Full-time sword repair

Chapter 906: The power of heavenly powers!

"Why hasn't senior brother come back yet?"


The two of them did not wait for Chu Tianhan to come back for a long time.

Li Mu was anxious, but he wasn't worried about himself, he was worried about Lin Jichen.

At this time, Lin Jichen was covered in purple red, and blood was continuously flowing from his seven orifices, which looked very terrifying.

Li Mu knew that it was Lin Jichen who was using spiritual power to forcibly squeeze his own blood to keep his life alive.

But this kind of consequence is very serious. If it goes on, Lin Jichen's life may be in danger soon.

"Junior Brother Lin, you go up first, I have Master's magic weapon, everything will be fine!" Li Mu urged again.

But he didn't know that Lin Jichen's six senses had been forced to close, and he couldn't hear his voice at all.

The phantom whale's attack became more and more crazy, Lin Jichen didn't care about running away at all, he was entangled by the phantom whale, even if he wanted to escape now, it was impossible.

Li Mu was so anxious that his eyes were bloodshot, he cursed: "Chu Tianhan, you bastard, if something happens to Junior Brother Lin, I will definitely go back to the sect to sue you!!"


At this moment, a golden sword energy broke through the water!

Li Mu turned around in surprise, it was Chu Tianhan who arrived.

"Why did it take you so long to come back! Junior Brother Lin can barely hold on anymore!" Li Mu was shocked and angry.

He noticed that something was wrong with Chu Tianhan, he was sweating all over his body, his face was still ugly, and there was a burning black mark on his neck.

Chu Tianhan didn't care about these things, his eyes were still cold, but there was a trace of apology.

"Don't talk nonsense, stop the phantom whale with me, and let Lin Jichen rest."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tianhan launched a fierce attack on the phantom whale, and the Yuguang sword slashed wildly on the phantom whale as if desperately!

Li Mu also immediately dispelled his doubts, and frantically output to the phantom whale.

At this time, Lin Jichen found out that Chu Tianhan had returned, and knowing what the two senior brothers wanted, he didn't insist any longer, and hurriedly withdrew and went to sea successfully.


After Lin Jichen went out to sea, he took a big gulp of air, and after a while, he swallowed a bunch of pills, and plunged headlong into the sea again.

Back in the sea, Lin Jichen resolutely joined the battle.

As soon as Chu Tianhan and Li Mu saw Lin Jichen returning, their pressure was greatly relieved.

The three of them looked at each other, Lin Jichen and Li Mu both showed smiles, Chu Tianhan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth even though he was serious.

After this incident, the three cooperated more tacitly, fully devoting their minds to the battle.

After a hard fight, the magic whale's blood volume was gradually decreasing, and the balance of victory seemed to be tilting towards the three of them.

However, the horror of the phantom whale is far more than that.

The successive heavy injuries made Magic Whale lose his patience.

It suddenly stopped attacking, but mobilized the aura of water in the sea to turn it into protection, allowing the three of them to attack him.

"Not good! Dangerous!"

Li Mu realized something was wrong and hurriedly spoke.

Chu Tianhan also had a serious expression on his face. Everyone knew that this phantom whale was going to be serious.

"Dodge it first, I have the Golden Scale Sword Art, I can restrain it."

Chu Tianhan said, ready to resist the phantom whale alone.

But Lin Jichen suddenly said to him: "Brother, can you help me block it for a while?"

Although Chu Tianhan wondered why Lin Jichen asked such a question, he still nodded, and then rushed towards the phantom whale without any hesitation, and used the Golden Scale Sword Art.

However, the Golden Scale Sword Art cannot prevent the God Transformation Realm from displaying its supernatural powers.

Chu Tianhan's move is nothing more than using his own flesh and blood to resist the wrath of the phantom whale.

"Supernatural Ability: Jun of the Ancient Sea!"

The Phantom Whale finished its momentum and released a thunderous strike.

Chu Tianhan's Golden Scale Sword Art was eclipsed at this moment.


A big mouthful of blood spewed out, Chu Tianhan's whole body became sluggish, and he was seriously injured to the point of danger.

Chu Tianhan fainted on the spot and sank toward the depths of the seabed.

Fortunately, Li Mu went over in time to bring him back.

Seeing that a guy has been dealt with, the phantom whale did the same thing, gathering momentum again, and condensed the next magic power!

Li Mu was in a state of confusion and anxious like ants in a hot pot. He anxiously shouted at Lin Jichen: "Junior Brother Lin, why don't you go, Senior Brother's Golden Scale Sword Art is no match for him!"

Lin Jichen didn't respond, and kept his eyes closed, muttering something.

The aura on Lin Jichen's body continued to rise, and the next moment he opened his eyes, his face turned pale.

Lin Jichen didn't have time to pay attention to him, he only heard him shout: "Li Zagan!"

Li Mu: "Huh????"

As Lin Jichen's supernatural power was displayed, an invisible barrier force had formed under his feet!

The nearby kilometer sea area is surrounded by enchantment!

And the phantom whale, which was gathering momentum for the second supernatural ability, suddenly misfired, and the originally mobilized power disappeared at this moment.

The Phantom Whale was also in a daze, not understanding why he couldn't stand up all of a sudden...suddenly...wilted?

Lin Jichen also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the phantom whale no longer displayed its supernatural powers.

His supernatural powers are not covered up!

[Tianpin Supernatural Powers Li Zaigan Demon]: After gaining power for five seconds, a special enchantment with a range of 1000 meters is summoned, and all attributes of enemies in the enchantment are reduced by 20%, and they cannot use any body skills and magical skills. The barrier lasts for 5 minutes, and when the barrier is released after 5 minutes, it will cause 50000 skill damage within the range.

Cooldown: 10 days.

Mana Cost: 100000 points.

Within 5 minutes, the phantom whale was not only unable to use supernatural powers, but also had to drop all attributes by two levels, which was simply not very easy to use.

Chu Tianhan woke up from a coma, and was surprised to see this scene. He didn't expect Lin Jichen to have such a trick.

"Senior brothers, it's our turn to flex our muscles, don't let him run away!"

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he took the lead.

Li Mu and Chu Tianhan also hurriedly joined the ranks of beating the drowning whale.

The three blocked the phantom whale in the barrier, even if the phantom whale wanted to rush out recklessly, the three of them would desperately stop it, no matter how seriously injured it was, they would resist.

In this way, none of the three retreated half a step, chasing and intercepting the phantom whale regardless of the loss.

The giant phantom whale, as strong as the overlord of the deep sea, finally couldn't hold on...

With the end of 5 minutes, the enchantment detonated the last [-] points of skill damage.

It just coincided with the joint attack of Lin Jichen and the three of them!

The Phantom Whale was finally killed!

The huge phantom whale body crashed down and sank into the bottom of the sea.

And a phantom suddenly jumped out of the phantom whale, this is a miniature phantom whale with a soul.

After the soul mini phantom whale appeared, it looked at the three of them in horror, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Hurry up!" Li Mu said anxiously.

But Lin Jichen stopped him: "Don't chase, you won't be able to catch up."

He knows that this soul is equivalent to the Nascent Soul body after the death of the Nascent Soul Realm, and after the death of the Soul Transformation Realm, there will be a Soul of Soul Transformation that can be resurrected.

This thing is not as easy to deal with as the Nascent Soul Body, especially the three of them are seriously injured. If this guy wants to kill himself and blow himself up, none of them will be able to escape.

But even if the phantom whale's soul escaped, the three of them still killed Huashen!


Two more~

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