Full-time sword repair

Chapter 917 Unfair Contest

No. 20 field.

Lin Jichen was still undefeated, but he had some wounds on his body, which were irrelevant.

No. 30 field.

Lin Jichen is still undefeated, but he also suffered a lot of injuries.

No. 40 field.

Most of Lin Jichen's mana had been consumed, he had suffered a lot of penetrating wounds, and his white clothes were also stained red with blood.

But Tie Yanhao still didn't let Lin Jichen rest. On the contrary, he made his guards attack Lin Jichen even more crazily.

Because he couldn't accept that a disciple of his own ethnic group was so ravaged by a foreigner and lost so badly.

Tie Yanhao already had killing intent in his heart.

"Father, you are too much! Tell them to stop!"

Tie Shengyi kept protesting, but Tie Yanhao had no intention of stopping.

Tie Shengyi's eyes were red with anxiety, and he wanted to rush down to save Lin Jichen.

However, with a wave of Tie Yanhao's sleeve robe, Tie Shengyi was trapped in place, unable to move.

Tie Shengyi could only cry helplessly, but her cry seemed insignificant.


Lin Jichen once again dealt with a murloc master. He was panting heavily, and the sword in his hand was soaked in murloc blood.

The blood on his body was almost drained, but Lin Jichen still gritted his teeth to hold on.

He knew that even if he surrendered, he would die, and Tie Yanhao would definitely not look at him who is spineless, let alone allow a foreigner to tarnish his daughter's name.

So surrendering is also death, not surrendering is also death, and the worst is to go all out.

The referee stepped forward and was about to shout: "..."

Lin Jichen suddenly interrupted him.

Everyone thought that Lin Jichen was going to surrender, even Tie Yanhao smiled.

"This kid, I finally gave in, hum!"

However, unexpectedly, Lin Jichen made a crazy move.

I saw him standing upright with his head held high, his eyes swept across the audience, and then fixed on Tie Yanhao.

Then, he took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Don't you just want me to lose? Why use such despicable means to play wheel battles? In this case, don't come one by one, it's a waste of time, how many people are there, let me lose Come on, all of them!"

Lin Jichen's eyes were firm, his words were bold and ambitious, and his voice echoed throughout the martial arts arena, so clearly.

The audience was extremely silent, and all the murlocs looked at Lin Jichen in the middle of the ring in disbelief.

How dare this kid openly provoke the king?Don't die?

Tie Yanhao also didn't expect Lin Jichen to be so stubborn, even though he already had this kind of virtue, he still refused to give in.

Tie Yanhao's face darkened, and he said: "Okay! I will help you!"

"Father, don't!" Tie Shengyi, who was trapped, shouted.

The queen next to her was hesitant to speak, but she could only remain silent.

Tie Yanhao's decision was made, and all the guards came to the stage one after another, hundreds of them!

They surrounded Lin Jichen and stared coldly at this ignorant human boy.

Just as he was about to tear it into pieces, Lin Jichen stared at the golden light, his whole body was like a silent volcano being completely ignited.

"Taiyi lightsaber!"

Lin Jichen, who had already secretly gained momentum, was waiting for this moment.


The booming sword chant resounded throughout the universe, and the bright sword energy almost covered the entire world.

A giant sword light and shadow cut down from the void, the sky shook, and the sun and the moon were dark.

All the murlocs on the martial arts arena felt their eyes turn white, and when the sword energy fell, hundreds of guards on the arena suffered disaster.





Huge numbers floated above the heads of all the guards, and everyone was injured by the sword energy, with blood spattered.

Not only that, all of them fell into a state of blindness, with a vast expanse of whiteness in front of them, unable to see the direction clearly.

Dazzling: Temporarily blinds the enemy for 5 seconds.

Lin Jichen knew that he couldn't win, but he just wanted to die standing up, and he didn't want to live on his knees.

When all the personal guards returned to light, Lin Jichen still stood where he was, watching them calmly.

They were angry. As the king's personal guards, they were warriors that the murlocs were proud of.

Now it's fine to fight more and less, but you will suffer a big loss when you come up.

All the guards got angry from their hearts and attacked almost at the same time, wanting to put Lin Jichen to death.

However, the next moment, the Buddha's light suddenly appeared behind Lin Jichen!

"Dharma Dharma image!"

Lin Jichen summoned Bodhidharma, and unceremoniously hit the Tathagata Palm against the guards on the ring.


The arena exploded with golden light, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and people turned on their backs.

However, these personal guards were not idiots, and after reacting, they quickly launched a counterattack.

Hundreds of skills hit the dharma face, and the phantom of the dharma face suddenly dimmed.

Lin Jichen still held his breath and continued to fight.

Soon, Faxiang collapsed, and Lin Jichen also fell to the ground. The scars on his body were even more shocking, life and death were at stake.

However, Lin Jichen seemed to have seen through it, still gritted his teeth and stood up with the sword in place, rushed towards the crowd without flinching, and swung the sword to slash the enemy!

This scene made everyone in the ring stunned, and all the murlocs felt admiration for this human kid in front of them.

In this murloc tribe that respects the strong, Lin Jichen's performance undoubtedly impresses them.

Many murloc girls couldn't help falling in love, and even hoped that Lin Jichen could win this contest.

However, everyone knows that Lin Jichen is just a beast trapped in a cage at the end of his battle. After all, he cannot escape death. Who made him anger the king?

Ding!Your reputation with the murlocs has been raised to: Respect!

But Lin Jichen didn't hear it at all, he still buried himself in the fight.

After another dozens of rounds, Lin Jichen was still defeated after all. He was knocked flying and fell to the ground, with only a trace of blood remaining on his health bar.

But Lin Jichen stood up, this time he didn't rush forward again, but silently retracted the sword, then closed his eyes as if resigned to his fate, and went to die calmly.

All the guards knew that they had won the competition, but none of them were happy. On the contrary, they felt heavy and even felt that the victory was invincible.

A captain of the personal guard stepped forward and solemnly said to Lin Jichen: "You are really strong, we won't be honored to win, but we are also following orders, sorry!"

After finishing speaking, the captain of the personal guard will take Lin Jichen's life.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to make a move, a tall figure stood in front of him.

The captain of the personal guard looked at it and asked in surprise, "Your Majesty?"

Tie Yanhao laughed loudly, looking at Lin Jichen with admiration.

"Okay, our murlocs lost this battle. This kid won very well. I am convinced. If we kill again, our murlocs are still a tribe of warriors!"

As Tie Yanhao said, he stretched out his hand and patted Lin Jichen's shoulder hard, almost missing Lin Jichen's last blood...

"Boy, I agree with you to marry my daughter, and I announce that you are the son-in-law of my murloc royal family! Choose a date to get married!"

Lin Jichen was about to speak, but his exhausted body couldn't hold on any longer, his eyes darkened, and he fell towards Tie Yanhao.

Tie Yanhao hugged Lin Jichen regardless of previous suspicions, and smiled happily.


one more

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