Full-time sword repair

Chapter 916 Complete Victory!

In the martial arts arena, there was a lot of noise.

Countless warriors of the murloc race shouted loudly, being warlike, they highly respected this kind of competition, especially this time they still had a chance to win Her Royal Highness the Princess.

This is every young murloc man's dream!

On the top viewing platform, Tie Yanhao looked at Lin Jichen next to him with a playful look, and said mockingly: "Did you see the men of our clan? Do you think you are their opponent?"

Lin Jichen showed disdain, and said lightly: "Do the murlocs judge their strength by their voices? Then I really feel ashamed."

"Bold! How dare you insult my murloc!" A murloc general immediately stood up to teach Lin Jichen a lesson.

Tie Yanhao waved his hand to make him retreat, and said with great interest: "In that case, please start."

Lin Jichen also knew that if he didn't play today, his life would be over.

So under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Jichen stepped forward and appeared in the middle of the martial arts arena in an instant.

Everyone was shocked, and most of the murlocs didn't see Lin Jichen's movements clearly.

Tie Yanhao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was also a little surprised: "Tianpin physical skills? This kid seems to be really talented."

After Lin Jichen took the stage, an old man of the murloc acted as the referee and immediately announced the start of the martial arts competition to recruit relatives.

The first person to come on stage was a man with a swallow jaw and a tiger neck, a big arm and a round waist.

The man was dressed luxuriously, with fierce eyes, full of murderous intent when looking at Lin Jichen.

"My name is Portuzhen. Remember this name so that you can rest in peace under the Nine Springs."

Lin Jichen yawned nonchalantly, and said, "My first opponent, isn't he a funny stage clown?"

Bo Tuzhen's eyes turned cold, he stopped talking nonsense, and suddenly attacked Lin Jichen!

He swung his fist out, and the punch was as strong as a cannonball, and it exploded in the air.

Many murlocs who are familiar with Botuzhen are a little surprised. How did Botuzhen become so much stronger?

Facing Bo Tuzhen's attack, Lin Jichen took his time and stepped lightly, like a dexterous elf, easily dodging Bo Tuzhen's iron fist.

Portu was really surprised by the opponent's speed, but unwillingly, he chose to continue to attack.

However, Lin Jichen easily dodged the repeated attacks, without even using any mana.

Porto was really angry when he saw this.

I saw him running his mana, and the golden gleaming gloves in his hands erupted with terrifying power.

"Covering Sea Fist!"

I saw a fist print several feet in size wrapped in amazing energy, condensed out of thin air, and covered Lin Jichen.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen knew that there was no way to avoid it, so he simply took the sword and slashed!

The sword energy traversed, simple and seemingly understated, but the sword's momentum was like a golden dragon coming out of the abyss, turning into a dazzling sword light, and collided with the fist mark.

Everyone thought that such a simple sword energy would definitely be crushed by Bo Tuzhen's fist.

However, the fact is exactly the opposite. When the fist print touches the sword energy, it collapses on the spot like paper paste!

Bo Tuzhen was also shocked, and before he could recover, the remaining sword force struck him.

Bo Tuzhen reacted in a timely manner and flew out immediately.

The sword passed through his cheek, Botu really felt the burning pain on his face, and when he touched it, there was blood on his hand.

Botu was heartbroken, just a ray of sword energy hit him, and he defeated the defense he was proud of...

But Botu was really not reconciled, he activated his magic power, and the majestic force rose from the ground. The next moment he punched out, the power of the punch burst, and the golden light flowed, like pouring gold.

Lin Jichen was not afraid at all, stepped forward, and once again drew his sword, but this time, Botu's fist was really strong, like crushed tofu, and fell apart again.

Lin Jichen, who didn't want to waste time, took the initiative for the first time.

Bo Tuzhen was stabbed by a sword before he recovered his senses. Under the severe pain, he retreated hastily.

But Lin Jichen entangled him like a ghost, and the shadow of the sword flew.

Bo Tuzhen sacrificed a defensive magic weapon to temporarily block Lin Jichen's sword energy.

Seeing that the basic attack failed, Lin Jichen smiled slightly, and the Yushuang Sword uttered a clear moan.

"Sky Light Slash!"

Botu's real defensive magic weapon cracked on the spot as if being hit hard.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen waved his sword again.


The magic weapon could no longer hold on and shattered on the spot.

Botu really couldn't believe that his magic weapon was chopped into pieces so easily by Lin Jichen.

He yelled violently and tried to fight back, but the gap in strength between the two sides was as big as a bottomless chasm.

Bo Tuzhen, who was also in the Nascent Soul Realm or even in the Nascent Soul Stage, was seriously injured within less than ten rounds with Lin Jichen.

On the other hand, Lin Jichen was unharmed, and he didn't even use much mana.

Botu really couldn't accept this fact, but the severe pain in his body at this time made him completely lose his fighting spirit.

Seeing Lin Jichen attacking with another sword, the frightened Bo Tuzhen sat down on the ground and begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, please don't kill me!"

Lin Jichen's sword stopped in mid-air, retracted it again, and turned back very simply.

Seeing this, Bo Tuzhen felt resentment in his heart, and he chose not to talk about Wude in his brain!

Lin Jichen frowned slightly, he didn't even bother to take out his sword, turned around and punched Bo Tuzhen, and sent him flying.

Seeing this, the referee quickly stopped the game and declared Lin Jichen the winner.

Botuzhen, the young man, refused to accept this fact, stood up and yelled at the referee: "I didn't surrender, so why should I lose!"

He didn't notice that in the stands, Tie Yanhao's face had turned dark, and his father Boqili beside him was dripping with cold sweat.

He was afraid that his son would anger the king, so he rushed down to face Botu, which was really a big fight.

"Useless guy, go back to me!"

Bo Tu was really like a discouraged ball, just like that, he was screwed back by his father.

In this way, the first competition ended with Lin Jichen winning.

But that's just the beginning.

The second, the third...

There were constantly young murloc masters coming up to challenge, but without exception, they were easily defeated by Lin Jichen.

In the ten games, Lin Jichen won all of them, and he didn't even take a break in the middle.

Gradually, Lin Jichen changed from disdain to respect in everyone's hearts.

The murlocs respect force and worship the strong.

Lin Jichen proved his strength with his actions, and also gained the attention of many murlocs.

Tie Yanhao in the stands couldn't help but change his mind about Lin Jichen.

The queen next to her sighed with a smile: "I didn't expect such a good seedling to emerge from the human race. In time, I'm afraid it will be another top powerhouse."

Tie Yanhao was noncommittal, and suddenly said to the guard standing beside him: "This kid has never used his real strength, Dahu, go up and try."

A personal guard came out and said respectfully: "Yes! Your Majesty!"

Then the personal guard flew up and came to the martial arts arena.

After more than a dozen rounds, this personal guard named Duhu also fell to the ground and lost very simply.

Tie Yanhao couldn't help becoming a little annoyed, and he directly ordered all the guards to take turns.


two more

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