Full-time sword repair

Chapter 921 Detoxify me!

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this is the first time we saw Your Majesty, we were too nervous to speak."

In desperation, Li Mu suddenly spoke.

To Chu Tianhan's surprise, Li Mu was able to imitate a female voice, and it was a special meow voice...

Hearing Li Mu's loud voice, Chu Tianhan's stomach twitched, and he even began to seriously doubt Li Mu's sexual orientation.

But right now, thanks to Li Mu's 'unique skill'.

Tie Yanhao didn't doubt it when he heard it, he laughed and said: "So that's the case, the beauty is fine, and the orphan doesn't eat people, come, say something and let the orphan listen to your voice."

Chu Tianhan raised his throat again, Li Mu can make a clip sound, but he can't...

Li Mu didn't move anymore. At this moment, he hoped that Tie Yanhao was interested in him and not Chu Tianhan.

Just when Chu Tianhan and Li Mu thought that the matter would finally be revealed, the door of the wedding room opened, and Feng Guanxia's beautiful Tie Shengyi came out angrily.

As soon as she came out, she scolded Tie Yanhao unceremoniously: "Father! You are too much, you made my husband look like this, and even molested my maid! See if I don't complain to my mother!"

Tie Yanhao immediately stood there in embarrassment, put away his 'salty trotters', and said with a sneer: "Holy Yi, you misunderstood, the father passed by here after drinking too much, passing by haha."

Tie Shengyi pursed her red lips and said, "I don't believe it, father, you should leave quickly, or you'll be messing around again if I don't tell the queen."

Tie Yanhao was unwilling, but he was also afraid that his daughter would go to his wife to complain, so he had to give up tonight's "hunting beauty" trip.

He wasn't in a hurry, anyway, the maid couldn't run away, so he could take it down sooner or later, hehe, this beauty, he had to get it!

Thinking of this, Tie Yanhao hurriedly ran away, and Cai Kun was also afraid that the mistress would turn her anger on him, so she also hurriedly left.

Seeing that Tie Yanhao had gone far away, Chu Tianhan and Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief, they almost thought they had to explain here.

Fortunately, Tie Shengyi came forward in time, so that the two of them did not reveal their identities.

The two saluted Tie Shengyi and wanted to leave.

However, Tie Shengyi stopped them.

"The son-in-law seems to have drunk too much. Come in, help me, and wash him."

Chu Tianhan and Li Mu looked at each other, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and turn back.

After the two entered the house, Lin Jichen was lying on the marriage bed, drunk and unconscious.

Tie Shengyi muttered dejectedly: "It's all my father's fault for making my husband look like this, and I even lifted the red hijab myself."

"Go get a basin of water, stay here and help me take off the clothes of the son-in-law."

Tie Shengyi directed the two of them, rolled up his sleeves, and came to Lin Jichen, stroking his cheek in distress.

Li Mu obediently went to fetch water, while Chu Tianhan came to the bed nervously.

Seeing that he was indifferent, Tie Shengyi urged: "Why are you still standing there, get started."

Chu Tianhan sighed helplessly in his heart, and could only step forward to help Lin Jichen undress.

At this time, Lin Jichen's venomous toxin had already exploded, and Lin Jichen, who was out of control, began to act dishonestly, feeling that someone around him was taking off his clothes.

Lin Jichen grabbed the opponent's wrist with his hands, and then began to scratch and touch the opponent's body.

Before Chu Tianhan could react, his chest was stabbed by Lin Jichen.

Chu Tianhan almost couldn't resist punching Lin Jichen.

But with the princess by his side, he could only hold his chest, not letting Lin Jichen continue.

Let him grab it again, and the steamed buns filled inside will be crushed to reveal the stuffing...

But the evil insect toxin in Lin Jichen's body had completely exploded, and he attacked Chu Tianhan again uncontrollably, and even began to pick Chu Tianhan's clothes in reverse.

The steamed bun on Chu Tianhan's chest almost fell out, he quickly dodged and hid to one side pretending to be scared, not daring to get closer.

Tie Sheng felt that something was wrong with her husband, so he hurried over to check, and his chest was also attacked immediately.

She snorted coquettishly, her face blushing suddenly.

"The stinky husband hurts me so much"

Lin Jichen couldn't hear him at all, and continued to go his own way, trying to strip off Tie Shengyi's wedding dress.

Tie Shengyi was a little frightened by his hunger and thirst, and also stepped aside.

"Husband, what's the matter..."

Seeing that Lin Jichen's whole body was flushed, especially the high base propped up by his trousers, Tie Shengyi's face was as red as blood, and he turned his head away in embarrassment.

Chu Tianhan also realized that something was wrong, he stepped forward to check for a while, and immediately confirmed that Lin Jichen had been poisoned by the poisonous insect poison.

But he couldn't speak a female voice, so he could only keep silent.

At this time, Li Mu filled a basin of water and returned to the wedding room. Seeing Lin Jichen's appearance, he immediately recognized Lin Jichen's symptoms.

He quickly squeezed his throat and said to Tie Shengyi: "Your Highness, the son-in-law has been poisoned by the evil insect poison."

"Evil insect toxin? What is that?" Tie Shengyi was puzzled.

Li Mu immediately explained to Tie Shengyi, Tie Shengyi was surprised after hearing this, "Who dares to poison the son-in-law?"

Li Mu thought about it for a while, and guessed: "Princess, it is estimated that the king and queen wanted to match you and your son-in-law to have a child in the bridal chamber as soon as possible, so they used this trick."

Tie Shengyi was immediately ashamed and angry. If she hadn't cared about her husband's safety, she would have rushed to the palace to settle accounts with her father.

"Then what should we do? Go find the antidote!" Tie Shengyi urged Li Mu.

Li Mu smiled wryly: "Your Highness, where will I go to find the antidote at this hour and a half, there is only one way for now."

"Say it quickly."

Li Mu smiled wretchedly, and said: "Of course it is Her Royal Highness who hastened to bridal with the son-in-law. As long as the anger of the son-in-law is vented, the poison will naturally be cured, and judging by the appearance of the son-in-law, the poison is not deep. As long as the princess pays a little, the poison will be cured." It will be resolved soon."

After speaking, Li Mu said very sensiblely: "We will leave first, and the consort will be handed over to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

After Li Mu finished speaking, he left the wedding room, Chu Tianhan clutched his aching chest, and hurriedly left the room.

Chu Tianhan scolded Lin Jichen in his heart, this kid had better not wake up, or he would have to beat him to death!

As soon as the two of them walked out of the house, Tie Shengyi gave an order: "Don't go too far, just stand by the door, and I'll call you again if there is a situation."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Li Mu had no choice but to agree, and the two of them acted as security outside the door...

In the wedding room, only Lin Jichen and Tie Shengyi were left.

Tie Sheng wanted to detoxify Lin Jichen, but she knew nothing about how to detoxify the poison.

And as soon as I passed by, the **** was scratched and itchy.

Tie Shengyi, who had never experienced such a thing, suddenly had an idea. She quickly broke free from Lin Jichen's bad hands, tidied up her messy clothes, and walked out of the wedding room.

Li Mu and Chu Tianhan didn't expect how Tie Shengyi came out, and just about to ask a question, Tie Shengyi said shocking words.

"That... I'm inconvenient today, you can detoxify the son-in-law for me!"

Li Mu: "???"

Chu Tianhan: "???"

one more

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