Full-time sword repair

Chapter 905 Join forces with God of War Transformation!


The phantom whale that stopped devouring mobilized the endless water aura in the sea, then condensed all the aura, and suddenly detonated it!


Huge waves of hundreds of feet shook the surrounding sea, and all the sea beasts within a hundred miles were frightened and fled frantically.

The three of Lin Jichen, who were in the center, were all seriously injured by the seemingly harmless water aura.

And even the moisture in his body was drained by the explosion just now.

The skin of the three of them began to dry out, and they seemed to have aged 30 years in an instant.

And this Phantom Whale didn't intend to stop there.

It opened its huge mouth and spit out the sea water it had just inhaled. The sea water suddenly turned into a torrent, and countless water spirits and sword shadows appeared in the sea, covering the sky and covering the earth.

This phantom whale obviously manipulated the water aura to turn into a sword shadow to attack Lin Jichen and the three of them on purpose, with the purpose of retaliation.

It is said that sea beasts like phantom whales are very vengeful, and now it can be seen.

Lin Jichen didn't dare to be careless, and urged Moji Zhenyuan Jue, and at the same time swung his sword to sweep away the water and spirit sword shadows in the sky.

Chu Tianhan and Li Mu have their own methods of preservation, but the water spirit and sword shadow seem to be endless, and there is no intention of stopping at all.

Lin Jichen's eyes flickered slightly, and he decided to fight back.

He gave up resisting the water spirit sword shadow, relying on the protection of Moji Zhenyuanjue, he swung his sword forcefully!

"Seven Star Slash!"

Tianpin Martial Skills exploded with strong energy in this sea.

This slash temporarily cut off the dense water spirit sword net!

The sword energy pierced through the sword net all the way, and slashed at the proud Huan Jing.

When choosing an effect, Lin Jichen decisively chose: Silence!

"-75000! Trigger silence!"

"Silence: Unable to use skills for 3 seconds!"

The Phantom Whale's water spirit sword shadow was interrupted on the spot, and an obvious wound was filled on his body.

"Senior brothers, kill this phantom whale with me!"

Lin Jichen didn't have any fear, on the contrary, at this moment, he just wanted to kill this phantom whale that turned into a god.

Because in this sea area, even if the three can escape from the bottom of the sea, they can't escape the phantom whale's pursuit at all.

Instead of running for your life, you might as well give it a go.

What's more, after breaking through Nascent Soul, he has not yet tried the limit of his current combat power, so this is an excellent opportunity.

Even in the sea, even if this is the domain of phantom whales, Lin Jichen still feels confident.

After all, beside him are two powerful helpers, Chu Tianhan and Li Mu.

Hearing the fighting spirit in Lin Jichen's tone, Chu Tianhan and Li Mu were surprised at first. They thought they were fighting lunatics, but they didn't expect that Lin Jichen's desire to fight was no weaker than theirs.

"Could this be the reason why Junior Brother Lin can grow into the strongest disciple so quickly?" Li Mu was in admiration.

Afterwards, he laughed loudly and said, "Haha! Good! Brother Lin, I will accompany you!"

Chu Tianhan didn't speak, but he didn't leave either. He just stared at the phantom whale with cold eyes.

It was obvious that he had just been injured by the phantom whale, which made him very upset.

The three reached a unified goal and directly gave up the idea of ​​escaping.

Chu Tianhan took the lead, and the Yuguangjian was also unrivaled in the sea.


With a sound of golden light, countless golden sword shadows surrounded Chu Tianhan.

"Golden lightsaber array!"

The golden sword shadow turned into a big net, enveloping the phantom whale!

Not to be outdone, Li Mu let out a long roar, and the Qingjue Sword flew out of his hand.

I saw Li Mu's hands forming seals, and the Qingjue Sword suddenly exploded into a giant sword of blue light.

"Blue Sword Juque · Kill!"

Following Li Mu's command, the giant sword flew off like an arrow, and the surrounding sea water automatically parted.

Lin Jichen saw that the two senior brothers had made their moves, so he naturally couldn't wait.

"Blade Storm!"

The counterattack of the three was completely launched, and three different sword qi attacks fell on the silenced phantom whale at the same time.

Don't you like deliberately disgusting people?Since you like to learn how they use sword energy?Then let this ignorant sea beast know what real sword energy is!

The three sword qis all hit, and for a while, the phantom whale was cut open one after another.

Even the phantom whale with a million HP couldn't help screaming in pain.

And this battle has finally begun.

After the Phantom Whale was injured, his viciousness was exposed and he began to attack frantically.

The three of Lin Jichen formed a united front and counterattacked from different directions with a formation of three talents.

The two sides became one, the moves became more and more fierce, and the battle became more and more intense.

Because of this battle, the situation in the nearby waters has changed, and the world has lost its composure.

All surrounding sea areas also suffered as a result, with huge waves flying everywhere and frequent tsunamis.

Many nearby monks and sea beasts have suffered unwarranted disasters.

The fighting has been going on for a long time.

The faces of Lin Jichen and the three of them in the sea were a little pale, and their bodies were covered with scars, among which Lin Jichen was the most seriously injured.

Whoever makes him do the most damage and absorb the most hatred, most of the magic whale's attacks are directed at him.

Of course, this phantom whale was not much better, its body was almost covered with wounds from sword qi, and its blood almost stained the sea water red.

But the three of Lin Jichen couldn't continue like this now. In addition to the serious consumption of spiritual power, there was also a serious lack of oxygen.

They have stayed in the sea for too long, and have experienced such a battle, and now it is very difficult for them to breathe, and the oxygen in their bodies can hardly support the blood supply.

But at this time, the phantom whale and their battles had reached the point of endless death, and it would never let them float to the surface.

Lin Jichen and the others naturally knew this too.

"We can't go on like this. Let's take turns going up to rest. Li Mu, senior brother and I will fight for a while, you go first!"

Lin Jichen immediately decided to rest on wheels, and he could only go alone at a time.

Only two people can barely block the phantom whale.

Li Mu was in the worst condition. After all, his strength was much weaker than that of Lin Jichen and Chu Tianhan.

Li Mu also knew that it was not time to be brave, so he didn't talk nonsense and rushed directly to the surface of the sea.

Seeing this, the phantom whale wanted to stop it, but Lin Jichen and Chu Tianhan acted in unison, attracting its attention.

After half a minute passed, Li Mu returned immediately.

"Eldest brother, you can go." Lin Jichen gave Chu Tianhan the opportunity.

Chu Tianhan hesitated for a moment, didn't say much, and retreated decisively to the sea.

Li Mu joined the battle, and Lin Jichen continued to entangle with the phantom whale.

But Lin Jichen's condition became worse and worse, his face even turned purple, as if he had been poisoned.

Li Mu sensed something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Junior brother Lin, you go up, I'll stand up to this phantom whale."

Lin Jichen gritted his teeth and shook his head, saying: "You can't hold on alone, I'm fine, I can still hold on, wait for senior brother to come."

In fact, Lin Jichen didn't know what to do in his heart, he actually took a big risk by letting Chu Tianhan go up just now.

Because if Chu Tianhan escapes at this time, he and Li Mu will probably die here.

But the matter has come to this point, even if it is useless to regret.

But Chu Tianhan rushed out of the sea and suspended in the air for a short while, breathing in the air with big gulps.

He sensed the movement in the sea.

Knowing that the two juniors in the sea are still fighting against the phantom whale.

He quickly took out the elixir and swallowed it, and then prepared to go back to replace Lin Jichen.

However, at this time a strange voice suddenly appeared in his mind...


One more~

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