Full-time sword repair

Chapter 891 The Village Bully

"You child, how could you take away the ashes of your parents at will? They were born and bred here, so why are they willing to go out of town with you! Do you think your parents will die in peace!"

Although the old man's words were harsh, they were not wrong.

China pays attention to returning fallen leaves to their roots. Since ancient times, moving graves will only be moved to the hometown, and it is impossible to move from the hometown to other places.

Lin Jichen's proposal was completely against human relations, so naturally the old man objected.

Lin Jichen also realized that he was not thoughtful and ignored this point.

That being the case, he simply gave up for the time being, at worst, when the village was about to fall into disaster, he would come again by himself.

After leaving the ancestral hall, Lin Jichen and his two daughters were ready to go back to their small house and go to Aunt Zhang's next door for dinner.

But as soon as he walked out of the ancestral hall, several tall and strong young people surrounded him.

A young man of five years old and three rough said to Lin Jichen with a smile: "It's Ah Chen! Remember me, I'm your brother Luo!"

Lin Jichen looked at him with no expression on his face, and just replied faintly: "Oh, hello."

He tried his best to recall this person, and he really remembered who this guy was. Luo Yong, like him, was a child who grew up in this village.

But Luo Yong is five or six years older than him, and Luo Yong is the son of the richest family in the village. He has been domineering since he was a child, and he likes to bully the weak.

Other children in the village have been bullied by him, especially this guy who is fat and strong, and no one dares to mess with him.

Lin Jichen was also bullied by him many times when he was a child, but he didn't dare to fight back.

Luo Yong came to Lin Jichen, looking like an old friend reunited, he put his arms around Lin Jichen's shoulders and called him brother.

However, his eyes kept staring lewdly at Gu Qiuxue and Tang Ning next to him.

The younger brothers also looked at the two girls who looked like celestial beings like hungry wolves.

They have been staying in the village, and they have never seen such a beautiful girl.

"Ah Chen, are these two...?"

Rayong began to make up his mind.

Lin Jichen said calmly, "My friend."

Luo Yong laughed, and said: "That's great, you are my brother, and your friends are my friends, please introduce me quickly."

After speaking, he tossed his hair, walked up to Gu Qiuxue in a self-styled way, and stretched out his palm pretending to be a gentleman.

"Hi, my name is Luo Yong. I'm Ah Chen's close friend. Let's get to know each other."

Seeing this, Gu Qiuxue immediately hid beside Tang Ning.

Luo Yong didn't take it seriously, approached with a smile, and said, "Don't be afraid, little sister, I'm not a bad person, you don't have a boyfriend, I happen to be single, why don't we make a couple, I'll treat you to dinner, let's go Go, go to my house to eat!"

After speaking, Luo Yong was about to reach out to arrest him, but Tang Ning kicked him away.

"Show me some respect, don't force me to hit someone." Tang Ning said with a look of disgust.

Luo Yong rubbed his numb hands, his face was a little surprised, more unhappy.

After all, he was used to being the king of the mountain in this village, and he never suffered a disadvantage.

"Little girl, follow me if you are sensible, and have a meal with me today, forget it, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."

"It's really unreasonable, aren't you afraid of the police?" Tang Ning snorted coldly.

"Hey, I'm the boss in this village, and the village chief has to pay me three points. There's no monitoring here, and no one dares to testify for you. Even if I do anything to you, what can you do to me?" Luo Yong smiled disdainfully.

The younger brothers immediately surrounded them sensiblely, not giving the two girls a chance to escape.

Luo Yong was even more proud when he saw this, and he squinted and said: "You are really two top-notch guys, I have to have fun with you today, don't struggle, don't you dare to fart in front of me without seeing your relying on Dust, Hahaha!"

As he said that, Luo Yong was about to step forward and kidnap someone.

However, at this moment, a gust of wind blew past his back. Before Luo Yong could react, a tearing pain came from his back.


Luo Yong flew out on the spot and knocked down two younger brothers, the three of them passed out directly!

The scene was suddenly quiet, and even Tang Ning watched all this in disbelief.

She could see clearly that the person who just made the move was Lin Jichen.

The speed of his strikes was shocking, with just one kick, he kicked the 1.8-meter-two-hundred-jin boss six or seven meters away, and even knocked two younger brothers unconscious.

Is this... something a human can do?

Even the king of soldiers in the army may not be able to do it.

Seeing the 1.8-meter-seven tall, muscular Luo Yong fall into a baby-like sleep, Tang Ning felt like she was dreaming.

As for the remaining younger brothers, they didn't even dare to take a breath, and even dared to fart a little bit.

As the 'initiator', Lin Jichen didn't think about these at all at the moment. After kicking Luo Yong away, he directly focused on the remaining younger brothers.

One punch, two punches, three punches.

Three punches, three men, without exception, all lay down, passed out, unable to even scream.

It wasn't until he beat everyone down that Lin Jichen would calm down.

Seeing these 'masterpieces' in front of him, he realized something was wrong.

Fuck, when did I become so fierce?

The people in the village gathered around when they heard the commotion, and when they saw the people lying on the ground, they all stared at Lin Jichen as if they were looking at an alien.

"Good fight! Good job Ah Chen!"

"These bastards, I have long wanted to deal with them!"

"Ah Chen hit Luo Yong, it's a bad situation."

"Go and call the village chief."


Seeing that there were more and more people, Tang Ning was worried that something would happen to these people on the ground, so she quickly took her mobile phone and called the police.

Soon the police arrived, and Tang Ning showed her identity. When she saw that it was a cadre from the city, she was very respectful.

Tang Ning testified that Lin Jichen acted bravely, and said that he would report to the Municipal Bureau to strictly investigate the bad behavior of people like Luo Yong and deal with it strictly.

Tang Ning put all the responsibility on Luo Yong with a few words. Although Lin Jichen took too much action, it was a legitimate act.

The police quickly took away Luo Yong and others. The cancer group that had ravaged the village for many years finally ushered in the end of the group.

Lin Jichen returned to his little house safe and sound, and had a pleasant meal at Aunt Zhang's.

At night, I sleep in the small house at home.

Before going to bed, Lin Jichen still couldn't forget to recall the scene just now, he didn't believe it himself, he was just a mortal, how could he have such great power?

What went wrong?

Lin Jichen got up from the bed and carefully checked his body.

He even wanted to hold his breath and meditate, check his dantian, but there was nothing, not even a ray of spiritual energy.

But he tested his physical fitness again and found an amazing change.

Whether it is strength or speed, or even vision and reflexes, there has been a qualitative leap.


Two more~

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