Full-time sword repair

Chapter 900: Monster Clan Inner Alchemy?

Before Chu Tianhan recovered, the two demon cultivators were easily dealt with by Lin Jichen and Li Mu.

Li Mu looked at the tragic death of the couple, and lowered his head in self-blame: "We wish we could come here sooner."

Lin Jichen stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, saying: "This is none of your business, this kind of thing happens everywhere in this world every day, the weak prey on the strong, we can only do our best."

Li Mu nodded: "That's right, Junior Brother Lin is still warm-hearted, unlike some people! Standing on the sidelines with no mercy!"

There was something in Li Mu's words, and anyone could tell who he was talking about.

But Chu Tianhan heard Li Mu's ridicule, but he didn't take it seriously, and just calmly camped aside to rest.

Seeing this, Li Mu was even more indignant, and said to Lin Jichen: "Junior Brother Lin, did you see that this kind of person is actually our senior brother? The head and elders taught us to eliminate demons, defend the way, and be chivalrous. Look at what happened to him." He doesn't care about himself, so he doesn't look like an orthodox monk! I really don't know if his heart is made of ice!"

Lin Jichen pulled him aside with a smile, and comforted him, "Forget it, we're all brothers in the same school, so there's no need to quarrel. Maybe it's not necessarily that they are just cold on the outside and warm on the inside."

Li Mu naturally didn't believe it, but he also estimated that he was from the same family, so he stopped making sarcasm, and went to the side to bury the bodies of the two couples.

Lin Jichen helped him set up the tent, Chu Tianhan didn't do anything, just sat in front of the campfire, staring at the flames in a daze, as if he had something on his mind.

Lin Jichen was already wary of him, so naturally he didn't want to take the initiative to talk to him. After setting up his tent, he was ready to take a rest first.

At this moment, Chu Tianhan stopped him.

"Junior Brother Lin, I have a question to ask you."

Lin Jichen turned around in doubt, and said, "What?"

Chu Tianhan pondered for a moment, and then said: "Did the words you said in Lingjian Mountain Palace come from the bottom of your heart?"

"Which sentence are you referring to?"

"You said, in this world, there is no clear definition of black and white, good or bad. The same is true for righteous and demons. There are good and bad demons, let alone people."

Chu Tianhan repeated what Lin Jichen said that day verbatim.

Lin Jichen didn't expect Chu Tianhan to remember it so clearly, but he still nodded openly and admitted: "That's right, I said it before, these words come from the bottom of my heart, there is no falsehood."

But Chu Tianhan pointed to the corpses of the two demon cultivators in the distance, and asked: "But when you see this kind of demon cultivator, do you still think that the demon cultivator can be trusted? They are inferior in nature, cruel in nature, and wanton in order to achieve their goals." No compromise, this is magic cultivation."

Lin Jichen turned around, went to sit down by the campfire opposite Chu Tianhan, and asked:

"Why? Eldest senior brother also agrees with the opinion of Great Elder Tianjian?"

Chu Tianhan replied without thinking: "Of course!"

Lin Jichen sneered, shook his head and said, "Brother, you are wrong. I don't deny that most of the devil cultivators are bad people, and they are indeed as bad as you said, but everything cannot be generalized. We did meet two villains today. , but it cannot be concluded that all demon cultivators are evil."

"Righteousness and demons are not based on their origins, nor on what sect they belong to, nor what kind of exercises they practice, but in their hearts, they are either evil or good. Some people pretend to be righteous monks, but secretly do bottomless about it, don't you think?"

Lin Jichen's words seemed to point to something, Chu Tianhan's pupils trembled, and he glanced away guiltily.

Just when the atmosphere froze, Li Mu suddenly shouted.

Lin Jichen thought that the other party was being attacked, so he hurriedly ended the argument and went to help.

But after the past, I found that nothing happened.

"Second Senior Brother, what's wrong?" Lin Jichen asked.

Li Mu pointed to the corpses of the two demon cultivators and said, "Look, Junior Brother Lin!"

Lin Jichen followed the trail and saw a large number of blood-colored beads scattered in front of the corpses of the two demon cultivators.

Lin Jichen immediately recognized the origin of these beads: "The inner alchemy of the demon clan!"

"What? Monster clan??" Li Mu asked in surprise.

Lin Jichen walked over to pick one up, checked it carefully and said, "That's right, it's the inner alchemy of the demon clan, these are all of them."

"How come there are so many monster inner alchemy? Where did these two demon cultivators come from?"

Lin Jichen shook his head and said, "I don't know about this either. If I knew about it, I would save their lives to ask."

Looking at the Yaozu inner alchemy scattered all over the place, Lin Jichen faintly felt that something was wrong.

Every monster inner alchemy means the death of a monster. So many inner alchemy appeared together, and it was still in the hands of two mediocre demon cultivators, which seemed very weird.

But what is the reason, and now there is no way to check.

Lin Jichen walked up to the corpses of the two demon cultivators and began to search their soul graves.

However, nothing was found in the soul grave, only a few pieces of junk equipment.

Just when the two were confused, a low shout came from behind.

"He Fangxiao is young! Don't hide your head and show your tail, come out!"

The two looked back and saw that Chu Tianhan was already standing with his sword in his hand, and he swung his sword, cutting towards the pitch-black sea.

The sword light suddenly brightened, forcing out a black shadow.

Soon, five or six black shadows swept out from the sea and surrounded Chu Tianhan.

Seeing that something was wrong, Lin Jichen and Li Mu immediately went to help.

The bonfire reflected these black shadows, which turned out to be six blue-haired men.

These six men looked like human beings, but they all had long dark blue hair.

They were all dressed normally, but upon closer inspection, one could find that there were three slender cuts on both sides of their necks.

It didn't look like a wound, but it seemed natural, and it was still opening and closing automatically, as if it was breathing.

The strength of these six people does not seem to be weak, they are all in the Nascent Soul Realm, and two of them have reached the late Nascent Soul Stage.

Facing the siege of six people, Chu Tianhan looked at them without fear.

The six men were also unafraid, but stared at Chu Tianhan with fighting intent and violent eyes, and they might strike at any time.

"Who are you!"

Li Mu and Lin Jichen arrived in time, Li Mu twisted his sword to be vigilant, and asked the six people.

Seeing that Chu Tianhan still had helpers, the six people were not afraid at all.

At this time, a tall man in the lead began to ask the three of them in a questioning tone: "I ask you, where are the two demon cultivators here?"

Li Mu immediately replied with a sneer: "Those two things that are not as good as pigs and dogs have already been the souls of our sword!"

The man's eyes were piercing, and he said, "You mean, you killed them?"

"So what?" Li Mu said without hesitation.

"Hand over what's on them, and then cripple an arm, I can consider letting you go." The man said coldly.

"Tch, why don't you die by yourself?" Li Mu said hehe.

The man's face darkened, he stopped talking nonsense, and he took out a long knife, and slashed at Li Mu with the momentum of thunder!

The speed is astounding!


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