Full-time sword repair

Chapter 901 Am I That Weak?

In the face of the man's surprise attack, Li Mu remained calm in the face of danger, using his body skills to avoid the opponent's knife.

"Sky Light Slash!"

Li Mu breathed out, Qingjue sword was going like a dragon.

Seeing this, the man swung his knife and slashed, the energy of the knife collided with the energy of the sword, Li Mu stood still, but the man took a few steps back.

This situation seemed to exceed the expectations of the six people. The man's face was serious. He didn't expect this guy who was only in the early stage of Nascent Soul to have such strength!

"It seems that you are their leader. If so, I will take you first!"

After the man said this, another man in the late Nascent Soul stage tacitly rushed up behind him and joined the battle.

The two of them are going to work together to deal with this 'most powerful' guy first.

Let the other younger brothers deal with the remaining two first, capture the thief first, and deal with Li Mu, and they are here to deal with these two seemingly weak guys.

Li Mu faced the siege of two people at the same time, and he did not lose the wind.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen joked, "Second senior brother, do you need help?"

Li Mu laughed, and said while facing the enemy: "These two stinky shrimps don't need the help of junior brother, don't worry!"

Lin Jichen nodded, and didn't force it, he knew that Li Mu could handle it completely.

It just so happened that the remaining four formed teams of two and began to attack him and Chu Tianhan.

These guys try to take them down with track and field horse racing.

It's just that I didn't expect to choose the object of track and field horse racing at all, it's exactly the opposite...

Lin Jichen saw two men from the early stage of Nascent Soul attacking, shook his head and laughed: "Brother, at least there are two men from the early stage of Nascent Soul, why should I only face the early stage of Nascent Soul? Do I look so weak?"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Jichen's eyes seemed to have changed instantly, and the Yushuang sword in his hand was like a hunter who had been dormant in the shadows for a long time!

The two men in the early stage of Nascent Soul just felt a flash in front of their eyes, and Lin Jichen disappeared from their sight.

In the next second, a beam of sword energy flew into the air!

The hairs of the two stood on end, and they hurriedly held weapons to resist, but as if they were hit hard, they flew backwards.

The two said: I have taken off and feel good!

Before the two landed again could catch their breath, Lin Jichen's sword energy struck again like a ghost!

"Frost Moon Slash!"

This time, both of them couldn't dodge, and they received a blast of frosty sword energy solidly.

"-48500! Trigger freezing!"

"-50100! Trigger deceleration!"

A hideous wound was left on each of the two chests, and one of them was frozen on the spot.

The remaining one felt cold all over his body, his hands and feet were cold.

He gasped for breath, sweat beaded on his forehead.

Seeing Lin Jichen twisting his sword, he gritted his teeth and let out a roar like a beast, launching the strongest blow to Lin Jichen!


What made him dumbfounded was that his weapon stopped just in front of Lin Jichen.

An invisible shield blocked his continuation of the weapon.

Under his astonished gaze, Lin Jichen simply slashed down a few times, and the last slash slipped past his throat.

The man suddenly lost his vitality and fell to the ground.

At this time, another man who was freed from the freezing happened to see this scene. He couldn't believe that his buddy died so easily at the hands of this man.

He finally realized what was wrong and started calling for backup.

However, no matter how he yelled, no one came to help him.

"Don't come...don't come, come again...I'll call..."

Lin Jichen pressed on him step by step with a smile on his face: "Scream, even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you."

The man was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, his face turned pale with fright, and he backed away again and again.

He lost all will to fight, and was forced to retreat, pretending to attack, but turned his head and fled into the sea!

Seeing that he was about to fall into the sea, the man was overjoyed, as long as he returned to the sea, he would be safe!

However, just before his body was about to enter the water, a flash of light flashed, and the man's body was cut off in half!

Blood spilled into the sky, leaving only two split corpses, which fell into the sea and soon became food for fishes.

After Lin Jichen got rid of the two of them, Chu Tianhan followed closely and finished off the opponent.

The two went back to support Li Mu.

The two didn't want to get involved, they just watched the battle from the sidelines, helping out at critical moments to prevent Li Mu from being injured.

Meanwhile, Li Mu and the two late Nascent Soul men were in a fierce battle.

Seeing Lin Jichen and Chu Tianhan arriving, the two men realized something was wrong.

"Damn it, this group of guys is really useless! These two weak chickens can't handle it! I'll stop him, and you can handle them!" One of the men signaled.

The other man nodded and turned to deal with Lin Jichen and Chu Tianhan.

However, after a while, he ran back in a hurry.

"Brother, you better go, I'll stop this guy."

The leading man looked unhappy and cursed: "Damn it, you can't even do something well, it's all trash! Look at me!"

Then, he also went to kill Lin Jichen and Chu Tianhan.

Lin Jichen said speechlessly: "Hey, we don't intend to help, you go ahead and don't worry about us."

"Fuck you!" The man obviously didn't believe it.

Lin Jichen sighed, and said: "You chose the road yourself, so you can't blame me, senior brother, come here!"

After speaking, he hid directly behind Chu Tianhan.

Chu Tianhan was speechless about this, but he didn't bother to care about it, so he immediately fought against the opponent with his sword.

It was only a short fight, and the leading man finally realized that something was wrong, no wonder the guys are gone, this is so... I met a pervert!

The leading man suddenly wanted to retreat, but Chu Tianhan didn't give him a chance to escape, and within ten rounds, he cut the other party under the sword.

Once the leader dies, the remaining Nascent Soul is like a turtle in a urn.

"I surrender! I surrender! Let me go!"

The man was scared out of his wits, he thought that the three of them were soft persimmons, but he didn't expect all of them to be so fierce.

"Since you stand up for those two demon cultivators, you are obviously not a good person. Go to hell!"

Li Mu was about to make a move after speaking, but was stopped by Lin Jichen.

"Second senior brother wait a minute."

Lin Jichen came out, came to the man, and said with a sneer, "How about it, do you still want to fight us?"

The man dared to talk back: "What are you, I only obey these two seniors, you are a soft bastard who can only retreat and act like a turtle, I will not obey you!"


Li Mu on the side laughed outright.

Chu Tianhan couldn't help laughing, as if he was very uncomfortable.

Lin Jichen's old face flushed, and he couldn't get angry.

"Fuck it, Second Senior Brother, chop him into 108 pieces and throw him into the sea to feed the fish!!!"

"Hero, spare your life~" The man gave up completely when he heard it.

Lin Jichen was out of breath, so he went up and gave the opponent two jios to vent his hatred.

"If you want to live, just answer me a few questions obediently. As long as you answer well, I can let you live."

The man was overjoyed when he heard that, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed, expressing that he would recruit anything.


Two more~

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