Full-time sword repair

Chapter 888 Confess to Gu Qiuxue!

"Sister, you wronged me!"

Lin Jichen was out of breath, and was very dissatisfied with his sister's misunderstanding!

Gu Qiuxue suppressed a smile, blushed and said embarrassedly: "I didn't know at first... who told you to call this man's name in your dreams..."

"I haven't, absolutely not."

Lin Jichen hastily denied it, how could he dream of being called Baili Canfeng by the name of a cub, absolutely not!

"You have, you must have said it, I heard it all."

Gu Qiuxue said firmly.

"You must have heard wrong."

"That's right, I just said it."

"I didn't say it, so I didn't say it."


The two started to argue, but seeing that they couldn't make it, Lin Jichen hugged Gu Qiuxue, ready to punish him slightly.

Gu Qiuxue was taken aback and struggled in a panic, trying to escape Lin Jichen's 'claw'.

But Lin Jichen refused to let go at all, not only that, but also hugged him tighter and tighter.

"Sister, I'm fine and normal." Lin Jichen said seriously.

Gu Qiuxue was distracted, and hesitated, "Oh...I know..."

Lin Jichen didn't let go so easily, and continued to hug her and said, "Sister, let me ask you, how many times have you given me 'treatment' like that?"

Gu Qiuxue's cheeks were hot, and she refused to say anything at first.

However, he couldn't stand Lin Jichen's soft and hard talk, and finally confessed honestly: "Add this time...four times..."

Lin Jichen was taken aback, and said, "Then why didn't I notice it the first two times?"

"I did it while you were asleep..."

After Gu Qiuxue finished speaking, she was also taken aback, and said, "The first two times? You mean, you discovered it once?"

Lin Jichen realized that he had slipped the tongue, so he could only sneer and confess: "Hey... I just found out that time last month..."

Gu Qiuxue was even more ashamed, ashamed and angry, she couldn't help but raised her pink fist and greeted Lin Jichen's chest.

"Stinky little dust! Bad little dust! You're necrotic!"

Lin Jichen giggled and let her beat him.

He knew that this matter was finally settled, so that his sister would not feel bad.

And after the two talked, Lin Jichen suddenly felt that the previous barrier was lifted.

Before, Lin Jichen respected Gu Qiuxue more like his elder sister.

After all, for so many years, he has always regarded Gu Qiuxue as his sister.

Even after being reborn to understand his sister's intentions, he has always been hindered by the shackles in his heart and dare not go beyond.

In addition, Gu Qiuxue never asked him for anything, and never urged him to do anything.

The two have lived in such a respectful relationship for more than a year.

Now, with the help of handicrafts, Lin Jichen feels that the shackles have been lifted, and the knot in his heart has disappeared.

At this moment, she looked at Gu Qiuxue, who was shy and infinitely beautiful in her arms.

Lin Jichen couldn't help but said softly: "Sister, be my girlfriend!"


Gu Qiuxue obviously didn't expect Lin Jichen to confess his confession suddenly, the powder fist he hammered out stopped in mid-air, and the expression on his face was even more bewildered, as if wondering if he had heard it wrong.

But Lin Jichen repeated: "Sister, let me tell you, I miss you...to be my girlfriend."

It was only then that Gu Qiuxue believed it was true. She was so nervous that she held her breath subconsciously, and didn't react until she was about to run out of oxygen.

"That... this... what are you talking about... I... I..."

Gu Qiuxue hesitated for a long time and couldn't say a whole sentence.

However, Lin Jichen couldn't hold back the little impulse in his heart, couldn't help but lowered his head, and kissed the other party's red lips.


Gu Qiuxue suddenly seemed to have been shocked, her delicate body trembled, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

The blush on her cheeks spread to her whole body at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her hands subconsciously wanted to push Lin Jichen away.

At this time, Gu Qiuxue's mind went blank. Apart from being shocked by Lin Jichen's sudden initiative, she was also panicked by the sudden loss of her first kiss.

Of course... There is also the secret joy... and shyness of finally hearing Xiaochen's confession...

Gu Qiuxue didn't know how many years he had been waiting for this sentence.

She also doesn't remember when she fell in love with this younger brother who is three years younger than herself. It seems that liking Lin Jichen has already become her daily routine and instinct.

Although the two have been together for more than a year, Gu Qiuxue has never heard Lin Jichen formally confess his love to her.

Now this secret love that lasted for an unknown number of years finally ushered in the answer and response.

After a little struggle, Gu Qiuxue seemed to have given up resistance, and was soon fascinated by Lin Jichen's skillful kissing skills.

The temperature in the room gradually increased, and an ambiguous atmosphere spread.

Just when Lin Jichen couldn't help but want to get into the main show.

But Gu Qiuxue woke up from the obsession, quickly pressed his hand that was trying to make trouble, and did not let him take off his pajamas.

"I...that's here..." Gu Qiuxue breathed out the scent, and said in a voice like a mosquito.

Lin Jichen also panted heavily, calmed down, and said, "It's okay, next time will be fine."

Gu Qiuxue bit her red lips lightly, and tried hard to say "um".

Lin Jichen was overjoyed, and that bit of desire disappeared. He put his arms around Gu Qiuxue and said with a smile, "Sister, you will be my girlfriend from now on."

Gu Qiuxue leaned against Lin Jichen's arms with a happy expression on her face, and then pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "Stupid Xiaochen, how could anyone confess under such circumstances, are you just impulsive?"

Lin Jichen quickly explained: "Of course not, I swear I'm absolutely serious! If there is even half a lie, I'll be caught by the car when I go out... oh!"

Before he finished speaking, Gu Qiuxue covered his mouth.

"Idiot, don't curse yourself, my sister just believes you."

Lin Jichen chuckled, Gu Qiuxue glanced at him beautifully, and leaned into his arms again.

The two have been together for more than a year, and have shared the same bed for more than a year.

But today is the day Gu Qiuxue feels that the two of them are closest.

Although the two slept together before, there was always a distance between them, and she was too embarrassed to get close.

But now she doesn't have to worry about this issue anymore, she can lie in Xiaochen's arms with peace of mind and enjoy true love...

"Sister, I won't call you sister from now on." Lin Jichen leaned into her ear and said, the hot breath made Gu Qiuxue's body numb.

"No...I still like you to call me sister." Gu Qiuxue shook her head and refused.

Lin Jichen smirked and said, "Sister, so you like this tune?"

Gu Qiuxue was so ashamed that she couldn't help pinching his waist lightly, and said, "That's not true! I'm just used to hearing you call me sister. Besides, I'm older than you."

Lin Jichen saw how cute she was in hastily defending himself, and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, why don't I keep screaming?"

Gu Qiuxue said again: "Also, don't tell us about our relationship for now."


Gu Qiuxue replied embarrassedly: "I'm not ready yet..."

"Um... that's fine, but I also have a condition, if you agree, I will agree."

"What conditions?"

"Let me... kiss again!"

"No... um~"


Two more~

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