Full-time sword repair

Chapter 878 The Value of 3 Flowers!

Realizing that he was being tricked, Huashen Laogui was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and his murderous intent poured out like a mountain torrent.

The others retreated quickly so as not to harm Chi Yu.

"Old ghost Heimu, it's best not to do anything here, otherwise our ancestors will be angry."

The sharp-mouthed man stood up and said something.

Of course, he was not supporting Lin Jichen.

It's just that the auction has just ended, and the Huashen old ghost is going to kill and rob things at their meeting. After that, who would dare to buy things at the auction.

For the sake of reputation, he can't be allowed to do anything here.

Luckily, the old Heimu ghost calmed down a bit at the moment, and he said with a smirk: "Who said I'm going to do something? My ancestor, I never do that kind of thing. I'm a good person, hahaha!"

After finishing speaking, the old ghost Heimu went straight away, leaving behind a group of melon-eaters who looked at me and looked at you, all with expressions that made me laugh.

After the old ghost Heimu left, Lin Jichen handed over the spirit stone to Baili Canfeng, asked him to go to the backstage to settle the bill, and took the jade slip into his hands before sending it to him.

Just asking Baili Canfeng to raise the price was nothing more than trying to divert the firepower and deliberately attract the attention of Old Ghost Heimu.

He wants to order this jade slip.

Even if it was rubbish inside, he would admit it.

From Lin Jichen's point of view, exchanging 300 million low-grade spirit stones for a copy of broken heaven-grade magical powers is not a loss at all.

After all, low-grade spirit stones can only be regarded as currency, only money.

If you have what money can buy, don't hesitate.

No matter how many low-grade spirit stones there are, they are just to provide Lin Jichen with better cultivation resources.

If the earned spirit stones are not used to improve one's own strength, then what's the point of earning them.

That being the case, how can I not want this jade slip?

In the previous life, I couldn't afford anything I wanted to buy, and there was no such condition.

It's different now, Lin Tuhao wants to take all the treasures he couldn't afford before into his pocket!

After getting the jade slips, Lin Jichen checked them immediately.

[Heavenly Supernatural Ability Unknown (Incomplete)]: After gaining power for five seconds, a special enchantment with a range of 1000 meters is summoned, and all attributes of enemies in the enchantment are reduced by 20%, and they cannot use any body skills and magical skills. The enchantment lasts for 5 minutes, and when the enchantment is released after 5 minutes, it will cause 50000 skill damage within the range.

Cooldown: 10 days.

Mana Cost: 100000 points.

Requirements: All monks above Nascent Soul Realm can learn.


I go!

After reading the supernatural powers in the jade slips, Lin Jichen almost didn't laugh out loud on the spot.

This supernatural power is too fierce!

I didn't expect it to be an enchantment type supernatural power!

Barrier secret skills are generally rare, let alone supernatural powers.

And this thing is still an incomplete version. If it is a complete version, how strong will it be?

But even so, he was still extremely satisfied with this supernatural power.

These 300 million spirit stones are worth the money!

"Brother Lin, can you please stop laughing, it's not certain whether we can leave alive."

Baili Canfeng complained helplessly.

Lin Jichen put away the jade slips, smiled lightly and said, "Are you afraid? I'm not afraid."

"I really don't know where your self-confidence comes from. You know, the old ghost of Huashen and many Nascent Soul Realm guys are staring at us. They will definitely attack us when we leave the town."

"Don't panic, just follow me."

Lin Jichen was not afraid at all, and left the auction house swaggeringly with the female ghost.

Baili Canfeng had no choice but to follow behind, wondering why this guy was so confident?

As soon as the two walked out of the auction house, they found countless pairs of eyes secretly watching them.

If eyes could kill, the two would have died hundreds of times...

Faced with this hungry wolf-like stare, Baili Canfeng also hastily took out his staff, ready to meet the enemy with a nervous expression.

The female ghost in the Nascent Soul Realm beside Lin Jichen was also on guard, for fear that she would be caught back before meeting her master.

Lin Jichen looked indifferent, looking at their unfriendly eyes, he kindly reminded: "You guys better not make up my mind, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent for a second, and burst into laughter the next moment.

"What did he just say? Did I hear you right?"

"He said don't make up his mind, or you will bear the consequences. Hahahaha, I really laughed to death."

"Where does this kid have the courage to say such a thing?"

"It's just a dead duck with a stubborn mouth, trying to bluff people? Do you think that someone will be afraid of him like this? How ridiculous!"


Not only did Lin Jichen's words not scare everyone, but it was considered a bluff.

Lin Jichen didn't bother to explain this, and walked out of the town like a stroll in the courtyard.

As soon as he left the town, he didn't run very far, and saw the old ghost Heimu waiting in front of him for a long time.

The old ghost Heimu didn't bother to engage in a sneak attack, so he waited leisurely in front of the two of them.

Seeing the two of them approaching, he showed a cold smile.

"I thought you were going to stay in the town for ten and a half months, but I didn't expect you to be so brave."

"Since this is the case, I will give you a chance to survive, hand over all the spirit stones and treasures on your body, and then cripple your legs. I may consider letting you go."

"Although my old ghost is a ghost cultivator, I have a good heart, and I don't want to fight casually."

The old ghost Heimu said very 'kindly'.

Baili Canfeng's face darkened, and he said coldly: "If you want to fight, just fight, don't talk nonsense!"

The old ghost Heimu laughed and tore off the disguise.

"Okay, you guys don't want to live, so hand over your life and treasures to my dad!"

After all, the old ghost Heimu is about to make a move.

However, he suddenly frowned and dodged to the side alertly.

I saw a spell land on the position where he just stayed.


The black wood old ghost scolded angrily.

A figure came out from the forest, it was Gao Quansheng.

"The dignified patriarch of the God Transformation Realm is bullying two juniors with spirits, what a disgrace!"

The old ghost Heimu recognized Gao Quansheng, and immediately said with disdain: "Who am I talking about? It turned out to be you, an old turtle."

"Gao Quansheng, I have no enmity with you. If you leave now, I can let the past go."

Gao Quansheng snorted coldly and said, "If you want to do something to them, you have to pass me first!"

"you wanna die!"

The old ghost Heimu couldn't bear it anymore, why did he keep encountering such stunned young people today?

Two spiritual ants kept provoking him, and now an old tortoise hiding in Tibet dared to provoke him?

Damn it, he looks so easy to be bullied by the grand patriarch of the God Transformation Realm? ? ? ?

Heimu old ghost was activated by mana, and his body was full of ghostly aura, as if sent by hell, the surrounding temperature instantly dropped to freezing point.

He took the lead in attacking Gao Quansheng.

The two masters began to confront each other!In an instant, the surrounding forest was reduced to ashes.

Baili Canfeng 'suddenly realized' said: "Brother Lin, you already knew that Old Man Gao would come, no wonder you are so stubborn!"

"You are really smart."

Lin Jichen had no choice but to complain, seeing Gao Quansheng appearing, he couldn't laugh or cry, please, he didn't want to ask him to help...


Two more~~

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