Full-time sword repair

Chapter 877 5% off magic power?

The sharp-mouthed man began to introduce.

"To tell you the truth, this thing is a heavenly treasure."


The audience suddenly boiled, and everyone couldn't sit still.

"What?! Tianpin?"


"Will the heavenly treasure appear here?"

"Yeah, so all the old monsters in the Wudu Mountain Range must come out?"


Everyone was discussing, their eyes fixed on the jade slip on the stage.

But the ghost cultivator said disdainfully: "Pretending to be a ghost, there is no trace of heavenly breath on it!"

The sharp-mouthed man was not annoyed when he heard the words, and explained with a smile: "Guest officer, don't be annoyed, let me finish, this jade slip does indeed contain a treasure of the heavenly rank, and it is also a book of general-purpose heavenly rank magical powers and secret skills!"

Tianpin supernatural powers!Fuck!Still universal!

Everyone is more excited.

The universal secret technique means that there is no occupational restriction, whether it is law training, physical training or instrumental training, medical training, all can be learned.

This kind of universal secret technique is often very precious, and there is no market for it.

The key is Tianpin, which made everyone present unable to restrain themselves.

However, the sharp-mouthed man changed the subject and said regretfully: "Unfortunately, this jade slip was destroyed during the competition, and it was split into two. The other half is missing, and only this half remains."

Huashen Guixiu frowned and asked, "What do you mean? Is this a piece of trash?"

"No, no, there are two forms of this supernatural power, and it happens that one of them is recorded here. You can still learn it, but the power will be cut in half."

Everyone understands that feelings are a [-]% magic power.

"What supernatural power is this?" a Nascent Soul cultivator asked.

The sharp-mouthed man laughed and said, "I can't say that. It's a secret. Only the guests who have photographed this thing are eligible to view it."

When everyone was told this, their curiosity was aroused.

Lin Jichen sighed. It's not that he regrets that this magical power is only half powerful.

Unfortunately for him, after being said by this sharp-mouthed man, everyone's auction mood might still be mobilized.

He originally wanted to take advantage of everyone's ignorance to pick up a leak.

I co-authored it because I thought a little too much, and thought of this auction house too simply.

Sure enough, Huashen Laogui couldn't wait any longer.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get started!"

After finishing speaking, the Huashen old ghost still glanced around, and openly stated: "I am going to buy this treasure, and I hope you will sell me face, otherwise, I will be angry."

The words of this Huashen Guixiu revealed a very obvious, naked threat.

After hearing this, many people were frightened by the strength of this old ghost in the state of transformation, so they could only reluctantly give up the idea of ​​auctioning.

The sharp-mouthed man was a little annoyed. Isn't this destroying the business of their auction house?

But since the other party is the ancestor of Huashen, it is not easy to offend at will, so he can only start to protect the price with a cold face.

"The starting price is 100 million! Each price increase must not be less than 10!"

Huashen Laogui immediately started bidding: "I'll offer 110 million!"

Most of the people on the field gave up the idea of ​​bidding, some because they were shy, and some because they didn't want to offend Huashen.

Of course, that doesn't mean everyone is afraid of him.

Many Nascent Soul masters just do their part.

"I'll pay 120 million!"

"130 million!"

"150 million!"


Soon, the bidding price of this time surpassed the highest record of 150 auctioned by the female ghost, and the speed did not slow down, heading straight for 200 million.

When the price reached 200 million, most bidders had no choice but to give up.

200 million spirit stones, even for people like them, it is difficult to get them out at once.

Moreover, it would not be worthwhile to open it higher, after all, although it is a natural supernatural power, it is only a fragmented scroll, and I don't even know what the supernatural power is for and how powerful it is.

"230 million!"

Huashen Laogui still refused to give up.

"240 million!"

Like him, there is also a Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator who doesn't want to give up.

Huashen Laogui raised the price again: "I am 250!"

The demon cultivator looked at him in surprise, but finally reluctantly gave up.

"250! Is there anyone higher than this 250 guest!"

The sharp-mouthed man fanned the flames again.

However, this time everyone is also powerless.

Huashen Laogui smiled triumphantly, and regarded the jade slip as something in his pocket.

But in the next second, the situation changed suddenly.

"300 million!"

A masked man suddenly raised his hand and offered a sky-high price.

Huashen Laogui thought it was that kid again, but when he looked back, he realized that it was not, but the kid was sitting next to this person before.

And the one named 300 million is another kid, and the key is that he is just a ghost.

"No reason!"

Huashen Laogui was so angry that his mouth almost crooked, he got up and stared at the two people coldly.

But Lin Jichen shrugged innocently, and said to him, "It's none of my business, sir."

Baili Canfeng next to him smiled and nodded, pointing at Lin Jichen.

"Senior, he just snatched your female ghost away. Even if you want to find it, you should go to him first to settle the score."

Lin Jichen hurriedly said: "No, no, I just took a picture of a female ghost, and he took a picture of a supernatural power. Senior, you are welcome to settle accounts with him!"

"Don't you know that taking someone's love is like killing one's parents?" Baili Canfeng objected.

Lin Jichen said disdainfully: "I only know that you snatched the heavenly treasures of the seniors, and you should be damned!"

"Damn you!"

"Damn you!"


"It's you!"


At this auction, the two actually quarreled in public.

What's more, Lin Jichen was not angry, and punched Baili Canfeng with one punch, and the two immediately scuffled together.

Everyone was dumbfounded, these two... Aren't they together?

Everyone immediately 'woke up', it seems that in the face of huge interests, there is no so-called friendship at all.

The scene of the two fighting and scolding each other attracted everyone's attention.

At this time, no one paid attention, the sharp-mouthed man kept shouting.

"300 million for the first time! Stop arguing!"

"300 million for the second time! Has anyone raised the price?"

"300 million for the third time! Deal..."

The sharp-mouthed man had no choice but to drop the hammer.

In fact, he was also afraid that the Huashen old ghost would kill Baili Canfeng directly, and no one would get out of the 300 million by then, so he ended it as soon as possible.

Anyway, the auction is over, whether Baili Canfeng lives or dies has nothing to do with their auction house.

Hearing the sound of the falling hammer, the Huashen old ghost came to his senses, and hurriedly turned around and said, "I haven't asked the price yet!"

In fact, Huashen Laogui's psychological price is 400 million, which is also his final reserve price.

But now, without giving him a chance, the filming is over? ? ?

The sharp-mouthed man spread his hands and said, "The hammer has already dropped, this is the rule of the auction house."

Huashen Laogui suddenly came to his senses, and turned his head to stare at these two people.

Sure enough, as soon as the filming was over, the two immediately shook hands and made peace, hooking shoulders and backs, like brothers.

"How about it, Brother Lin, am I doing okay?"

"Not bad, not bad, I saved a lot of money, I will reward you Qiuyuelou crush when I go back."

"One is not enough, I want two!"


One more~

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