Full-time sword repair

Chapter 903 The task is easily completed!

【Sea Beast: Water-eyed Jade Toad】

[Strength: Nascent Soul Late Stage]

[Level: boss level]

[Vigor and blood: 262000/300000]

【Attack: 3200】

【Defense: 2800】

【Speed: 2500】

【Knowledge: 1100】

【Heart protection: 800】

[Resistance: 23%]

【Toughness: 19%】

[Supernatural skills: Wrath of Sha Hai, Sea Boiling and Mountain Cracking]

【Own skills: ~~】


After seeing the information about this sea beast, Lin Jichen smiled.

"I've been looking for you for several days, so you're willing to come out."

While talking, Chu Tianhan and Li Mu also flew out from the encirclement of the waves, and the three of them surrounded the water-eyed green toad beast.

The water-eyed green toad obviously hasn't realized the seriousness of the problem, and feels that the three of them are only at the early stage of the Nascent Soul, so it doesn't take them seriously at all.

Lin Jichen took the lead in launching the offensive, and the Yushuang sword streaked across the void, and the sword energy was like a rainbow!

The huge body of the water-eyed green toad beast couldn't react at all, so it took a sword in its body.


And Li Mu and Chu Tianhan also followed closely behind, and each swung their swords, slashing heavily at the body of the Shuiyan Bichan Beast.



The three of them worked together, and with just one ordinary sword move, the Shuiyan Bichan Beast had already lost a large health bar.

The water-eyed green toad beast screamed again and again, and was forced to use supernatural skills before even a normal skill!

Seeing that the water-eyed green toad beast was accumulating its magical powers, Chu Tianhan snorted disdainfully, and then jumped up!

"Golden Scale Excalibur!"

Chu Tianhan twisted his sword into the air, and the imperial light sword emitted dazzling golden light. A flash of golden light sword energy tore through the sea and sky, like sea water pouring down, piercing the top of the head of the water-eyed green toad!

The Shuiyan Bichan Beast let out a miserable scream, and its magic power was cut off!

Lin Jichen and Li Mu looked envious.

Chu Tianhan's unique skill was shown when he was singled out with Chen Yuan.

At that time, Chu Tianhan used this move of the Golden Scale Excalibur to crush Chen Yuan's earth-level supernatural powers at the Nascent Soul Realm with his spiritual cultivation.

Although it didn't interrupt, it offset most of the opponent's magical power.

But now, after the Nascent Soul Realm, Chu Tianhan's move of the Golden Scale Excalibur is more powerful than before, and it can even interrupt supernatural powers.

It's a pity that this trick cannot be learned in the Cangjing Pavilion. It is the private unique skill of the Great Elder Tianjian, and only Chu Tianhan can know it.

It's not that the great elders of Tianjian have secrets, each elder has some private unique skills, and the disciples who study under different elders know different things.

Just like the skills Lin Jichen learned from Leng Feiyan, such as Phoenix Feather and Sad Autumn Blossom Slash, other disciples couldn't learn them at all.

The Shuiyan Bichan Beast saw that its supernatural powers were broken and it was beaten so badly, it lost its fighting spirit and just wanted to run for its life.

These three guys are more perverted than the other. If it doesn't run away, will the frog survive?


The water-eyed toad beast suddenly opened its mouth wide, spewing out endless sea water, and then the thrust of the water flow, it flew out of the surrounding of the three people, and then quickly escaped into the bottom of the sea!

The three of Lin Jichen didn't expect that this rogue would run so fast, and it escaped in one fell swoop.


The three set off at the same time and rushed into the sea!

Although they are not murlocs who can breathe and live freely in the sea, as Nascent Soul monks, they can hold their breath and stay in the water for a long time.

Of course, their strength and speed in the water will be greatly reduced, and they must not be as flexible and comfortable outside the water.

