Full-time sword repair

Chapter 904: Deep Sea Phantom Whale!

Feeling something was wrong, all three of them stopped their movements at the same time, and looked vigilantly towards the dark and boundless seabed below their feet.

In the bottomless sea under the feet, it seemed calm.

The next second!

A black shadow suddenly jumped out!Attack Li Mu who is at the front!

"not good!"

Li Mu panicked and immediately wanted to dodge.

However, he was still a step too slow, and was hit by the black shadow on the spot.


Li Mu spat out a mouthful of blood, and was knocked flying far away.

He rolled his eyes white, fainted on the spot, and fell towards the bottomless abyss.

Fortunately, Lin Jichen went over in time and pulled him back.

Li Mu also woke up quickly, and he couldn't believe it: "What the hell is it?"

Lin Jichen also shook his head dignifiedly to express his ignorance. Neither he nor Chu Tianhan could see the black shadow flashing past just now.

At this time Chu Tianhan finally spoke.

"It should be a sea beast that transforms into a god."

When the two heard it, their faces sank slightly.

The sea beasts in the God Transformation Realm are not comparable to the sea beasts in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Although there is only a big gap between the Transformation God Realm and the Nascent Soul Realm, the gap is a gap that is difficult for ordinary monks to bridge.

The higher the realm, the greater the gap.

The God Transformation Realm can mobilize the spiritual power of heaven and earth at will, and can also attack with divine thoughts, and the attack range is extremely far.

A powerful master of transforming the gods can even transform with the primordial spirit from hundreds of miles away, and take the enemy's head.

And the guy who suddenly attacked them in front of him probably has the ability to transform into a god.

"The sea is not good for us, let's talk about it after leaving here!"

Lin Jichen suggested.

Chu Tianhan and Li Mu also nodded immediately, and the three quickly flew towards the sea.

However, this insidious guy in the sea didn't intend to let them go just like that.

Another black shadow rushed out of the deep sea!

Lin Jichen reacted extremely quickly, and slashed with his sword!

"Sky Light Slash!"

Sword Qi burst out and collided with the shadow.

Offensive on both sides offset.

But the nearby seawater suffered a disaster. The huge energy collision caused an earthquake in the sea, and the seawater boiled.

Before Lin Jichen could catch his breath, the black shadows in the deep sea struck again. This time, three black shadows appeared one after another!

Chu Tianhan and Li Mu also quickly turned around to help, and the three of them neutralized these attacks one by one with a sword.

Seeing that the three of them were still safe and sound, the sneak attacker in the bottom of the sea seemed to have given up and never did anything again.

Seeing this, the three of them didn't want to stay, so they hurriedly withdrew to the sea.

But just when the three of them were about to leave the sea, a huge monster slowly swam out from the bottom of the sea.

This huge body seems to be a mountain moving in the sea, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

The water-eyed green toad beast was as small as a tadpole in front of it.

"What kind of sea beast is this?"

Li Mu stared wide-eyed at this incredible creature, and couldn't hide the astonishment in his pupils.

Before Lin Jichen could answer, Chu Tianhan spoke first: "This is a phantom whale, a deep sea phantom whale."

Deep Sea Phantom Whale!

This is a very ancient race of sea beasts, and it is also an extremely powerful race among the sea beasts. They have the ability to devour the world, and they can become stronger and stronger.

If their devouring ability is 100 points, then the bear-like devouring ability is probably only 10 points.

Ten years ago, it was said that there was a team led by monks from the God Transformation Realm to explore treasures in the Raksha Sea. There were more than a dozen of them, including two monks from the God Transformation Realm, and the rest were monks from the Nascent Soul Realm.

I thought I could walk sideways in the Rakshasa Sea, but I was "lucky" to meet a phantom whale in the late stage of transformation, and was almost wiped out by the group.

The only cultivator who had escaped from the sky had lingering fears, and vowed never to set foot in the Rakshasa Sea again.

The three of Lin Jichen didn't expect their luck to be so 'good' to meet this overlord of the sea here!

It's harder than winning the lottery.

Because there are indeed many sea beasts in the God Transformation Realm in the Raksha Sea Area, but because the sea area is extremely wide, few people can come across one.

Some monks have been in the sea for decades without encountering a single one.

Fortunately for the three of them, it was the first time they came across such a 'big gift'...

Fortunately, this phantom whale is only in the early stage of transformation, otherwise the three of them would really be desperate.

If so, a phantom whale in the early stage of transformation is enough for them to drink a pot.

"No need to go, prepare to meet the enemy."

Lin Jichen considered for a moment, and immediately made a decision.

There is no chance to run, this phantom whale obviously does not intend to let them leave the sea, as long as they dare to run, this insidious guy will definitely not talk about Wude and sneak attack.

The only chance is to fight.

Fortunately, he is not alone, with Li Mu and Chu Tianhan as helpers, he may not be the opponent of this phantom whale.

Hearing Lin Jichen said that he would fight, Li Mu and Chu Tianhan didn't seem to hesitate much, so they stopped planning to retreat.

They also knew that the phantom whales had all escaped, and it was unrealistic for them to try to escape.

Unless you sell your teammates.

Not to mention, Chu Tianhan really had this idea.

He glanced at Lin Jichen, as if he was planning something in his heart...

The phantom whale slowly swam up to the three of them, and saw that the three ants didn't leave, and each of them exuded a fighting spirit.

The Phantom Whale, who felt his majesty was being challenged, took the lead in launching the attack!

As soon as it opened its mouth to inhale, the endless sea water turned into a raging turbulent current, and all of it was sucked into the belly of the phantom whale.

The strong suction made Lin Jichen and the three of them sucked away by the phantom whale.

Not to be outdone, the three of them drew their swords almost at the same time!

"Three Thousand Lightning Slashes!"

"Sunset Slash!"

"Xunfeng Leijian!"


All three sword qi fell on the phantom whale's head.




Three numbers flew up from the phantom whale's head, but the three of them found that this little damage seemed to have no effect on the phantom whale.

The phantom whale's devouring continues!

Lin Jichen quickly checked the opponent's attributes.

【Sea Beast: Deep Sea Phantom Whale】

[Strength: Early Stage of Transformation]

[Level: boss level]

[Vigor and blood: 953300/1000000]

【Attack: 5800】

【Defense: 4500】

【Speed: 4000】

【Knowledge: 2000】

【Heart protection: 1700】

[Resistance: 33%]

【Toughness: 40%】

[Supernatural skills: Seagod's Power, Raging Sea, Ancient Sea's Jun, Whale Swallows Heaven and Earth]

【Own skills: ~~】


Seeing this terrifying blood bar, Lin Jichen couldn't help taking a breath.

100 million blood volume...

Although the opponent's attributes seem to be similar to their own, but you must know that this is the sea.

Lin Jichen's attributes were discounted, but the other party was able to perform at a super level.

Repression at critical levels cannot be ignored.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen felt a headache, this is a fierce battle!

Seeing that the phantom whale was about to swallow the three of them, Chu Tianhan made the first move. He threw a few talismans, and the talismans flew into the phantom whale's belly, causing a violent explosion!

This trick was really useful, the phantom whale had no choice but to give up devouring in pain.

But then, the phantom whale's revenge also followed...


Two more~

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