"Eldest brother, is there a way to escape?"

Lin Jichen hurriedly asked, Li Mu was unreliable.

Chu Tianhan pondered for a moment, and said: "It is not difficult to escape from the son-in-law's mansion. The difficulty is that once you disappear, I am afraid that the people in the mansion will soon find out. We have to leave the Murloc tribe and cross the abyss under the sea. It's far away, so you have to find the perfect time."

Lin Jichen also reacted quickly, and said, "You mean to wait for everyone to get drunk and run away at night?"

"That's right." Chu Tianhan nodded.

Lin Jichen smiled bitterly and said, "Then I still have to pay homage to Princess Murloc?"

Chu Tianhan nodded again, and said, "You have to cooperate with them and play the role of son-in-law well."

"I don't want to get married... If my master finds out about this, I will be miserable." Lin Jichen looked up to the sky and sighed.

Li Mu patted Lin Jichen's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, Junior Brother Lin, Senior Brother and I will keep our mouths shut. Let's not say that no one knows, and besides, it doesn't matter if the headmaster knows. It's just a trivial matter. As long as Junior Sister Nangong doesn't know That's it."

Lin Jichen squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, thinking, do you think brother is still that simple head disciple?Not anymore!

"Anyway, you have to last until night, otherwise we might all be left here." Chu Tian warned with a cold face.

Li Mu asked: "Junior brother Lin, you prepared two sets of clothes for us that are worn by servants. It's a fool's errand. I'm afraid it's inconvenient for us to go out now. We can only stay in the son-in-law's mansion so that we can meet you conveniently."

Seeing this, Lin Jichen had no choice but to nod, and came back not long after going out.

However, Lin Jichen didn't bring the servant's clothes, but instead... the maid's clothes.

"Junior Brother Lin, what are you doing?" Li Mu stared and asked.

Lin Jichen said with a look of 'helplessness': "I've searched all over, but there are no clothes for servants, only two sets of maid clothes are left, you can just make up for it."

"Aren't you messing around! How can I wear women's clothing, a dignified man!" Li Mu immediately said he would quit.

Chu Tianhan's expression was very ugly, and he stared at Lin Jichen gloomily.

Lin Jichen spread his hands and said, "I can't help it, I can't blame me if I can't find it."

Seeing that Lin Jichen's expression didn't look like he was lying, Li Mu thought for a moment, and finally decided to change into the maid's costume.

But Chu Tianhan has been indifferent.

After Li Mu changed into women's clothing, he immediately encouraged Chu Tianhan: "Eldest brother, you should change into it too."

Chu Tianhan turned his face away and snorted, "I won't wear it even if I die!"

Li Mu and Lin Jichen looked at each other, and they cast a look in tacit understanding, and immediately controlled Chu Tianhan one after the other.

"I'm hugging senior brother, Junior Brother Lin, quickly take off his clothes and change them for him!" Li Mu urged.

Lin Jichen couldn't help but stretch out his hand and began to force it away.


There was the sound of clothes being torn apart in the room.

Chu Tianhan blushed, afraid that people outside would hear him, so he could only yell at him in a low voice: "You guys... stop! You bastards! You two bastards! Stop!"

"Eldest brother, for our escape plan, you can just feel wronged, it's just a woman's dress, just this time, don't worry, if we don't say it, no one will know."

Lin Jichen tore Chu Tianhan's collar while talking, and soon, Chu Tianhan was stripped off his shirt, revealing his strong fleshy body.

When it was his turn to wear the trousers, Lin Jichen didn't hesitate, and stretched out his hand to grab Chu Tianhan's trouser belt.

Chu Tianhan was going crazy with anger, his face was green.

"Stop! I'll change it! I can't change it myself!"

Facing the two old hooligans, Chu Tianhan could only choose to submit.

Lin Jichen and Li Mu let go of their hands graciously after hearing this, and stepped aside, laughing cheaply.

Chu Tianhan wished he could take out his imperial light sword and stab these two bastards to death.

But the situation forced him, so he could only take the clothes aggrieved, walked behind the screen next to him, and changed into the maid's clothes.

"By the way, second senior brother, why did you dye your hair blue?" Lin Jichen asked curiously.

Li Mu replied: "Eldest brother said that there is a sap of sapphire coral that can dye hair, so we dyed it blue and mixed into the murloc tribe."

At this time Chu Tianhan had already changed his clothes, and walked out of the screen shyly.

When the two saw Chu Tianhan's delicate demeanor, they burst into laughter immediately, enjoying themselves.

Chu Tianhan's face turned green and red for a while, and he gritted his silver teeth before uttering six words: "You two bitches!"

Lin Jichen didn't take it seriously at all, instead he said with a smile: "Eldest brother, don't be angry, it's all for escaping. You see, the second senior brother is also pretending to be a woman."

Chu Tian snorted coldly and didn't want to speak at all.

But Lin Jichen continued to play tricks and said: "Brother, you can't just change your clothes, it's easy for people to see your flaws, you have to put on makeup to do it."

Chu Tianhan clenched his fists tightly and made a loud bang, wishing he could beat that bitch Lin Jichen to death with one punch.

He seriously suspected that Lin Jichen was taking the opportunity to take revenge on his former enemies.

"Put on makeup? We don't know how to do it." Li Mu smiled wryly.

Lin Jichen smiled and said: "I will, I will help you do your makeup!"

"Junior brother Lin can also do makeup?" Li Mu asked in surprise.

Lin Jichen realized that he was almost exposed, so he quickly found an excuse and said, "Oh, mine... was taught to me by my junior sister bored..."

"Okay, then help me get it done first."

Li Mu seemed to have quickly adapted to the role of a woman, probably because he had Chu Tianhan as his comrade in arms, that's why he was so calm.

Lin Jichen was also unambiguous, and immediately put on makeup for Li Mu.

He took out the things from his rouge shop, and started to toss Li Mu.

"Junior brother Lin, you are so skilled in this technique, you must not have dressed as a woman before, have you?" Li Mu asked suspiciously.

Lin Jichen said with a guilty conscience: "Of course not. The main reason is that I have painted for my junior sister and she taught me, so I am so proficient."

Soon, Li Mu, who looked like a woman, was completely finished. Not to mention, it was pretty good-looking, with a kind of Xiaojiabiyu style.

It was Chu Tianhan's turn. Although Chu Tianhan was 1 reluctant, he was still held up by two sluts and pressed on a chair.

Chu Tianhan's face was dark, feeling Lin Jichen's hand touching his face, trying to break free from Li Mu's control several times but was pushed back.

After Lin Jichen finished the operation, he also finished the makeup for Chu Tianhan.

After the full version of Chu Tianhan's women's clothing was released, both Lin Jichen and Li Mu were dumbfounded.

This is not a senior brother, it is clearly a charming senior sister!

"Eldest brother, you look so pretty in women's clothing, you're almost as good as Junior Sister Nangong." Li Mu joked.

Lin Jichen echoed from the side: "Young junior sisters are not as good-looking as senior brothers. When senior senior brothers return to the sect, they will also change into women's clothes, so as to benefit those single juniors."

After finishing speaking, the two laughed cheaply at the same time.

Before they finished laughing, the two of them were kicked out at the same time...


Three shifts

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