Full-time sword repair

Chapter 907 The first kill of the God Transformation Boss!


"The rewarded Tianpin will no longer trigger the treasure-keeping mode!"

After the death of the phantom whale, all players on the server received this notice.

All players are a little numb.

"Fuck! What the hell? God Transformation boss?"

"Lin Jichen is just a Nascent Soul, right? Can he kill the God of Transformation?"

"I'll be good, I'm in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and it's hard to fight a spiritual boss, what's going on?"

"I suddenly realized that maybe Lin Jichen was right, realm doesn't mean everything."

"What a monster! People are more popular than others~"


And the Wanshi Guild far away in Fengmo Ridge is almost using the power of the whole guild to attack a monster boss in the early stage of transformation.

The members of Wanshi almost fell down in pieces, but the president's death order has been issued, take down this boss at any cost, and grab the first kill!

Therefore, the members of Wanshi didn't care about it, and they were completely using crowd tactics to drag this boss to death.

Almost everyone died two or three times.

Seeing that the monster's blood volume was getting less and less, Wang Jinghao, who was sitting in the distance, was very excited.

"President, there's no need to sacrifice so much to get the first kill..." Zhang Chang still doesn't agree with this approach.

Wang Jinghao chuckled, and said, "What do you know? The first kill at the Nascent Soul Realm is rewarded with an Earth Grade reward, and the first kill at the Transformation God Realm is very likely to be rewarded with Heavenly Grade equipment! All members of our guild died two or three times, and the price was not too high." It’s just a loss of experience, everyone sent red envelopes or contributions from the guild afterwards, can the combined value be compared with a Tianpin?”

"You know that many guilds now want to grab the first kill of the God Realm boss. The purpose is to bet that this first kill reward will be a heavenly grade. We must seize the opportunity!"

Zhang Chang heard the same thing, and immediately flattered Wang Jinghao.

And the Wanshi team in front, Chen Yuan, the number one master in Wanshi, is leading the team to frantically output against the monster boss.

Under his leadership, the team's offense is very good.

But this kid is very thieves, every time the boss wants to amplify his moves, he will run away and let a group of cultivators come over to die for him.

"Everyone, work harder! Take down this boss!"

Seeing that the state of the monster boss was getting worse and worse, Wang Jinghao stood up excitedly, waiting for the moment when the boss fell down and went to open the soul grave!

However, at this time the game announcement suddenly sounded.

The tense heartstrings of the Wanshi players seemed to break at the moment the announcement sounded!

Chen Yuan was also in a daze at this moment, he didn't even hide from the monster's skills, and was instantly killed on the spot.

The other players were also defeated in an instant, completely devoid of energy... In the end, Wan Shi was wiped out by the group.

When Wang Jinghao came out of the resurrection point in Fengqu City, his face was dark all the time, and when he passed by the Harmony Pharmacy, his anger broke out instantly.

He ordered his subordinates to enter the shop and smash it up!

The men rushed into the pharmacy and started smashing things.

The clerk panicked.

But soon the guards in the city rushed over and took the troublemakers away.

At this time, a beautiful figure came out from the backyard of the store, pointed at Wang Jinghao, and asked the guards, "Why wasn't he arrested? Obviously he ordered his subordinates to smash our store!"

When the guard saw that Wang Jinghao was a Qianlong disciple, he naturally turned a blind eye and said arrogantly, "Do you have proof?"

The girl got angry and said angrily: "You are covering up openly!"

"Whatever you say, we don't appreciate it when we come to help you, and we won't come if something happens next time!"

After the guard finished speaking, he left directly, leaving the shop in a mess.

Wang Jinghao walked into the store swaggeringly, and when he saw the girl in front of him, the anger in his eyes disappeared by three points.

"President, she is the most powerful alchemist in Lin Jichen Pharmacy, her name is Zhao Baige, and many guilds are looking for her."

Wang Jinghao's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that this girl was not only so beautiful, but also a famous potential alchemy king?

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Jinghao, the president of the Wanshi Guild. You should have heard of the Wanshi Group in reality. I am the young owner of the Wanshi Group."

Wang Jinghao started to say hello.

"I don't care who you are, what do you mean by sending someone to smash my boss's shop!"

Wang Jinghao laughed, and said: "You also said that this is your boss's shop, and you have nothing to lose. Why don't you change jobs and come to my guild to be an alchemist? I promise, I will give you more than Lin Jichen will give you. ten times!"

However, Zhao Baige didn't want to talk to him at all. He glanced at him in disgust, turned his head and went back to the backyard.

Wang Jinghao, who had been shut down, felt very upset. He left the pharmacy, and said to his subordinates, "Find out Zhao Baige's information, and I want to see how she looks! Lin Jichen's people, I must dig them out!"

Zhang Chang smiled knowingly and said, "Don't worry, President, I know how to do it."


【Ding!Kill a sea beast in the early stage of transformation!Repair base +2000000 points! 】

A large wave of blue light flew into Lin Jichen's body.

Almost to the top.

Lin Jichen felt that if he came to Rakshasa Sea, he might be able to break through the mid-term when he returned.

The announced reward made him smile in relief.

You know why he is so determined to kill this phantom whale.

Just because Lin Jichen knew that the first kill of a boss in the Transformation God Realm would definitely reward Tianpin!

If I don't make a move now, those guilds will definitely use crowd tactics to fight for it.

Although I am only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, there are two capable helpers by my side, so it is not a problem at all.

If it hadn't been for meeting the phantom whale this time, he would have summoned his team to kill the Huashen boss when he was ready to go back.

Originally, this reward should be distributed equally to the team members, but because Chu Tianhan and Li Mu are both NPCs, all these things were given to Lin Jichen.

A wave of fat~

And this battle, Chu Tianhan and Li Mu also gained a lot, both of them have a lot of understanding.

This kind of perception is actually something that players can't comprehend, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Seeing that the phantom whale's body was about to sink into the abyss of the sea, Lin Jichen hurried over and took out its demon pill.

The demon pill in the realm of transforming gods is too precious, and the spirit of transforming gods contained in it is of great help to pets.

Moreover, the natal skills of this phantom whale are similar to those of the bear. If it can be swallowed by the bear, its devouring ability will be greatly improved.

In addition to the demon pill, Lin Jichen actually had his eyes on the body of the phantom whale, but unfortunately the phantom whale was too huge to fit in his storage ring.

However, Lin Jichen cut off the opponent's chest, abdomen, tail and other supplementary torso and put them into the ring.

Finally, there is the soul tomb of the phantom whale.

This is also the first time since Lin Jichen's rebirth that he has opened the soul tomb of the boss of the God Transformation Realm, and he is the first to kill the boss!


Three shifts~

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