Everyone looked in the direction of the bid just now, only to see a masked man raising his hand.

It was even more incredible when everyone found out that the person who bid was only in the spiritual realm.

Is a boy with a spiritual realm so rich?

Facing everyone's surprised gazes, Lin Jichen sat calmly on the chair, not caring about the greedy eyes cast from nearby.

The sharp-mouthed man was the happiest. When he heard someone asking for a price, he quickly put down the hammer in his hand and continued to shout: "Someone offered 100 million yuan! Is there a higher price?"

The scene was completely silent, 100 million spirit stones, not everyone can afford it.

Even if some people have it, they are not willing to take it all out. It is too uneconomical to empty out the family just to buy a ghost servant.

Naturally, the Huashen Guixiu would not be willing to be compared to a junior with a spiritual realm, so he immediately raised his hand: "101 million!"

The next second, the annoying voice sounded again behind him: "110 million!"

Another direct price increase of [-].

Huashen Guixiu got angry and said, "120 million!"

"130 million!"

"140 million!"

"150 million!"

After shouting here, Huashen Guixiu finally couldn't continue shouting, 150 million, this is already a sky-high price, and his family property is only more than 200 million.

It costs more than half of it at once, even the ancestor of Huashen couldn't accept it.

"150 million! Is there any higher one?"

"150 million for the first time!"

The sharp-mouthed man blushed with excitement, and he got a lot of dividends from this order.

He looked at the ghost cultivator who had transformed into a god, hoping that the other party would continue to bid, the more the better.

However, this ancestor ghost cultivator has completely given up, closing his eyes like an old monk in meditation.

The sharp-mouthed man also knew that the other party must have given up, so after shouting three times, he officially announced: "This female ghost will belong to this guest! Congratulations! You have captured the most powerful ghost servant so far!"

Soon, the prison cart was pushed down, and a clerk came up to lead Lin Jichen to pay the bill.

Lin Jichen got up, and walked backstage calmly under the watchful eyes of wolves.

Lin Jichen readily handed over 150 million spirit stones, and the other party was also straightforward, saying that the prison car would belong to Lin Jichen.

"Guest officer, this is the soul pill that washes away the imprint of the other party's ghost servant. Do you need me to help you control her and feed her?"

A late Nascent Soul cultivator asked very intimately.

Lin Jichen took the soul pill, but rejected the other party's kindness.

"No, I'll take care of it myself, you go out first."

"no problem."

After the people left, Lin Jichen came to the prison van and saw the beautiful female ghost inside without any disturbance.

Because in his opinion, although this female ghost is pretty, she is far behind Xiao Wan.

When the female ghost inside saw him, she bared her teeth and danced her claws with murderous aura.

"I will not let you succeed in my death! At worst, I will die with you!"

After finishing speaking, the female ghost was about to explode her Nascent Soul, but found that she couldn't commit suicide in the prison car.

She looked up to the sky and screamed in despair and grief.

Seeing her like this, Lin Jichen didn't want to make her suffer so much anymore.

"Sheng Gao Quan asked me to come."

As soon as the words came out, the female ghost immediately raised her head, wiped away her tears, and hurriedly asked, "Are you serious?"

"Of course, this is the token he asked me to show you." Lin Jichen took out a bunch of bracelets.

The female ghost immediately believed Lin Jichen, and said excitedly, "Where is my master?"

"He is waiting for you outside the town. I will release you now. You stay by my side for the time being. Don't wander around. When the auction is over, I will take you to see him."

"Well! Thank you benefactor!"

"It's okay, it's just entrusted by others."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he opened the prison car with confidence.

After the prison van was opened, the female ghost did not run away, let alone hurt Lin Jichen, but obediently followed behind him.

Lin Jichen took her back to the auction house.

Seeing that the female ghost next to Lin Jichen was so obedient, everyone immediately understood, thinking that Lin Jichen had already signed a master-servant contract with this female ghost, they all showed envious expressions.

"This kid is really lucky to find such a top-quality female ghost as a ghost servant."

"You can afford 150 million spirit stones, you're really rich!"

"Don't he know the truth of innocence? Hehe, I'm following him!"

"Don't worry, this kid won't live long, didn't you see that old ghost who turned into a god stared at him all the time, hahaha, he's dead."


The ghost cultivator had indeed been paying attention to Lin Jichen. Just now he was afraid that Lin Jichen would run away early, so he followed him.

But seeing that the other party came back, he felt relieved.

"Things like ants, if you dare to snatch them from me, I will let you know what life is like death!"

Huashen Laogui thought viciously in his heart, and was going to do it as soon as Lin Jichen left the town!

"Brother Lin, why didn't you leave just now?"

Baili Canfeng was a little puzzled.

Lin Jichen chuckled, and said, "Do you think that old ghost who left just now wouldn't follow? He would definitely follow and kill me. Instead, it would be safer to wait for everyone to leave together."

"That's right." Baili Canfeng agreed.

The two continued to stay at the auction, watching the changes.

By this time the auction was drawing to a close.

The finale lot was two earth-grade weapons, one purple weapon and one blue weapon.

Lin Jichen didn't pay attention at all, and continued to remain silent.

He just spent 150 million, and his heart is still bleeding.

In Zhao Laojiu, he only got 100 million spirit stones, and the extra ones were equal to those he paid for himself.

Fortunately, Lin Jichen's family is well-off and rich in spiritual stones, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to take pictures.

Currently, Lin Jichen has more than 500 million spirit stones on him, a real rich man.

This is still too much expenditure for opening a lot of new stores before, otherwise it would have broken at least 2000 million.

But now Lin Jichen's shop can at least bring Lin Jichen more than 500 million Lingshi net profit every month.

Lin Jichen doesn't need to worry about Lingshi now.

It's not like before, a piece of spirit stone can't wait to be broken into two halves, the poor years are finally over.

Lin Jichen is now a proper local tyrant!

After the auction of the two land-grade weapons was completed, the auction was declared to be over.

However, just as everyone was about to get up and leave, the sharp-mouthed man suddenly called out to everyone.

"Wait a minute, everyone, just now there is a new item from the auction house, are you interested?"

After finishing speaking, the sharp-mouthed man clapped his hands, and the assistant immediately presented the item, which turned out to be a jade slip.

It's just that the jade slip was broken in half, as if it was cut in half by something.

The other half was gone, and the jade slip was bleak and dull, without any aura, as if it was a waste.

Lin Jichen didn't take it seriously. Things that can be stored in jade slips are usually treasures. The heavenly skills he obtained before were all packed in jade slips.

This one in front of me doesn't look like a normal product...


Three shifts

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