Wake up the next day.

Lin Jichen opened his eyes, and found a blue-haired girl curled up in his arms like a lazy kitten.

The delicate and lovely face is like a porcelain doll, which makes people feel affectionate.

But when Lin Jichen looked down and saw the pair of big nainas, he immediately felt his blood spurting, and the sleeping dragon instantly woke up.

Lin Jichen had no choice but to quickly shift his gaze to avoid making mistakes.

As if sensing Lin Jichen waking up, Tie Shengyi opened her sleepy eyes, and when she saw herself lying in Lin Jichen's arms, she blushed pretty.

"Husband, you are awake"

Lin Jichen smiled wryly in his heart, the princess of the murloc really regarded him as her husband.

But now he is under the fence, in order to escape, he can only continue to pretend.

"Well, did you sleep well last night?"

Tie Shengyi yawned, and said honestly: "It's good, but in my dream I always feel something hard is sticking to me. Except for this, everything else is very good. Husband, do you know what's going on?"

Lin Jichen blushed when he heard the words, and he hesitated to explain: "That...maybe I... used to sleep with a weapon, the one holding you should be my sword."

"Is that so..." Tie Shengyi thought it was true and didn't care.

Just as Tie Shengyi was about to say something, the maid's anxious voice came from outside.

"His Royal Highness, the king sent his personal guards here, saying that he will take you and the man you brought back to the hall for accountability."

A trace of fear flashed across Tie Shengyi's face, but luckily she regained her composure thanks to her mother's guarantee yesterday.

"Understood, the son-in-law and I will go there in a while, and let the guards wait outside."

After Tie Shengyi gave the order, he comforted Lin Jichen: "My husband, don't worry, my father respects the strong, as long as you perform well, he will not make things difficult for you."

The two got dressed, followed the murloc guards outside, and headed all the way to the palace hall.

Lin Jichen looked at this mysterious group while walking. It was the first time in his life that he came to the territory of the murlocs, and he could see the underwater palace of the murlocs as soon as he came.

The entire palace was actually made of crystal, gorgeous and magnificent.

You can see rare treasures under the sea everywhere, dazzling in brilliance, swallowing stones into holes, and spitting out stones into flowers.

Lin Jichen walked all the way and finally came to the main hall.

The main hall was full of senior officials of the murlocs.

One of them was a blue-haired middle-aged man wearing a royal robe and a golden crown sitting on the top royal chair.

The man was tall and tall, dressed in a luxurious royal robe, his body was full of aura like an abyss like an ocean, sitting there casually, he looked like a dragon and a tiger.

What caught people's attention was that there was a blue dragon crawling under the man's feet!

As soon as Lin Jichen entered, the man's eyes swept over him, neither angry nor happy, but secretly murderous.

Lin Jichen suddenly felt an invisible momentum lock him firmly, as if he could be pinched to death at will in the next second.

"Ascension Realm..."

Lin Jichen has been with Leng Feiyan for a long time, and he can judge the general strength of the other party at a glance.

He felt bitter, and unexpectedly met another super boss.

He felt that even if he used the soul mark now, it was useless. If the other party really wanted to kill him, the soul mark would not be able to stop him for long.

And the murlocs are thousands of miles away from Mu Xianzhou, even Leng Feiyan might not be able to arrive in time.

After a little consideration in Lin Jichen's mind, he completely gave up the idea of ​​using the imprint of the soul.

If you want to die, die, so as not to implicate Master and Tianyan Sword Sect.

After disregarding life and death, Lin Jichen relaxed for a while, and his eyes became calm.

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the man on the throne.

"Is he really a human monk?"

A palace minister spoke in surprise.

"That's right, it's a human monk. It's outrageous that the princess brought a human monk here."

"Kill this person immediately, lest he escape."

"Human monk? Looks so weak, hey, he must be a coward!"


With the appearance of Lin Jichen, the murlocs in the hall were talking a lot.

At this moment, the man on the throne coughed lightly, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

The man first looked at his daughter, snorted coldly, and said, "Holy Will, do you know that you made a big mistake!"

Tie Shengyi knelt down on one knee, but stubbornly said: "Father, the daughter just found a son-in-law for the father, what's wrong?"

The man patted the dragon chair and asked, "The son-in-law you found for your father is a monk of the human race?"

Tie Shengyi raised his neck and said, "What's the matter? I dare say that there is no young man in the Murloc tribe who is better than him! Only he is worthy of being my Tie Shengyi's husband! No one else is worthy!"

As soon as these words came out, all the young people in the hall showed anger, especially a hooked-nosed young man, who was even more jealous and clenched his fists, wishing he could rush up and beat Lin Jichen to death.

The man on the throne naturally didn't believe it either. He smiled dismissively and said, "Is this person really capable? Can he despise all the outstanding men of our murloc race?"

Tie Shengyi said firmly: "Of course!"

The man laughed back angrily, and said, "Okay! Since you said he can do it, let's see if he can do it."

After finishing speaking, he got up and gave an order: "Gu announces that for the sake of Gu's daughter Shengyi, there is a martial arts contest to recruit relatives. All unmarried youths of the Murloc tribe can come to challenge this person. Whoever can defeat him will be the husband of Shengyi! , go to the Martial Arts Arena!"

After finishing speaking, the man left directly, and his words also caused the shock of all the high-level murlocs.

Your Majesty is going to compete in martial arts to recruit relatives, this is a god-sent opportunity!

Soon the news spread among the murlocs, and all the murloc youths were extremely excited, eager to flex their muscles, win the victory and win the heart of the princess.

Murloc race, martial arts arena.

It was full of people of the murloc tribe and all civil and military officials.

Everyone came to watch the grand event of the princess beckoning.

As long as he can defeat a human monk, he can marry Her Highness the princess, join the royal family, become the son-in-law of the king, and reach the pinnacle of life.

How can everyone miss such a good thing.

Many high-level officials called the young men in the family over, expecting them to perform well and win the victory.

Everyone rushed to be the first to challenge Lin Jichen.

In their view, a human monk is nothing more than an ordinary person, and the murlocs are not inferior to the human race in terms of cultivation talent.

What's more, the murlocs have a natural physical advantage, and this is still the bottom of the sea, their home field!

Therefore, whoever can go first has a high probability of defeating Lin Jichen and becoming the son-in-law.

Many high-level officials began to fight for their own young people to fight for the position of the early challenge.

Soon, Prime Minister Boqili won the first challenge for his son.

He secretly called Portuzhen, and said to him: "You are the first to play, and you must defeat this human monk."

As he said that, Bo Qili stuffed a elixir into his son's hand, and said: "This is a celestial elixir, which can greatly increase the combat power. You can go on the field after taking it."

one more

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