In the evening, the red lights of Prince Consort’s Mansion were shining brightly, full of joy.

Under the encouragement of Li Mu and Chu Tianhan, Lin Jichen finally chose to continue acting and led the wedding party to the palace.

When they came to the palace, Tie Yanhao and the queen had been waiting in the hall for a long time, and almost all members of the royal family, ministers and generals were present.

"You have to treat Gu's daughter well in the future. If you let her be wronged, Gu will not spare you."

Tie Yanhao sat on the throne and warned with a smile.

Lin Jichen nodded guiltily: "Don't worry, I will."

Tie Yanhao was dissatisfied and said: "Aren't you willing to be called Gu?"

Lin Jichen had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "Father."

People have to bow their heads under the eaves

Only then was Tie Yanhao satisfied, and then the queen gave Lin Jichen a few more instructions.

Next, the bride was welcomed out by the palace maids, and under the witness of everyone, Lin Jichen and Tie Shengyi worshiped heaven and earth.

Then, Lin Jichen picked up the bride without hindrance, and returned to the consort's mansion.

Many members of the royal family of the murlocs and the ministers also came to congratulate the son-in-law's mansion, and they all brought expensive gifts.

As the butler, Cai Kun stood at the door with his chest upright to greet all the guests who came.

Once upon a time, he was just an insignificant person in the murlocs, but now, his life has reached its peak.

Seeing that those high-ranking nobles and officials had to be polite to him when they came over, Cai Kun felt very proud.

"Cai Steward, just now the son-in-law told us to send all the congratulatory gifts to the room next to the wedding room." A servant came over and told.

Cai Kun was a little strange, why did the son-in-law put the gift next door to the wedding room?Are you so eager to receive gifts...

"Then hurry up and put it away, why do you still ask me? Can you eat oil cakes? What is it if the son-in-law says it, so you don't need to think about it. Hurry up and send it over! Clumsy, steamed mullet!"

Cai Kun immediately asked people to put the congratulatory gifts of princes and ministers in the positions requested by Lin Jichen.

The wedding banquet is about to begin, and Tie Yanhao and the queen also came to the scene.

Then it's time to drink!

After a while, the house was full of wine and wine, singing and dancing.

For fear of attracting attention, Chu Tianhan and Li Mu, who were dressed as women, hid among a large number of maids and poured wine for the guests.

It would be easier to be found if it was hidden. The more dangerous the place, the safer. The two of them thought for a while and decided to hide in this lobby.

Sure enough, even Tie Yanhao didn't notice anything unusual about them.

And as the wedding banquet began, Lin Jichen, as the groom's official, naturally couldn't escape the banquet.

First he was poured a few big bowls by Tie Yanhao, and then he was forced to drink back and forth with all the guests.

Even Lin Jichen, a Nascent Soul cultivator, couldn't withstand the ravages of so much spirit wine, and soon became dizzy and staggered.

Seeing that Lin Jichen was dying, Tie Yanhao suddenly asked someone to bring a bowl of wine, then secretly sprinkled something in it, and called Lin Jichen.

"Seeing that you're drinking like this, Gu will offer you a last bowl. Even if you have an explanation today, you can leave after drinking."

Lin Jichen was overjoyed after hearing this, and of course he didn't want to drink if he could not drink it.

He immediately picked up the bowl and gulped it down. Chu Tianhan and Li Mu took a look at it, and quickly took the opportunity to step forward and take him to the wedding room under the guise of helping the son-in-law.

And Tie Yanhao laughed out loud after seeing Lin Jichen leave.

The queen also laughed and said, "Your Majesty, isn't it a little bad for us to do this?"

Tie Yanhao said disapprovingly: "I can see that this kid is absent-minded. This time, I have to let them cook the raw rice. I don't have much magic insect powder. It will only add to the fun and not hurt you. Don't worry, the queen." gone."

The queen was also relieved when she heard the words, she also drank some wine and didn't want to stay here any longer, so she went back to the palace first.

As soon as Tie Yanhao saw that the queen was gone, he immediately called Cai Kun, the housekeeper.

"What is the king's order?"

Tie Yanhao showed a manly smile, and asked softly, "What's the name of the maid who helped the son-in-law just now?"

"Eh... back to the king, there are two maids, which one are you talking about?"

"Of course it's the one with the prettiest one, the one with the most upturned butt. I just saw it. This girl is as shameless as a moon. It's a pity to be a maid."

Tie Yanhao stroked his beard while talking, and the figure of the maid just now appeared in his mind, and his heart was surging.

Tie Yanhao is also a flirtatious king, often stealing food outside behind the queen's back, how can he not be moved by seeing such a beauty this time.

In particular, he also drank a lot of wine, and when he was in high spirits, the desire in his heart could not be restrained long ago.

Cai Kun replied respectfully: "This... villain is not too clear, but don't worry, the king, I will ask her to come and drink with the king!"

Tie Yanhao thought for a while, and said: "It's fine to accompany the wine, so many princes and ministers seem to have a bad influence, you can just take me to find her, I just want to have a romantic encounter!"

"Okay my lord!" Cai Kun immediately took Tie Yanhao to the bathroom as an excuse, and the two also went to the backyard.

Chu Tianhan and Li Mu here sent Lin Jichen to the wedding room, both of them had sad expressions on their faces.

"How did Junior Brother Lin drink like this? He wouldn't just pass out from drinking, right? How could he escape at that moment?" Li Mu whispered.

Chu Tianhan calmly said: "At worst, you can carry him on your back, as long as you last until midnight."

"That's right, then let's just wait here, big brother, do you think that Junior Brother Lin will have something between husband and wife with that fishman princess?" Li Mu teased.

Chu Tianhan was obviously not interested in guessing such things. He was just about to speak when someone patted his buttocks.


"Haha, what a beauty, little beauty, let's talk to Gu."

Chu Tianhan was so excited that he almost kicked off, but he immediately turned his head.

When he saw that it was Tie Yanhao, ten thousand mud horses flew through his mind.

The anger that had just risen in him dissipated immediately, replaced by fear.

And Li Mu next to him was already dripping with cold sweat, at a loss for what to do.

Fortunately, Tie Yanhao didn't seem to hear their conversation, and kept looking at the 'beauty' in front of him.

"Tsk tsk, she's really beautiful. Gu has never seen such a beauty before. This girl should only exist in the sky. Haha, even Gu's heart is moved."

After Tie Yanhao finished speaking, he grabbed Chu Tianhan's hand domineeringly, and the other hand climbed onto Chu Tianhan's waist, and his smile became more obscene.

Cai Kun was still booing from the side: "Your Majesty has taken a fancy to you, you are really lucky, why don't you take good care of Your Majesty?"

While Chu Tianhan had goosebumps all over the floor, he was extremely nervous, he didn't dare to speak, he knew that if he opened his mouth, he would be exposed.

At this time, Tie Yanhao also noticed something was wrong, and asked in confusion: "Why don't you speak, beauty?"

Chu Tianhan and Li Mu turned pale at the same time, it's over...


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