Full-time sword repair

Chapter 890 Family Ancestor Worship

Seeing Xing Sen's firm attitude, Lin Jichen had no choice but to bring him into the house.

Xing Sen and Xing Liyao signed a ten-year labor contract in front of him.

The two brothers and sisters were completely willing to become Lin Jichen's employees.

After the contract was signed, Lin Jichen didn't think there was anything wrong.

But the Xingsen brothers and sisters were smiling, as if the big stone in their hearts had finally landed.

Xing Sen took a leave of absence with Lin Jichen on the spot, and wanted to take his sister back to his hometown to worship the ancestors while the game was updated.

Lin Jichen naturally agreed, and told him to be careful all the way.

Not at ease, he was afraid that Xing Sen would be retaliated by Wang Jinghao, so he simply called Jiang Luoyu, asking her to arrange a security guard at the gate of the community to escort Xing Sen's brother and sister.

Be careful sailing for thousands of years, Lin Jichen doesn't want to be ruined by Wang Jinghao just after taking in two capable officers.

Moreover, he has seen the security of the Jiang Group's group, so it is absolutely safe for them to escort them.

Hearing Lin Jichen's request for help, Jiang Luoyu agreed without hesitation.

He also said that all the security guards in the community will be at Lin Jichen's disposal in the future.

On the same day, Xing Sen took his younger sister and was accompanied by a bodyguard from the Jiang Group, and left Jiangling to return to his hometown.

Lin Jichen sent them away, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't returned to his hometown for a long time.

When he was in high school, his parents died in a car accident, and he has been living independently on his parents' pension and the little savings left by his family.

But some neighbors and relatives in his hometown still took care of him occasionally.

Since the game update will take three days, why not take this opportunity to go back.

The main reason is that the update speed of this game is too fast, and Lin Jichen feels that if he doesn't go back and take a look, he may have no chance.

Because his hometown did not have the protection of the army in the previous life, it was easy to become the hardest hit area for the invasion of monsters and ghosts.

So the local officials forcibly relocated the people in the entire village, and his hometown town was completely reduced to ruins afterwards.

At that time, if I want to go back to worship my ancestors, I will not be able to do so.

When Lin Jichen went back this time, he wanted to take his parents' ashes away so that he would not be reduced to charcoal.

Lin Jichen proposed to go home, and the girls also expressed their understanding, and Gu Qiuxue wanted to go back with him.

Of course Lin Jichen agreed, Ren Lan and the others wanted to go too, but unfortunately she and Niu Naitang both had classes, so they couldn't go.

In this way, it was not long before Xing Sen was sent away.

Lin Jichen also cleaned up briefly, and drove away from Jiangling with Gu Qiuxue and Tang Ning.

His hometown is a small village in the south of Jiangling City, with a population of more than 1000 people. It is not far away, and it can be reached within a few hours by car.

That afternoon, Lin Jichen arrived at his hometown.

Looking at the rustic countryside where he grew up, Lin Jichen was full of emotions. Recalling the little things in his childhood, a touch of melancholy came to his heart.

Childhood memories flashed through my mind like a slideshow.

This small village has countless memories of him and his parents. Unfortunately, in a few years, this place will be completely reduced to ruins.

Lin Jichen also wanted to protect this place, but his strength alone was limited after all, not to mention that there were no barriers outside the village.

He can protect it for a while, but he can't protect it for a lifetime. This place is doomed to disaster.

Fortunately, the officials in Jiangling City are more powerful, and they will relocate all the people in the village, so as not to lose both people and land.

Lin Jichen drove along the concrete path all the way back to the home he remembered.

The house is still the same as before, the door is locked, and a lot of weeds and moss have grown outside the door.

Parking the car at the door, Lin Jichen opened the door, looking at this very familiar home, his eyes couldn't help getting moist.

Since the fall of this village, Lin Jichen hasn't been home for many years.

Especially when he was dying in his previous life, his memory was all about his parents and this simple and warm little house.

Gu Qiuxue and Tang Ning didn't say a word, they just followed behind silently, they knew that Lin Jichen must miss his dead parents very much at this moment.

Lin Jichen checked everything carefully in the house, and found many old photos, as well as the only family portrait in the house.

When he saw the family portrait, he couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears on the spot.

In his previous life, after he learned that his hometown had fallen, he had no time to go back.

I don't even have a family photo, and I have forgotten the portraits of my parents. I have been struggling in the fusion world for several years, and my parents' memories have become more and more blurred.

Now seeing the smiling parents in the photo, Lin Jichen couldn't control himself for a while.

Gu Qiuxue also secretly wiped her tears from the side. She actually missed her uncle and aunt very much. When the two families got along well, her uncle and aunt liked her very much.

"Is Ah Chen back?"

At this time, a voice sounded outside the door, it was the neighbor's aunt.

Lin Jichen quickly collected his mood, squeezed out a smile, and shouted back, "Aunt Zhang, it's me."

"It's really Dust, you're back, aren't you at school?"

Lin Jichen prevaricated with the excuse that the school was on holiday.

Aunt Zhang was also very happy to see Lin Jichen, but she was a little surprised when she saw Gu Qiuxue and Tang Ning.

"These two little girls are..."

Lin Jichen walked up to Gu Qiuxue with a smile, held her hand and explained, "Aunt Zhang, this is my girlfriend, and that is my friend."

Gu Qiuxue blushed and quickly lowered her head.

Tang Ning greeted Aunt Zhang with a smile, but there seemed to be a hint of disappointment in her smile.

"Haha, Dust, you little guy, you already have a girlfriend when you are still in school, but you can indeed have a girlfriend at your age, not bad, your parents will probably be very happy if they know."

"It's good to be back, come back, go to the ancestral hall to pay homage to your parents, and come to my house for dinner in the evening, and Aunt Zhang will make you your favorite braised pork!"

"Alright, Aunt Zhang."

Lin Jichen agreed, and after Aunt Zhang left, he took Gu Qiuxue and Tang Ning to the ancestral hall in the village, where the ashes of his parents were placed.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back to see you."

Lin Jichen knelt in front of the portraits of his parents, dazed and absent-minded. After a long time, he calmed down and said with a smile, "Parents, let me introduce someone to you."

As he spoke, he turned his head and cast a look at Gu Qiuxue.

Gu Qiuxue understood, and with a blushing face, she came to Lin Jichen and knelt down.

"Uncle and aunt, I'm Xiaoxue, and I'm here to see you."

Lin Jichen introduced directly: "Mom and Dad, this is Xiaoxue, and now she is also my girlfriend. You have liked her since childhood, and now she is my wife. Are you happy?"

The old man in the nearby ancestral hall looked at them with a smile, but Lin Jichen faced them calmly, only Gu Qiuxue was blushing and shy.

After talking a lot with his parents, Lin Jichen didn't end the worship until it was getting dark.

He immediately discussed with the elders in the ancestral hall that he wanted to take away his parents' ashes.

Fortunately, the custom in their village is that the ashes are placed in the ancestral hall after death. If it is buried in the ground, it is really difficult for Lin Jichen to take away the ashes of his parents.

After all, the tomb had to be opened. Even if he wanted to do such a thing, the elders in the village would not agree to it.

Even so, Lin Jichen's proposal was still sternly rejected by the old man of the ancestral hall.


One more~

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