Full-time sword repair

Chapter 892 The open beta of each country is open!

"Strange, without spiritual power, how could there be such a sudden improvement in physical fitness?"

Lin Jichen muttered with some doubts.

He wondered if the game was updated in advance and the ability merged with reality.

But after careful inspection, there is no spiritual power at all, and there is no energy.

However, when the worlds were fused in the previous life, the players all possessed aura first, and their bodies did not change much.

Because many players are too poor in physical fitness, it takes a long time to inherit their abilities. It took Lin Jichen two full months to complete the integration.

He had never seen this kind of situation before him, and it also dispelled his worries about early integration.

"Is it really because of the fitness cabin?"

This was the only explanation Lin Jichen thought about, but he didn't know if it was true or not, so he simply didn't bother to think about it and fell asleep.

The next morning, Lin Jichen took out a lot of presents bought in the car yesterday.

Then visit the homes of every neighbor who has helped me and send them gifts.

The gift Lin Jichen prepared was very simple, nothing else but money.

20 cash each.

In addition, a game ring is also included.

This is what Lin Jichen has long thought. Although he can't tell everyone the truth, he can do what he can, such as giving them game rings.

This is like giving them a chance, whether they can grasp it or not depends on themselves.

The neighbors were stunned by this wave of gifts, they couldn't believe that Lin Jichen could have so much money just after he was in college!

Lin Jichen had no choice but to explain that he won the lottery to fool the past.

After delivering the presents, Lin Jichen took Gu Qiuxue and Tang Ning with him and drove off without waiting for the news to spread throughout the village.

Back in Jiangling City, the three of them finally calmed down.

The Xing Sen brothers and sisters also rushed back smoothly not long afterward.

The three days ended quickly, and finally ushered in the day when the game update was completed.

Countless players who have been holding back for a long time have gone online one after another.

During the three days, they missed "Eight Wilds" so much. As long as they played this game, they would not be interested in other games at all.

This has also led to the current situation in the game market where "Eight Wilds" dominates.

And it just went online today, and all players have received a big news.

That is the official announcement of "Eight Wilds", opening the simultaneous public beta in various countries!

Simultaneous public testing in various countries means that "Eight Wilds" will enter foreign markets.

Such a hasty decision also caught everyone by surprise.

After all, "Eight Wilds" has only been running public beta in China.

There are countless foreigners calling for Bahuang to open the global market, because this game has not been opened to the outside world, and it has always been locked.

Foreign players have to come to China if they want to play.

However, foreign players actually struggled to play.

After all, they don't understand Chinese culture, they can't understand the meaning of cultivating immortals, and they are confused by all kinds of obscure words in the game, even if they have a translator, they can't stand it.

They can't experience this purely Chinese-style fairy game in its original flavor.

Therefore, countless foreign players begged the "Eight Wilds" game company to be nicer to them, at least not to lock regions...

It's a pity that their appeal has been waiting for more than a year without any movement.

But today, the "Eight Wilds" official suddenly announced that the open beta in various countries will be launched, and the region will no longer be restricted. Players from all countries can purchase game equipment on the official website at will.

What excites foreign players the most is that "Eight Wilds" uses their country's culture as the background to open a brand new world map!

Players from each country will enter a novice map, which will not be disturbed by the Huaxia region. It will be a game mode based on the cultural background of the country.

And each novice map enjoys a special treatment of +50% experience.

This announcement made players from other countries burst into joy and tears.

"God knows how long we've been waiting for this day!"

""Eight Wilds" finally remembered us, woo woo woo!"

"I was lucky enough to play this game when I was traveling in China, and I wanted to play it even in my dreams, but it's a pity that it's locked."

"Hahaha, let's see how the warriors of my Korean Empire surpassed their Huaxia. When the world map is opened, I will go to the Huaxia District to become the king!"


Because of the announcement of "Bahuang", countless foreign players gave up other games they are playing now without hesitation, and decisively threw themselves into the arms of Bahuang.

All of a sudden, orders from abroad flew towards Bahuang officials like snowflakes.

As for the Huaxia players, they seem very calm, and the opening of the public beta in various countries has nothing to do with them.

Even if there is a chance to open the world map in the future, it will probably be a long time later.

Only Lin Jichen was a little flustered by the manipulation of "Eight Wilds".

But he remembered that in his previous life, the open beta of various countries was only opened after three years of operation of "Eight Wilds"!

It has only been less than a year and a half, and it has already appeared.

Does that mean... the converged world is really coming early?

Ever since he was reborn, Lin Jichen discovered that "Eight Wilds" was always beyond his expectations, and the speed of progress completely caught him off guard.

Thinking of Lin Jichen's headache, the original five-year development plan seems to be shortened to four years now?three years?Or two years?

He wasn't sure either.

If it is really early, all he can do is to become stronger quickly.

In addition to the big update of the public beta in various countries, "Eight Wilds" still made a lot of updates this time.

The first is to increase the durability of the equipment, which means that any equipment will have wear and tear, and if the wear is too large, the attributes of the equipment will be reduced.

There are many ways to restore the durability of equipment. You can find a refiner to restore it, or you can buy a durable talisman.

The second is to add several new secret realms.

The number of teleportation arrays in the third map has been greatly reduced. In the four states, except for the Zongmen, only a few large cities have teleportation arrays in the cities.

The last update is to limit the use of game voice. In the future, players will no longer be able to use the game voice function during the battle.

The four updates seemed of little significance, but only Lin Jichen understood what this update meant after reading it.

Of these four updates, three of them were made to increase the authenticity of the game.

Equipment durability, reduced teleportation array, and limited game voice.

These are actually paving the way for the future.

In the future, the teleportation array will not only decrease, but also disappear, and the game voice will gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

"Eight Wilds" is actually invisible, allowing everyone to gradually adapt to the increasingly real world of fairy tales.

In this way, after the world merges, everyone can quickly integrate into it. It can be said that "Eight Wilds" is really well-intentioned.

Find ways to make players in the real world take less risk, and work hard to train players to become stronger as soon as possible, so as to cope with the cruel world in the future.


[Author's digression]: I just ended the quarantine, it's too late, and I will resume updating tomorrow

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