Full-time sword repair

Chapter 908 Tianpin Pill Furnace

When opening the Phantom Whale Soul Tomb, the first thing that catches the eye is a mountain of spiritual stones.

What surprised Lin Jichen was that these spirit stones were all top-grade spirit stones, there were about tens of thousands of them, and there were hundreds of top-grade spirit stones!

As expected of the boss of the God Transformation Realm, he has a rich net worth.

Apart from the spirit stone, what caught Lin Jichen's eyes was a blue treasure.

Originally, it was reasonable to say that a treasure of blue quality would never be able to enter Lin Jichen's eyes.

But this blue treasure is completely different, because it is a... heavenly treasure!

[Tianpin Pill Furnace·Dark Burning Moon Furnace]: Alchemy experience +150%, alchemy efficiency +90%, success rate +50%, pill effect +30%, there is a very small probability of improving the quality of pills.

[Road to the Alchemy King]: Every time you successfully refine a pot of elixir, a certain amount of cultivation experience will be automatically increased.

【Way of Pill Enlightenment】: Every 30 days, the Pill Furnace will automatically refresh a new Pill Recipe, and the attributes of the Pill Recipe are random.

Requirements: Alchemists above rank six can use it.


Lin Jichen didn't expect that the first celestial product to be drawn from a monster in this whole server would be a pill furnace.

This alchemy furnace is simply the dream of all alchemists.

If Lin Jichen hadn't become an alchemist anymore, he would have jumped up when he saw this alchemy furnace.

As soon as he got the alchemy furnace, the whole server announcement rang.

"Full server announcement! Player Lin Jichen has harvested the Tianpin pill furnace. Within seven days, as long as someone kills him, the pill furnace will explode. Every other day, Lin Jichen's real-time location information will be announced. The first time the location will be announced It will be an hour later."

Hearing the game announcement, Lin Jichen didn't care.

Not to mention that he is in the distant Rakshasa Sea, which player is his opponent now?

Moreover, there are two powerful helpers beside Lin Jichen, whoever comes will be sent to death.

But Lin Jichen suddenly thought of something, and showed a wry smile.

He must not use this alchemy furnace himself, obviously it is for Zhao Baige.

She is the most qualified to use this pill furnace.

But in this case, Zhao Baige will start to trigger the announcement. With her rookie strength, it is estimated that any player can kill her.

It is obviously impossible to let her guard the Tianpin Dan furnace by herself, it seems that I have to find time to take her for seven days...

Put away the alchemy furnace for the time being, and Lin Jichen continued to look at other harvests.

In addition to a heavenly grade alchemy furnace, there are three earthly grades, two pieces of equipment, and a cheat book in Huanjing's soul tomb.

The equipment is all gold, one is a thief's night clothes, and the other is Qinxiu's weapon.

[Earth Grade Gold Clothes Shadow Night Robe]: Defense +500, Heart Protection +220, Dodge +15%, no blood will be left when moving after being injured, and the latent effect is doubled.

[Jinyi Night Walk]: In a dark environment, the attribute of this equipment is +50%.

[Hand of the Shadow]: The damage of the first attack after the lurking is successful is doubled, and the knowing damage must be triggered.

[Puppet Substitute]: Summons a substitute puppet to act, the attribute is 50% of the main body, lasts for 5 minutes, and cools down for 5 hours.

Requirements: Rogue players above Nascent Soul Realm can use it.


[Dipin Jinwu · Mu Yun Wanqin]: Mind power +580, understanding +300, basic attack comes with 5% spell damage, skill effect +10%.

[Twilight Cloud Music]: Enemies within 500 meters will receive 2000 points of skill damage from the group, and the cooldown is 15 minutes.

[Chapter of the Wind]: Teammates within 300 meters nearby have +15% speed, +10% attack speed, +5% dodge, and 1 hour cooldown.

[Final Movement]: Causes group dizziness for 100 seconds to enemies within 2 meters in front, and cools down for 9 hours.

Requirements: Piano repair players above Nascent Soul can use it.


The two earth-grade metal and martial attributes are also okay. As for the skill book, it is a local-grade water-type spell skill, which is not bad.

Lin Jichen took them all as ordered.

There are not many other good things, but it is not easy to produce a heavenly product.

Lin Jichen didn't forget that he hadn't taken the first kill reward from the system.

Just when he was about to check, Li Mu suddenly shouted: "Junior Brother Lin! Come back quickly!"

Lin Jichen immediately raised his eyes and looked away, only to see a large number of shadows jumping out from the depths of the seabed!

These shadows are all extremely fast, like lightning in the water.

After Lin Jichen saw the appearance of these shadows clearly, his expression changed drastically.

"Grass! How did you meet these guys!"

The black shadows in front of them are nothing compared to phantom whales, nor are they murlocs.

They are also sea beasts, but they are indeed the most notorious group of sea beasts in the Rakshasa Sea, the group of saber-toothed sharks.

Saber-toothed sharks are well-known rogues in the sea. Not only are they not weak individually, but they also like to act in groups. Once they set their sights on a certain prey, they will do everything possible to kill them.

And the saber-toothed shark likes to pick up ready-made ones very much, and often likes to steal butts after other people fight, which is more disgusting than African hyenas.

The group of saber-toothed sharks in front of them obviously targeted the three of them.

Lin Jichen scanned it hastily and found that the group of saber-toothed sharks was still huge, at least hundreds of them!

Looking at the large amount of blood remaining on the mouths of this group of saber-toothed sharks, one can tell without guessing that the phantom whale's body must have been eaten up by them.

Lin Jichen turned around and wanted to meet Li Mu and the others, but just as he was about to leave, a dozen saber-toothed sharks attacked him!

Lin Jichen was forced to fight back with a sword.

Li Mu and Chu Tianhan wanted to come to support, but they were also besieged by a large number of saber-toothed sharks.

There were too many sharks. Although the three of them had killed many of them one after another, other saber-toothed sharks continued to fill them in.

Moreover, the battle between the three of them and the phantom whale had already been difficult, and their mana was exhausted, which was when they were in a bad state.

Facing the unscrupulous attacks of these saber-toothed sharks, the three were forced to keep defending and dodging.

In this way, under the siege of hundreds of saber-toothed sharks, there are more and more wounds left by saber-toothed sharks on his body.

Lin Jichen's condition became worse and worse.

If this continues, he will be exhausted to death in a few minutes.

Lin Jichen dodged left and right, and gradually separated from Li Mu and Chu Tianhan in the sea.

But at this time, he has no time to care about him at all, he just wants to survive.

Seeing that this group of saber-toothed sharks is getting more and more, Lin Jichen knows that if this continues, he will definitely have to explain here.

Although the soul mark left by the master on the arm is very safe.

But Lin Jichen didn't want to use the soul mark so easily.

In desperation, he could only activate Burning Blood Instant Shadow Dun and disappear in this sea area.

Chu Tianhan and Li Mu finally escaped from the siege of the saber-toothed shark after a hard fight and the blessing of magic weapons.

The two returned to their original positions, but Lin Jichen was nowhere to be seen.

"Oops, Junior Brother Lin will be okay?" Li Mu asked worriedly.

Chu Tianhan said calmly: "Even if something happens to you, he won't be in trouble. He must have run away, let's look for it."

Li Mu nodded, and hurriedly started the road to find Lin Jichen with Chu Tianhan.


Picking up fragments and sword repair will be updated simultaneously tomorrow!

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