After the three of them entered the water, they quickly chased in the direction where the water-eyed green toad beast was escaping. Under the impetus of mana and the use of body skills, the speed was not slow.

But this water-eyed green toad beast is huge in size, but its speed in the water is no worse than them, on the contrary, it is thrown farther and farther.

Lin Jichen and the three of them had a bad feeling. If things go on like this, the cooked duck might fly away.

Lin Jichen didn't want to come here in vain. Seeing that the water-eyed green toad beast was about to leave his sight, he decisively urged Tianpin body skills!

"Jin Peng breaks the void step!"


Jinpeng's Void Breaking Step can still be used normally in water.

In an instant, Lin Jichen dodged and chased him several miles away.

The Shuiyan Bichan Beast is not far ahead.


Lin Jichen performed it again!

It has already caught up with this pimple baby.

Lin Jichen, who didn't want to let this guy escape, twisted his sword and cut without any hesitation!

"Sword Frost!"

With a flash of white light, the sea water in front of Lin Jichen was completely frozen into ice cubes!

The ice spread all the way, and the water-eyed green toad beast that was still trying to escape was also frozen on the spot.

"-45000! Trigger freezing!"

"Freeze: Lasts 3 seconds."

Seeing this, Lin Jichen leaned close to his body to avoid having long nights and dreams, and cast the Phoenix Feather!

The 22 feather sword qi were not wasted at all, and all of them penetrated into the body of the water-eyed green toad beast.

There was another burst of wind and sword energy, and finally it was mixed with super high normal attack damage.

In just a moment, the blood volume of the Shuiyan Bichan Beast was as if being sucked by a blood pump, and it bottomed out in an instant.

Finally, when the water-eyed green toad was about to wake up, Lin Jichen made up a ghost cut, and successfully killed the water-eyed green toad!

This majestic late Nascent Soul sea beast, which had dominated the sea for many years, died so simply, it probably couldn't figure out why until it died...

[Kill a sea beast in the late stage of Nascent Soul!Repair base +500000 points! 】

A large wave of blue spiritual energy poured into Lin Jichen's body, but this little experience is obviously not enough to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Li Mu and Chu Tianhan arrived one after another just after the Shuijing Bichanbeast died.

Seeing that Lin Jichen had finished the battle, the two of them were not too surprised. Lin Jichen's strength had no pressure against this pimple.

However, they were very interested in the agility that Lin Jichen had just displayed.

"Junior brother Lin, what is the origin of the movement technique you just displayed? Why is it so powerful!" Li Mufa asked.

Although Chu Tianhan pretended not to care, his ears were secretly pricked up in an attempt to eavesdrop.

Lin Jichen replied while tidying up the soul mound of the water-eyed green toad beast: "It's a physical skill I got in the Fengyuan Secret Realm."

"Oh? What grade?"

"It's nothing, it's just heaven." Lin Jichen replied casually.

The two immediately rolled their eyes, this wave of Versailles, good guy, it's really Yue!

After getting the demon pill of the Shuiyan Bichan Beast, Lin Jichen set his eyes on the opponent's soul tomb again.

Unexpectedly, there are many good things in this water-eyed green toad beast soul tomb, two pieces of purple equipment of earth grade, and three pieces of gold equipment of mysterious grade, all of which are at the Nascent Soul level.

Lin Jichen unceremoniously collected everything, and did not intend to share it with Li Mu and the others.

These two are both NPCs, the elder's proud disciples, so he definitely doesn't have to worry about these three melons and two dates, so he didn't bother to ask, hehe...

Seeing that the task was completed, the three of them also relaxed.

"Junior brother Lin, do you remember that you promised me that the task is completed and you will come to my house as a guest."

"No problem, I'd be more than happy to go to your house for a meal."

"Hahaha, that's good. I haven't been home for a long time. Let's leave the Rakshasa Sea quickly."

The two talked and laughed, ready to go back to the sea.

However, at this moment, a mutation occurred!


One more~

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