Full-time sword repair

Chapter 886 4th update!

After breaking through, Lin Jichen was impeccably satisfied with this attribute 'answer sheet'.

After looking at the panel narcissistically for a long time, Lin Jichen was ready to leave.

However, at this moment, a pattern on his arm suddenly flashed past his eyes.

Lin Jichen raised his hand and saw a jade pendant-like pattern appeared on his arm at some point.

This pattern is still very familiar.

Lin Jichen stared wide-eyed, looking at the pattern in horror.

"This...isn't this...that Pisces pendant back then???"

Lin Jichen was shocked. Isn't this jade pendant the treasure he stole in his previous life when he slipped into the cave of Jiuyin?

He hadn't appeared again since he was reborn, but now he suddenly saw it again.

Lin Jichen wiped his eyes quickly, wanting to confirm.

Who knows the next moment, the pattern disappeared...

Lin Jichen quickly turned his arms and searched carefully, but he still found nothing. He even looked at his whole body, including the third leg, but there was still nothing.

The pattern is like a shooting star, it stays for a moment and then disappears.

"Illusion? Or am I dazzled?"

Lin Jichen began to doubt himself, this is too wicked.

After searching for nothing, he had no choice but to give up.

At this time, the game notification sounded again, this time, it was a game announcement.

"Announcement! In 10 minutes, "Bahuang" will usher in the fourth major game update. All players will be forced to go offline. This update will last for 72 hours, so stay tuned!"

"Announcement! In 10 minutes, "Bahuang" will usher in the fourth major game update..."

The sudden game announcement caught all players on the server off guard.

"What's the matter? It's updated like this every time."

"That's right, I'm still working on the task, Nima!"

"Grass! This update time is too long, it only takes one day before, this time it's good, 3 days???"

"Damn it, can you let me know in advance next time? I just skipped class and came out all night. How will you update me to spend the night?"

"I've been queuing at Qiuyue Building for a whole day, and now that I'm in the line, you told me to update? I'm your father!"


The appearance of the game update notice really caught Lin Jichen off guard.

"Why is it updated again...and it's still such a sudden update."

Lin Jichen muttered, because he remembered that in his previous life, "Eight Wilds" would never be updated so suddenly, and everyone would be notified one day in advance each time.

But now four updates, each time is so hasty, as if it was forced to update.

A bold idea popped up in Lin Jichen's mind, this update...won't it have something to do with him again...

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Brother didn't do anything this time, just made a breakthrough, um, that's it, it has nothing to do with me."

Lin Jichen made a vowed statement.

Seeing that it was about to be updated, Lin Jichen had no choice but to leave Lingyao Mountain and return to his living room to meditate.

When he left, he remembered that Elder Tianqing and Elder Tianyuan were laughing almost to the back of their ears, and he didn't know what was going on with these two old men.

Anyway, we don't know, and we dare not ask.

Back at Jiangong Mountain, Lin Jichen wanted to share with his master the joy of breaking through the Nascent Soul, but unfortunately, his master was still missing.

Feeling a little regretful, he had no choice but to go back to his living room, hang up and log off.

After exiting the game cabin, all the women in the family also exited the game, discussing what will be updated in this three-day update.

But no matter how they discuss it, they can't discuss why.

Seeing that it was still early, everyone watched TV and chatted together in the living room.

Lin Jichen felt that he was in good spirits, so he went to the fitness cabin on the balcony to train.

Unexpectedly, this training made him a little unexpected.

Usually he can only hold out for half an hour at most, but this time he stayed in it for two hours!

It made Ren Lan and the others think he had passed out inside, so they all rushed to force open the fitness cabin.

Seeing that Lin Jichen came out safely, and other than blushing and sweating a little, he didn't take a breath.

All the girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Ren Lan was stunned.

"I'm going to Xiaolinzi, when did you become so fierce? Did you eat 'Weige'?"

Lin Jichen rolled his eyes and said, "Why is 'Brother Wei' so fierce, please buy me a dozen."

"Then how did you stay in the fitness cabin for so long? My record is only two and a half hours. You used to spend half an hour at most."

Ren Lan said he couldn't understand.

Lin Jichen didn't take it seriously, and said with a brazen smile: "It may be that my hard training for more than a year has finally paid off, haha!"

Ren Lan snorted: "You can pull it off. Since the first half of the year, you guys have been exercising for three days fishing and two days drying the net. You often stay up in the game for a week. It makes it difficult for me to practice you. What? When did you see you exercise every day?"

"Well, what you said makes sense, but it's a bit strange."

Lin Jichen nodded belatedly. Thinking about it, it seemed right. I basically haven't exercised in the past six months.

I remember that the last time I exercised was two months ago, and the record at that time was less than four and ten minutes.

And every time it came out, it was no different from a soft-legged shrimp, Lin Jichen was so tired that he slept all day.

But this time, not only did I stay for two hours, but I didn't feel tired at all, which is strange!too weird!

Lin Jichen felt his body carefully, but didn't find any abnormality, but felt that there seemed to be endless energy in his body...

"Maybe it's due to the fitness cabin." Qin Xiaowei guessed from the side.

"It shouldn't be. The fitness cabin is indeed very useful, but it's not enough to improve it to this level."

"Could it be talent? Just like his game talent, he might also be so talented in physical fitness."

"That's too enviable."


The girls guessed and guessed, but Lin Jichen didn't know who to trust, so he had to give up.

It was gradually getting late, and everyone was a little tired, so they took a bath and went back to their houses.

Lin Jichen was the last to take a bath, and after returning to the room, Gu Qiuxue seemed to have fallen asleep.

He tiptoed onto the bed, closed his eyes and prepared to rest.

But Lin Jichen found that he seemed to be a little excited today, and he couldn't sleep for a long time with his eyes closed.

"Did you hold back for too long without doing crafts? I can't stretch my body a little bit?"

Lin Jichen had a ridiculous idea.

It makes sense to think about it this way, after all, he has spent almost the past two months in the game, and he clearly agreed to do craft work once in a while.

But because the game has been delayed for so long, and the body of a virgin in two lifetimes is sleeping next to his sister, it is natural for him to be excited and sleepless.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen prepared to secretly watch some exciting videos with his mobile phone.

However, just when he was about to take action, Gu Qiuxue's tentative voice came from next to his ear.

"Xiaochen? Xiaochen?"

Lin Jichen wanted to respond, but because of his guilty conscience, he just closed his eyes and continued to pretend to be asleep.

Fortunately, Gu Qiuxue just yelled twice and then fell silent.

Just as Lin Jichen breathed a sigh of relief, the next second a jade hand sneaked over from under the blanket...


Three shifts~

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