Full-time sword repair

Chapter 902 The monster race is in chaos!

Seeing the man submitting, Lin Jichen nodded in satisfaction, and began to draw big cakes: "As long as you answer my four questions, I will let you go."

"Thank you senior, I will know everything!" The man was overjoyed.

"First question, are you a murloc monk?"

Lin Jichen asked unhurriedly.

The man quickly nodded and admitted: "Yes."

"Second question, who is the last name?"

"The younger one is called Cai Kun."

"The third question, how long did it take to reach this level of cultivation? What kind of ability is proficient in?"

"Two and a half years, proficient in singing, dancing, rap and basketball..."


Lin Jichen slapped him across the face.

"You still dare to play tricks! Find a fight!"

"Wuuu...Senior, I was wrong. I have practiced for more than seventy years, and I am proficient in the secret arts of the murlocs."

Cai Kun covered his face and dared not lie anymore.

Lin Jichen continued to ask: "What is the purpose of your coming here?"

"Find someone."

"Those two magicians?"



"Senior, this is already the fifth question..."


"Wuuu...don't hit the seniors, we are looking for these two demon cultivators for the purpose of trading."

Lin Jichen smiled in satisfaction, and continued to ask: "The first..."

"Senior, do you want to ask us what to trade?" Cai Kun asked weakly.

Lin Jichen was overjoyed, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Oh, that's not bad, I'll answer quickly, so let's talk."

"We are trading the Yaozu inner alchemy."

"What do you want the monster inner alchemy for?" Lin Jichen asked suspiciously.

Cai Kun shook his head and said: "This little guy really doesn't know, I just acted on orders to buy a large number of demon clan inner alchemy, not just us, all of our murlocs have received orders from the patriarch to do our best to collect monster clan inner alchemy."

Lin Jichen was dubious, and continued to ask: "Then do you know where these demon cultivators got the inner alchemy from the demon clan?"

Cai Kun asked back: "Don't seniors know that the monster clan is in chaos?"

"The monster clan is in chaos?" Lin Jichen was stunned.

"Yes, not long ago, the Peacock Monster Clan suddenly attacked the Fox Monster Clan, killing a large number of Fox Clan masters. Later, the Tiger Monster Clan rushed to support, and other Monster Clans were involved, triggering a civil strife that the Monster Clan hadn't seen in a century. "

Cai Kun spoke impassionedly and spit flying.

Lin Jichen was astonished when he heard that.

Why did the Yaozu start to have civil strife? ? ?

Why did the Peacock Clan attack the Fox Monster Clan?

Could it be...? ?

Cai Kun is still talking endlessly: "The monster clan is undergoing an unprecedented reshuffle! Also because of this civil strife, a large number of monster clan masters fell, or escaped from the Ten Thousand Monster Territory due to serious injuries, or died in the chaos. The clan barrier is now in vain and unguarded, so many monks will venture in to find the inner alchemy of the monster clan."

After listening to Cai Kun's narration, Lin Jichen felt a little uneasy. He felt that Xiongzi might not be living as well as he thought...

"Senior, can I... go?"

Seeing that Cai Kun had finished answering the questions, he was full of desire to survive.

Lin Jichen was not in the mood to kill him, and said directly: "In order to prevent you from going back to rescue soldiers, you should knock yourself out and sleep here for a day."

Cai Kun did not expect that Lin Jichen would make such a strange request.

But in order to survive, Cai Kun could only endure his hatred for Lin Jichen, and began to punch himself with his fist.

However, after smashing it several times, I didn't get dizzy.

"Senior, I can't knock myself out..."

Lin Jichen's eyes turned cold, and he held his sword and said, "How about I help you?"

Cai Kun's face turned pale with fright, and with all his strength, he swung it on his temple with all his strength, and fainted on the spot.

Lin Jichen couldn't help but be speechless, good guy, you are so cruel to yourself.


a few days later.

In the depths of the Rakshasa Sea, a ferry glides quickly on the surface of the sea.

"According to the map, it's clearly this location. We haven't found it after searching for two days. Did we make a mistake?" Li Mu kept looking at the map with his hand in his hand.

Chu Tianhan didn't argue at all, he just closed his eyes and rested his mind, while Lin Jichen was wandering away, as if he had something on his mind.

Li Mu looked at the two guys who couldn't help at all, he could only sigh helplessly, and continued to search for the water-eyed green toad.

Just when he was about to look further, the ferry suddenly shook.

A dark shadow appeared at the bottom of the ship.

The next second, there was a loud noise from the bottom of the ferry, as if something was hitting the ferry from below.

All three were knocked to the ground.

Fortunately, this ship was a magic weapon given by the great elder Tianque, otherwise, the ordinary ship would have to be scrapped on the spot just now.

Immediately after the impact, the entire ship and the three of them suddenly rose into the sky!

After rising to a height of [-] meters, it suddenly fell again!

Under the bottom of the boat, a bloody mouth is opening, waiting for the delicious food to slide into the mouth with joy.

However, before the 'food' fell, a cyan sword energy had already cut towards him from the air!

The sword qi fell, and the bloody guy was in pain, so he had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​eating a big meal, and hid back to the bottom of the sea.

The ferry fell back to the sea safely, but at this time the sea began to be choppy, and the waves were huge!

A huge wave tens of feet high came from a distance, and rushed towards the three people on the ferry.

Chu Tianhan took the lead to strike, and the Yuguang Sword slashed down in the air.

The sword energy cut the entire huge wave in half, so as to avoid the fate of the ferry being overturned by the huge wave.

But it seemed that the huge waves were not the only ones at all. When the three of them looked around, four higher huge waves appeared at the same time!Coming towards them!

This huge wave seemed to be manipulated, and it seemed that they would not give up until they were submerged in the sea.

The three of them stood on the ferry, without changing their expressions, and drew their swords at the same time!

In just a moment, all four huge waves were wiped out.

But more and more huge waves came one after another, as if they were inexhaustible.

"You deal with these big waves, I'll come for it."

After Lin Jichen left the task of cutting the waves to Li Mu and Chu Tianhan, he flew out of the ferry and began to search for the guy who made waves.

Although the Luocha sea area is restricted by the magnetic mountain, it doesn't mean that you can't fly, but flying will become very difficult, and the mana consumption is much higher than normal.

But short flights or suspensions can still be done.

As soon as Lin Jichen flew out of the encirclement surrounded by huge waves, he saw the black shadow on the bottom of the sea.

Without hesitation, Lin Jichen plunged into the sea.

And lurking on the bottom of the sea is a huge monster, shaped like a frog, with pimples on its back, more like a giant toad. .

When Lin Jichen saw this guy, he smiled.

"Damn it, I've been looking for you for two days, and I finally caught you!"

Lin Jichen was in a good mood, but he didn't hesitate to move his hands, he swung his sword in the water!

Sea water is nothing to monks in the Nascent Soul Realm.

The sword energy penetrated through the water and struck the body of the giant toad.


After the toad ate the pain, he didn't have the heart to control the huge waves anymore, and got out directly from the bottom of the sea.


One more~

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