Full-time sword repair

Chapter 887 Unjust Death!

When Gu Qiuxue's hand came over from under the quilt, Lin Jichen's mind went blank, and he almost revealed the secret that he hadn't slept yet.

The wonderful memories of the last time flooded into his mind. Lin Jichen still remembered that night, he experienced the first time in his life that he did not perform handicraft work by himself.

At that time, under Gu Qiuxue's control, the feeling of not having to do the whole process by yourself, just enjoying it, is really unforgettable.

God knows how much Lin Jichen missed this feeling after that time.

It's a pity that he thought that Gu Qiuxue would only do this kind of behavior when he was sleepwalking. It was only this time, and he would not be able to enjoy it in the future.

Unexpectedly, tonight, such a beautiful night will be repeated!

Lin Jichen held back the little excitement in his heart, and kept silent when he was beaten to death, silently pretending to be asleep.

"Anyway, I fell asleep. Even if my sister sleepwalks, she can't blame me. Well, I was forced."

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen completely forgot the remaining sense of guilt, and focused on waiting for his sister's sleepwalking operation.

Sure enough, Gu Qiuxue was still the same as last time, reaching over skillfully, first taking off his big underpants, and then...

Lin Jichen was a little strange, why is my sister so proficient in her movements, didn't she only do it once? ?

Before he could think clearly about this question, Lin Jichen threw the question to the country of Java in the next second.

Because at this moment...he is under control again...

Lin Jichen's heart was beating wildly, and he tried not to make any sound, but his arms had already started to tremble slightly due to the stimulation.

Fortunately, Gu Qiuxue didn't seem to notice it, and she still concentrated on doing her own thing.

For some reason, this time Lin Jichen seemed to be extra firm, much longer than last time.

"Bad Xiaochen...why is it so slow this time...my hands are numb..."

Gu Qiuxue couldn't help muttering.

But Lin Jichen didn't hear it at all, he only cared about enjoying it, his brain was completely surrounded by stimulation.

Not to mention the voice, even if someone stabs him now, he probably doesn't feel it...

Finally, with Gu Qiuxue's perseverance, today's 'treatment' link was successfully concluded.

Lin Jichen also returned to reality from heaven, feeling guilty again after the joy.

He felt that he was going too far, his sister didn't even stop her sleepwalking, and she only cared about having fun.

"No, you can't do this again next time, this is the last billion times!"

Lin Jichen secretly warned himself.

Then he hurriedly wanted to clean up the battlefield and clear up the evidence so as not to be discovered.

However, just as he got up to go to the bathroom, Gu Qiuxue also sat up.

The two of them got up from their respective beds at the same time, then remained motionless as if they had cast a body spell, and stared blankly at each other.

Gu Qiuxue looked at Lin Jichen in panic, and Lin Jichen also looked at her in bewilderment.

Both of their brains froze.

"Isn't Xiaochen asleep???"

"Isn't sister sleepwalking???"

The two were confused at the same time, with big question marks hanging on their faces.

The atmosphere in the room instantly became extremely awkward.

Lin Jichen still had a little luck, he wondered if his sister was still sleepwalking.

So he boldly asked tentatively, "Sister?"


Gu Qiuxue subconsciously agreed, but couldn't hold back for a moment.

Realizing that she was exposed, she couldn't stay any longer, her face flushed like blood, she turned her head and fled out of the bedroom, and hid in the bathroom.

Lin Jichen's mouth remained open, dumbfounded.

"This...what's the situation? Isn't my sister sleepwalking???"

When Gu Qiuxue came back again, more than half an hour had passed.

After coming back into the house, she buried herself in the bed, with her head shrunk in, not daring to look at Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen tentatively called her twice, but there was no response.

This was the first time he was ignored by Gu Qiuxue.

Lin Jichen had no choice but to go to the bathroom first to clean up the 'evidence'.

After returning, he went back to the room and lay down, with Gu Qiuxue beside him, still huddled up, his head buried, breathing evenly from under the blanket.

Appears to be asleep.

Lin Jichen thought it would be good to fall asleep, so as not to be so embarrassing, so he kindly went over to help her untie the quilt, so as not to be overwhelmed.

But as soon as she stretched out her hand, Gu Qiuxue couldn't hold it anymore, she screamed in fright, and hid on the edge of the bed, like a frightened little rabbit.

Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry, his sister seemed to be afraid of him.

No, I have to make things clear today, otherwise there may be estrangement between the siblings.

Lin Jichen plucked up his courage and said softly, "Sister, I have something to ask you."

Gu Qiuxue was silent for a long time before finally saying in a voice like a mosquito: "What... what is it..."

Lin Jichen was overjoyed, hearing her sister's voice didn't seem to be angry, that's good.

He was most afraid that Gu Qiuxue would think that he was mad at him for pretending to sleep.

"That...sister, how could you...give it to me..." Lin Jichen hesitated to speak.

Don't think about how embarrassing Gu Qiuxue in the bed is now.

But she was afraid that Lin Jichen would misunderstand her, so she could only explain with shame: "That's for your treatment..."

"Huh? Treatment?"

Lin Jichen didn't believe it at all, and my sister's excuse was too clumsy. It would be more credible to say that I want to learn a craft, so I will be a test subject.

"Yeah." Gu Qiuxue nodded affirmatively.

"What's wrong with me?" Lin Jichen asked.

Gu Qiuxue stopped hiding, poked her head out from under the blanket, blushing and said, "After you broke up in love, you put your love on Two-dimensional, like the virtual characters in the game, we are afraid that if you get too involved in the game, you will lose confidence in reality in the future. "

"That's it?"

Gu Qiuxue added: "And..."

"What else?"

"I'm afraid... afraid that you will become gay..."

When Gu Qiuxue said this, she couldn't help but burst out laughing, laughing at herself.

Lin Jichen couldn't be happy at all, what should I do?When did I become gay? ? ?

Fuck you can eat and talk nonsense, my buddy's sexual orientation has always been normal, how could he be suspected of being a g-boy?

"Sister, how can you wrong me casually? How can I become gay?" Lin Jichen said aggrievedly.

But Gu Qiuxue said with reason: "The last time you slept, you called 'Baili Canfeng' in your sleep, and you were so close at the Ascension Fair, that guy looked like a homosexual, so I was worried about you Will also..."


Lin Jichen slapped his forehead, speechless.

This is simply a great injustice!

I am a serious young man, but my sister mistakenly thinks he is gay!

It's fine to misunderstand Baili Canfeng, this bitch Chi Chi really looks abnormal.

But Lin Jichen felt that he was not vigorous enough?Not manly enough?

Why is it also misunderstood as gay!

Injustice!What a shame! !


One more~

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