"That... the princess is inconvenient today, you can detoxify the son-in-law for me!"

Hearing Tie Shengyi's words, Li Mu and Chu Tianhan were dumbfounded on the spot.

Ask them to detoxify Lin Jichen? ? ? ?What a mess!

Chu Tianhan's face darkened immediately.

Li Mu hurriedly declined and said: "Princess, this is impossible, today is the wedding night for you and your son-in-law, we are just maids, how can we do it."

But Tie Shengyi didn't care and said: "What are you afraid of? I won't say that no one will know. Don't worry, I will hide the truth for you."

Li Mu still shook his head like a rattle, and said: "Princess, think twice, we are just maidservants, how can we have sex with the son-in-law, you should do it."

Tie Shengyi said impatiently: "Go as soon as you are told, this is an order, besides, maids have been obliged to warm the bed since ancient times, so you should check the body of the son-in-law for the princess first, go quickly, if the son-in-law is healthy If the disease cannot be detoxified in time, I only ask you!"

Seeing that the princess insisted on this, the two gentlemen could only walk into the wedding room aggrieved.

"The princess is waiting outside. If you don't warm the bed for the son-in-law seriously, you will be expelled from the son-in-law's mansion and sent to my father!"

Tie Shengyi outside did not forget to threaten.

"Damn it, it doesn't make sense..."

Chu Tianhan gritted his teeth with a dark face, wishing he could give up his disguise and go out.

Fortunately, Li Mu hurriedly stopped him and said, "Elder brother, don't be impulsive. Once exposed, the three of us may not be able to leave."

Chu Tianhan naturally knew this was the truth, so he had no choice but to endure it.

But the question before them now is how to fool Tie Shengyi, and how to detoxify Lin Jichen?

"Eldest brother, what should we do? If Junior Brother Lin continues like this, he might be bitten by the evil insects and easily die from bloodshed."

"You and I don't have an antidote, what else can we do? Go and purify him."

Chu Tianhan turned his head away and said.

Li Mu rolled his eyes and said, "How can I vent his anger as a man? Senior brother, why don't you go yourself?"

At this time, Tie Shengyi's urging sounded from outside the door again: "Why is there still no movement, if this happens again, I will send you to the king father!"

Li Mu was startled, and jumped anxiously: "It's over, it's over, big brother, think of a way."

Chu Tianhan shook his head helplessly, feeling very tired.

He walked to the bed and looked at Lin Jichen who was already on fire.

In the end, he didn't choose to ignore it, but took off the jade pendant around his neck and hung it on Lin Jichen.

The whole body of this jade pendant is cold and exudes pure aura.

"What is this?" Li Mu asked curiously.

Chu Tianhan explained without turning his head: "This is the soul-sustaining jade that my master gave me. It can calm the mind and temporarily suppress all diseases and demons. Use it to temporarily suppress the evil insect poison in this guy's body."

"So that's the case, that's good." Li Mu was overjoyed.

Chu Tianhan hung his most important personal jade pendant around Lin Jichen's neck.

Sure enough, as soon as the jade pendant was hung, Lin Jichen's condition immediately improved and gradually stabilized.

But Chu Tianhan said to Li Mu: "The rest will be left to you."

"Leave it to me? What do you mean?" Li Mu asked puzzled.

Chu Tianhan sat down on a chair beside him leisurely, and said, "Of course you will be responsible for dealing with the Murloc princess outside."

"How to deal with it? I can't go out and kill her, can I? She just saved us once." Li Mu said.

Chu Tianhan looked teasingly, and said: "I didn't ask you to kill people, I just asked you to make a sound, just to fool the mermaid princess outside."

"Make noise..."

Li Mu finally understood, widened his eyes, and said, "Are you asking me to make a bed???"

Chu Tianhan held back his smile and said calmly, "It's fine if you want to understand it this way."

Li Mu groaned, and said, "No way! I'm an old man, how can I call a bed? Besides, why don't you call me!"

Chu Tianhan gloated and said, "You know how to imitate female voices, but I can't. Of course it was you who called me. I've already done my best. Now it's your turn."

Li Mu's expression became very exciting.

At this time, Tie Sheng outside thought that there had been no movement inside, and was about to enter the house to check.

Chu Tianhan hurriedly urged: "Hurry up!"

Li Mu was so excited that he could only squeeze his throat and bite the bullet: "Ah!"

This sound almost sent Chu Tianhan away.

But fortunately, Tie Shengyi did not enter the room after shouting, but retreated blushing.

Seeing that he had already yelled, Li Mu simply went all out, and began to release himself.

"Ah, don't be a son-in-law, take it easy"

Chu Tianhan wanted to laugh at first, but when he heard the back, his stomach twitched, and he looked at Li Mu with a chill.

Worried that his ears would be polluted, he quickly covered his ears, stepped aside, and let Li Mu play freely.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Chu Tianhan walked away, Li Mu completely entered the state, screaming so loudly.

Hearing the Tie Shengyi outside, his face turned red and his heart beat faster.

"Isn't the matter between a man and a woman just to sleep? Why is this maid calling so promiscuously happy? Could it be that I made a mistake?"

Tie Shengyi thought to himself, she really wanted to ask, but she was too embarrassed to approach, so she had to make up her mind to ask tomorrow, what is the matter between men and women.

In this way, Li Mu yelled for a whole hour, his throat was almost dry, and it was over.

He was sweating profusely and reported to the outside: "Princess, the son-in-law is fine."

Tie Shengyi outside seemed embarrassed to come in, so he could only say: "The princess, don't worry, you have saved the son-in-law today, and you have contributed a lot. Don't worry, the princess is not such a stingy person. From today on, you are the son-in-law's little brother." Concubine, I will serve the concubine together with this princess, and we will be called sisters from now on."

Li Mu and Chu Tianhan rolled their eyes when they heard this, this princess really has a big heart

Tie Shengyi said at this time: "Since the son-in-law is fine, I won't go in. The two younger sisters will stay and sleep with the son-in-law tonight. I will wake you up tomorrow morning."

After Tie Shengyi finished speaking, he left.

Li Mu and Chu Tianhan were overjoyed when they saw Tie Shengyi left. In this case, they could escape easily.

The two breathed a sigh of relief for a while, and both sat down slumped, feeling very tired.

Turning his head to look at Lin Jichen who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, the two of them were not at odds with each other, if it wasn't for this guy, they wouldn't have sacrificed so much.

It's women's clothing, makeup, and pretending to be a woman to make a bed...

"Junior Brother Lin enjoyed it, but we have suffered a lot. When he wakes up, he must make him compensate us!" Li Mu muttered.

Chu Tianhan just closed his eyes and meditated, too lazy to speak.

In the middle of the night, the Prince Consort's Mansion became completely quiet, and all the guests also went back.

Three figures slipped out of the wedding room quietly.

Li Mu carried Lin Jichen, who was still drunk, and together with Chu Tianhan, under the moonlight, successfully flew out of the son-in-law's mansion.

two more

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