Full-time sword repair

Chapter 899 Sea Area Search

The surface of the sea rose, and a sea beast jumped out of the sea.

The sea beast was covered with scales and barbs, and there was a sharp horn standing in front of its head. It opened its mouth wide and bit the three of them and the ferry at the same time!

The three of them seemed to be frightened by this scene, and they all remained motionless.

Seeing this scene, the sea beast was even more proud, and was ready to enjoy today's 'breakfast'.

"It's a bloodthirsty cape beast in the early Yuanying period. I heard that the meat quality is very good. I haven't eaten it yet." Li Mu muttered.

Lin Jichen on the side also said: "It happens that I didn't have breakfast, or I should just eat it."

"Good idea." Li Mu chuckled and agreed with this suggestion very much.

The bloodthirsty sea horned beast thought that the three of them were stupefied by their own arrogance, and it never occurred to them that they were already discussing how to stew themselves...

Seeing that this sea beast was about to pounce, Li Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, holding a thin sword in his hand, and slashed with it!


A cyan sword energy soared into the sky, and with lightning speed, it slashed at the sea beast.


This cape horned beast seemed to be hit hard, its huge body was cut with a terrible wound by this seemingly easy sword.

The bloodthirsty sea horned beast wailed, its eyes turned scarlet, and it entered a berserk state.

However, this still cannot change its fate.

In just a few breaths, Li Mu had already beheaded the Cape Beast!

Lin Jichen and Chu Tianhan didn't do anything, they just watched from the sidelines.

If sea beasts of this level want them to join forces, it would be really embarrassing to Jianzong.

Anyway, they are also the strongest group of disciples among the disciples of Tianyan Sword Sect.

Although Li Mu's strength is not as good as Chu Tianhan and Lin Jichen's, he should not be underestimated, he is the second senior brother after all.

Before Lin Jichen joined the sect, among the disciples of the sect, except for Chu Tianhan, he had never been afraid of anyone, including Nan Gongyue, who was not his opponent.

"Junior Lin, let's have breakfast."

Looking at the dead sea beasts floating in the sea and the red blood around them, Li Mu said with a smile.

The three of them successfully landed on the island. The island was bare, and they could finish shopping in a few rounds.

They didn't intend to stay here for a long time, so they planned to rest for a while, and by the way, they cooked the delicious meal delivered to their door and had breakfast.

Then get ready to move on.

However, when the three of them were about to set off, they discovered that a large group of golden shadows appeared on the sea surface near the small island and passed quickly from the bottom of the water.

"No, these seem to be golden sharks!"

Li Mu frowned, feeling a little headache.

"It seems that the smell of blood just now attracted the nearby sharks."

Lin Jichen analyzed.

Golden sharks are not powerful sea beasts, most of them only have the strength of the spirit realm, but they are social creatures, and they are very sturdy, attacking the enemy with all means, one after another.

Therefore, even the sea beasts in the Nascent Soul Realm have to avoid the sharp edge of the golden sharks when they encounter them.

"Why don't we wait a little longer, there are a lot of sharks in this group, I'm afraid it will be a bit troublesome, it's not too late to leave after the smell of blood dissipates." Li Mu suggested.

Lin Jichen and Chu Tianhan didn't object either. After all, they could save as much effort as they could, and neither of them were reckless, so they were too lazy to waste mana for this group of golden sharks.

The three continued to wait on the island, but unfortunately, this group of golden sharks seemed to be very stubborn. They smelled the smell of humans on the island and refused to leave.

After waiting for a while, Chu Tianhan stood up: "Since these beasts won't leave, let's give them a ride."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tianhan jumped and floated on the sea surface.

All the golden sharks gathered towards Chu Tianhan at the same time as if they had received an order when they smelled the scent.

Chu Tianhan was unmoved by this, and continued to stay on the sea surface, his feet not getting wet, as stable as Mount Tai.

Finally, the sharks gathered together, and they gathered together, bringing up a deep sea vortex, and a large amount of water spiritual energy surged up, as if to tear Chu Tianhan into pieces.

However, Chu Tianhan didn't panic, snorted coldly, and let out a clear groan from the light sword in his hand.

In an instant, countless streaks of golden sword energy penetrated into the bottom of the sea like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves!

The golden sharks in the sea were ruthlessly harvested by the sea-manipulating sword energy, and the blood instantly stained the sea area red.

Soon, carcasses of golden sharks floated up from the water, more and more.

Chu Tianhan didn't stop. As he continued to draw his sword, there were more and more golden sharks on the water.

In a short while, this side of the sea was covered, until there was no more golden shark in the water.

Chu Tianhan dealt with the shark group without any disturbance, but said to Lin Jichen and Li Mu indifferently: "If you don't want to attract other sea beasts, go away quickly."

Seeing this, Li Mu quickly released the magic weapon ferry, and the three of them boarded the boat and left quickly.

On the way to leave, Lin Jichen was thoughtful, he found that Chu Tianhan's strength still cannot be underestimated.

After breaking through Yuanying, this guy's strength also increased greatly, and Lin Jichen felt that this guy had a lot of cards.

If you really want to fight him to the death, even if you can win, it will be very difficult to win.

"I hope this guy doesn't make up his own mind, otherwise a big battle will be inevitable."

Lin Jichen was secretly vigilant, ready to deal with Chu Tianhan's sudden attack at any time.

After the three left the island, they continued to sail in the direction indicated by the map.

Along the way, he encountered many sea beasts without long eyes, but in front of the three genius sword repairmen, they could only be reduced to cannon fodder and dealt with one by one.

The day passed quickly, and night fell again.

The dark sea surface is undercurrents surging, making it difficult to navigate.

The three found another small island nearby and planned to stay overnight.

However, when the three of them first landed on the island, they saw an extremely angry scene.

Two Nascent Soul Realm Demon Cultivators are abusing a young Jindan Realm woman.

The young woman's clothes were disheveled, and she was toyed with by two magicians.

The young woman's husband has a Nascent Soul cultivation base, but it's a pity that he is not the opponent of the two demon cultivators. He has already died, and his body is beside him.

The young woman also failed to escape the clutches of the devil and was already defiled. She called her husband's name miserably, desperate and helpless.

When the three of them first arrived, the two demon cultivators had already finished humiliating the young woman and cruelly crushed her neck.

The sound of the woman's final scream passed through the night and reached the ears of Lin Jichen and the others.

Seeing this scene by the bonfire ahead, Li Mu was furious.

"Damn demon cultivator! You are inferior to pigs and dogs! I will kill you!"

Li Mu was furious and cursed at the two demon cultivators, then his figure shot out like lightning, and he killed them with his sword!

Lin Jichen naturally did not stand by and went to support.

Only Chu Tianhan looked at this scene with complicated eyes, and Li Mu's scolding just now seemed to make him a little dazed.

The fierce battle ahead seemed to have nothing to do with him, and Li Mu's curse on Moxiu still echoed in his mind.

Not long after, before Chu Tianhan came back to his senses, the two demon cultivators were dealt with by Lin Jichen and Li Mu, and both died.


Three shifts~

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