Full-time sword repair

Chapter 879 Winning Hook Appears!

Just when Lin Jichen was still hesitating whether to let Gao Quansheng stop.

"Xiaoqian! Take them away first! Leave the Wudu Mountains! I'll be there soon!"

Gao Quansheng shouted suddenly.

The female ghost's name is Xiaoqian.

Hearing the master's order, although she really wanted to go up to help, she also knew that she could not help at all with her own strength.

"Two, follow me!"

Xiaoqian couldn't help but grab the arms of the two and fled from here.

"Hey...stop for a while, I have a way..."

Lin Jichen was dragged away by this female ghost, and he kept yelling to stop.

But the other party didn't care, and just persuaded with a heavy face: "Grandfather, I know you want to help my master, but our strength is too weak, we can only add to the chaos in the past, trust my master, he will be fine, let's go !"

Even Baili Canfeng agreed: "Yeah, brother Lin, the transformation of the gods is not as simple as you think, even the ordinary ancestors of the transformation gods are not something we can deal with now, don't pretend to be aggressive, run quickly Bar."

After speaking, he also pulled Lin Jichen up and ran at full speed.

Lin Jichen was speechless for a while, and was forced to flee.

The two of them and one ghost quickly fled towards the outside of the Wudu Mountain Range.

However, behind him, he has already followed many tails.

Apart from the old ghost Heimu, many hungry wolves still had their eyes on Lin Jichen, the fat sheep.

Even... Among them is the small town backer of the auction, another ancestor of the God of Transformation!

He had already made up Lin Jichen's idea, but in order not to fall into power, he was going to wait for Lin Jichen and the others to go a little farther away before acting in secret.

After all, if this matter is exposed, his reputation will be ruined, and he will never even think about holding an auction in the future.

So in order not to lose his tongue, he decided to let Lin Jichen and the others run far away before talking, and by the way, he thoughtfully helped them stop those Nascent Soul cultivators who were chasing them.


When Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng were fleeing, they heard movement behind them.

Both of them turned their heads, and saw a master of transforming spirits blocking the group of Nascent Souls who were chasing up.

"Damn it! Brother Lin, is this your second hole card?" Baili Canfeng exclaimed.

Lin Jichen: "???"

"Do you believe me when I say I don't know him?" Lin Jichen explained.

Baili Canfeng and the female ghost shook their heads at the same time.

"Damn! Don't pretend, Brother Lin, it turns out that you have already arranged everything. No wonder you are so confident. It turns out that you still know the old friend of Huashen in the Wudu Mountains. It's really hidden. It's so embarrassing. You still hide it." Follow me."

The female ghost complained a little: "Benefactor, you have such a powerful helper, why didn't you call it out earlier, so that my master wouldn't have to risk himself..."

Lin Jichen was speechless with his mouth open, and was speechless for a moment.

Come on, he really doesn't know this person, who is this guy!

But fortunately with the help of this "good man" of Huashen, the three of them managed to escape the chasing and killing of these Nascent Souls, and they were getting closer and closer to the outskirts of the Wudu Mountain Range.

Seeing that they were about to escape from the Wudu Mountain Range, before the three of them could breathe a sigh of relief, a burst of terrifying laughter sounded from the ears of the three of them.

Just the laughter alone gave them a splitting headache, making life worse than death.

The female ghost fell to her knees, moaning in pain.

Baili Canfeng's face was pale, and there was unprecedented fear in his eyes.

"Brother Lin... has a big enemy!"

Lin Jichen didn't know, this is definitely not the strength of the God Transformation Realm, it's terrifying!Absolute terror exists!

Even he, who had seen the world as a Daoist in his previous life, couldn't help feeling palpitating.

He didn't expect such an old monster to exist in the Wudu Mountains. What's the origin?

What made Lin Jichen even more serious was that he sensed that Xiaowan in the ghost servant's space had transformed directly.

And he was struggling desperately, trying to escape from his ghost servant space.

what's the problem?

But at this time, the terrifying voice sounded again, with a mocking and teasing meaning.

"Tsk tsk, I really didn't expect that the majestic Empress Hanba would become a ghost servant of a weak human race. It really disgraced my ghost clan and your father, hmph!"

Hearing this, Lin Jichen could sense that Xiao Wan's mood swings became more intense, as if he wished he could tear apart the space and fly out in the next second.

Under such coercion, it was extremely difficult for the three of them to move even a single step.

"What is he talking about?" Baili Canfeng asked with a pale face.

Lin Jichen didn't answer, only he guessed the approximate identity of the other party.

A figure flashed in his mind, General!

Fortunately, Lin Jichen was well prepared, and the spirit imprint on his arm gave him a complete sense of security.

He supported his body, tried to calm down, and said loudly: "General, don't hide your head and show your tail, I know it's you!"

Unexpectedly, the voice suddenly became strange: "Oh? The general also knows about this?"

Lin Jichen's heart skipped a beat, isn't he a general?Then who else?

Just when he was thinking, the other party finally appeared, a man with an ordinary appearance, even a little ugly appeared in front of him.

The man looked featureless, just like an ordinary woodcutter, except that the five big and three rough looked very powerful, and there was no mana fluctuation at all.

But no one really believed that he was a normal person.

Lin Jichen noticed the imprint on his forehead, which was a pen-shaped pattern.

He remembered very clearly that there was lightning on the general's forehead, but this man was a pen.

He has learned a lot of secrets of the ghost clan in the Sutra Pavilion of the Qianlong royal family, and he is no longer the kind of novice who knows nothing about the ghost clan.

The four rulers of the ghost clan, that is, the four emperors, Nuba, Jiangchen, Yinggou, and Houqing.

The four of them are the four leaders and rulers of the ghost clan.

They each form a faction, for example, the female demon is in charge of the order of the ghost clan, and the Hanba clan, and the Hanba clan has a Bianhua flower carved on their foreheads.

And the generals are in charge of the army of the ghost clan, who fight against the outside world and suppress the rebellion. This clan is called the Yaksha clan, and there is a lightning pattern engraved on their heads.

As for the latter two, Houqing is in charge of the internal affairs of the ghost clan, equivalent to a logistics boss, and his family is called Digong, with a feather-like pattern engraved on his head.

The last one is Yinggou. Yinggou is in charge of the justice of the ghost clan. His clan is named Yan Luo.

And on this man's head, there is a pen-like pattern, combined with the unfathomable strength of this man just now.

A bold guess comes to mind...

"You win the hook?" Lin Jichen asked.

Not only did the man not deny it, but he also praised him: "Unexpectedly, you have a wide range of vision. You even know this king. You can answer this king first. How do you know the generals?"

"Why did I tell you?" Lin Jichen asked back.

The man laughed, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

"Since that's the case, you will die for this king!"

As soon as the words fell, the winning hook revealed his true nature, and Lin Jichen almost didn't react because of the decisiveness of the attack.


Fortunately, Lin Jichen activated the soul imprint on his arm in time.

A red light flashed out, and the winning hook was knocked back.

I saw a graceful and graceful woman appearing in front of Lin Jichen. The woman's red dress was swaying, and she amazed all beings as soon as she appeared.


One more~

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