

And the group of murloc guards behind them chased the ferry, but they didn't find that the son-in-law they were looking for was hidden on the island.

Time passed little by little, the moon set on Jinshan, and a white belly floated in the sky.

Ding!You are sober!The energy recovery of the game cabin is complete!

Lin Jichen slowly opened his eyes.

In fact, he was also very depressed. Besides being drunk, his game cabin just reached the seven-day time limit last night.

So Lin Jichen had no choice but to quit the game and rest for the night.

Because he was so concerned about escaping with Chu Tianhan and the others, Lin Jichen didn't have much rest all night, and he was absent-minded. As soon as the game cabin recovered, he immediately returned to the cabin.

It's no wonder Lin Jichen, since he came to the Rakshasa Sea, he never had time to rest.

Other than the sea beasts, they were captured and taken to the Murloc tribe, and then forced to become son-in-law.

During this period of time, he was not given a chance to rest for a while.

After waking up, Lin Jichen thought for the first time that he was still in the son-in-law's mansion, but after getting up, he realized that he was lying in a dark cave.

There was no one around.He seems to have been abandoned here.

Lin Jichen scratched his head in confusion, he really wanted to know what happened last night?

At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the cave...



one more

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