Full-time sword repair

Chapter 889 Mosquito Sting!

The next day, when Lin Jichen woke up, there was no longer Gu Qiuxue's voice beside him, but there was a scent wafting from the kitchen outside.

He knew that Gu Qiuxue must be making breakfast.

Recalling what happened last night, Lin Jichen couldn't help being silly.

After not seeing him overnight, he already started to miss his girlfriend.

She quickly got up to wash up, and when she came out, Gu Qiuxue was indeed busy in the kitchen, with Xing Liyao helping her.

The two girls talked and laughed while they were busy.

"Sister Gu, you're a little weird today." Xing Liyao couldn't help but say.

"What's wrong?" Gu Qiuxue still didn't understand.

Xing Liyao smiled and said, "You seem to be very happy today."

"Oh... that... No, am I very happy?" Gu Qiuxue became nervous.

But Xing Liyao nodded, teasingly said: "Yes, it's very obvious, just like the state of girls just falling in love in TV dramas."

"This...you must have read it wrong. The TV series are all lies."

Gu Qiuxue said with a guilty conscience, but two red clouds flew up on her face.

Fortunately, Lin Jichen appeared at this time, so Xing Liyao didn't pursue it any further.

"Brother Lin, good morning~"

"Morning, Xiaoyao." Lin Jichen went over to greet her with a smile.

"Hey, brother Lin, you seem to be very happy today." Xing Liyao said with a smile.

Lin Jichen didn't refute, and admitted carelessly: "Yes, people feel refreshed when they have happy events."

"What happy event?" Xing Liyao asked curiously.

However, Gu Qiuxue secretly gave Lin Jichen an unspoken look.

Lin Jichen understood, and changed his words: "Of course I have broken through the Nascent Soul Realm. I am now invincible."

"Wow! Really?" Xing Liyao believed it without thinking too much.

"Of course it's true, no one is my opponent now!"

Lin Jichen patted his chest and said boldly.

"Then can my brother beat you? He also broke through Nascent Soul."

Lin Jichen did not discourage the little girl, and said, "Your brother should be [-]/[-] with me. I'm almost as good as him."

Xing Liyao believed it and felt quite proud.

She made up her mind and said, "I will work hard too, and I won't hold Brother Lin back!"

Lin Jichen smiled, and suddenly had an idea, and said, "Xiaoyao, do you want to become a frost practitioner?"

"Frost Law? What is that?" Xing Liyao was puzzled.

"It is a hidden law practice profession, and few people can become a hidden profession."

Xing Liyao did not rush to answer, but hesitated for a moment before saying: "May I discuss it with my brother first?"

"Of course, don't worry, you can discuss it with your brother now, is he awake?"

"Well! I'll go ask him now."

Xing Liyao put down what she was doing, and hurried downstairs to ask her own brother.

Seeing that Xing Liyao was gone, Lin Jichen went to the kitchen logically, came behind Gu Qiuxue, and hugged her from behind without any explanation.

Gu Qiuxue's body trembled, her face turned red immediately, she struggled and said, "Release quickly, you will be seen..."

"Who is there? It's okay." Lin Jichen didn't take it seriously, and still hugged her tightly.

Gu Qiuxue was about to continue to struggle, but Lin Jichen grabbed her, bowed his head and pecked her cherry lips.

Gu Qiuxue immediately lost the ability to resist after hearing a groan, and had no choice but to passively accept Lin Jichen's request for a kiss.

Just as the two were indulging in love and stealing food in the kitchen, a sound of opening the door woke them up.

Lin Jichen released Gu Qiuxue in time.

"Morning, Sister Qiuxue, hey, Xiao Linzi, you woke up so early too."

Ren Lan came out of the bedroom and was a little surprised when she saw Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen said without changing his face: "Oh, I was able to sleep yesterday without playing games, so naturally I woke up early."

"I said so." Ren Lan nodded, looked at Gu Qiuxue again, and asked casually, "Sister Qiuxue, what are you having for breakfast today?"

Gu Qiuxue is not as good as Lin Jichen, she is like a child who was caught by the teacher for secretly doing bad things, and said incoherently: "Oh...noodles...ah, no, it's fried dough sticks, ah, it's not right..."

Ren Lan walked over wondering, and said, "Sister Qiuxue, what's the matter with you? Why are you so nervous? Are you doing something bad?"

"No, no, I... didn't sleep well, um yes, I just didn't sleep well."

"Why is your mouth swollen?"

"Oh, it's a mosquito sting, yes, it's a mosquito!"


Ren Lan originally wanted to break the casserole and ask the end, but at this time Xing Liyao took Xing Sen upstairs.

Xing Sen was embarrassed to enter the house, so he shouted at Lin Jichen at the door: "Brother Lin, I have something to do with you."

"Come in, it's alright."

"No need, Brother Lin, come out for a while." Xing Sen shook his head quickly.

He never took the initiative to go upstairs or into the house, except that time when Lin Jichen had dinner together on his birthday.

In the past, every time he had a meal, he would only ask his sister to bring him a copy on the grounds that he was playing games.

He was afraid of disturbing the life of Lin Jichen's family, and it was really not suitable for him to enter other people's homes casually as a man.

Lin Jichen knew that he had a bad temper, so he could only go out and chat with him alone.

"Brother Lin, you just told my sister that you want her to become a hidden professional player, is that true?" Xing Sen cut to the chase.

"Yes, is she willing?"

Xing Sen didn't answer, but shook his head and refused: "Although I don't know much about hidden professions, I also know that the quota for hidden professions is very precious. Brother Lin, don't give it to my sister. She has average game talent. You give her too much money." Waste it, give it to someone else."

Lin Jichen laughed and said, "How do you know that your sister will waste this quota? What if she is very suitable for this profession."


Before Xing Sen finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Jichen: "Even if her talent is average, it's okay, the hidden profession itself is very powerful, it doesn't need too high a talent, and the Frost Method is a profession that doesn't need too high manipulation, besides, If she is not talented, I will guide her, so don't worry."


"There's nothing wrong with it. Hidden jobs are not as precious as you think. As long as Xiaoyao is willing to work hard, she will definitely be able to display the power of this class and become the main force of our team. Isn't that great?"


Xing Sen was speechless for a moment, and a warm current rushed through his heart.

Lin Jichen's unreserved trust in the two brothers and sisters made it impossible for him to express his deep gratitude in words.

"Brother Lin, I thank you for my sister, but I have a condition, I hope you can agree."

"You said."

I saw Xing Sen erasing a few contracts from behind, handing them to Lin Jichen, saying: "My sister and I have never signed a contract with you, today we have to sign no matter what!"

"Let's forget about the contract." Lin Jichen couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry.

Xing Sen had mentioned signing the contract from the very beginning, but Lin Jichen never agreed.

But this time Xing Sen was obviously serious, with an attitude that he would never give up if he didn't sign.


Three shifts~

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