Full-time sword repair

Chapter 875 Sky-high price auction!

Seeing that Baili Remnant Fengqi just wanted to make trouble.

Lin Jichen quickly stopped him, and poured out a large bag of spirit stones in front of the auction house manager. The spirit stones were piled up on the table in front of the other party, forming a hill.

Moreover, most of these spirit stones are middle-grade spirit stones, and there are even top-grade spirit stones in them.

At this moment, all the monks in the audience were stunned. Most of them showed greedy eyes, and the eyes they looked at Lin Jichen also became malicious.

"Are you qualified to go in?" Lin Jichen asked coldly.

When the steward saw how rich Lin Jichen's family was, he immediately smiled and said, "That's enough, of course it's enough, it's all a misunderstanding, please come in, both of you!"

Only then did Lin Jichen put away the Lingshi, and walked into the auction house with Baili Canfeng swaggeringly, and were arranged in a relatively front position.

Lin Jichen took a casual glance after sitting down, and found that the customers here were at least in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and many of them were in the middle and late stage.

The human race and the ghost race accounted for half, and everyone came for the auction.

Lin Jichen is still very interested in this kind of auction. This kind of auction house established in a very evil area often has a lot of good things.

When the other guests in the auction house saw two juniors with spiritual realms coming in, they immediately understood that these two must be two fat sheep.

Many old monsters in the Nascent Soul Realm even began to secretly follow the two brothers.

"Brother Lin, if you reveal your wealth, I'm afraid we'll be in trouble when we go out."

Baili Canfeng said helplessly.

Lin Jichen jokingly said: "It's okay, if they rush to trouble us, you can stand up and say that you are Zhao Laojiu's male favorite, and they will never dare to mess with you."

"Fuck your ass!"

Baili Canfeng broke the defense instantly, but Lin Jichen laughed heartlessly.

Not long after, the auction began.

A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks came up to the stage and started the auction without any nonsense.

"The first lot, a high-grade blood-containing pill, can help monks in the early stage of the Nascent Soul break through to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul! The starting price is 10 low-grade spirit stones, and the price increase should not be less than [-] each time."

As soon as the man finished speaking, there were monks below who started bidding.


"11 million!"

"12 million!"


Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng couldn't help but be speechless when they heard the price guarantee.

Fuck it's too expensive!

Although the top-grade Yunxue Pill is relatively rare, it definitely does not reach the standard of [-].

Many first-class sects can get this thing for missions, but it is sold at such a high price here.

Lin Jichen remembered that this is the Wudu Mountain Range, so everything made sense.

There is no sect in the Wudu Mountains, people who come in are afraid to go out, and the prices are naturally ridiculously high.

"Brother Lin, I'm afraid you're going to bleed a lot this time."

Baili Canfeng gloated.

Lin Jichen gave him a supercilious look, why didn't he know it.

But he also has to pay for the bleeding, which can be regarded as the price for completing this task.

Soon, the first lot was sold for 13.

"The next second item is a mysterious purple defense magic weapon, the soul-breaking needle. The starting price is 15 low-grade spirit stones, and the price increase should not be less than [-] each time."


"17 million!"

"18 million!"


In this way, one lot was sold.

Lin Jichen didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. It's not that he was reluctant to spend money, but he really didn't like it.

Just when the auction was in the second half.

An auctioneer suddenly pushed up a prison cart. This prison cart was made of special spirit wood, and the Sanskrit characters of Buddhism were engraved on it.

The prison van was covered with a cloth, so it was impossible to see what was locked inside.

This also aroused everyone's curiosity.

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man showed a wretched smile at this moment.

He stepped forward and lifted the black cloth, revealing a female ghost inside!

This female ghost has a graceful figure and is delicious, but the most important thing is that this female ghost's strength is extraordinary, and she has a Nascent Soul cultivation base!

Seeing the scene outside in the prison car, the female ghost immediately understood her situation. She screamed and attacked the prison car desperately.

However, no matter what she did, the prison car did not move at all.

The female ghost knelt down in despair, covering her face and weeping bitterly.

However, not only did her cry not arouse everyone's pity, but it made these villains even more excited.

The man who presided over the auction smiled and said to everyone: "Everyone, our auction house spent a lot of effort to catch this female ghost. I have signed a ghost servant contract with someone before, but it doesn't matter, we can wash her away with a secret method." , bringing home such a female ghost, not only can be your right-hand man, but also can be used as a stove to warm your bed when you are bored, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

Many people were ready to move when they heard this. The auction houses here have always had the habit of auctioning ghost servants and even human slaves.

But before, most of them were weak ghost servants of Jindan or even crystallization, and most of them were men.

And this one is incredible, not only has the strength of Nascent Soul Realm, but also looks so beautiful, this is simply the best!

"Old Freak Pei, stop talking nonsense and make an offer!"

A late Nascent Soul cultivator shouted impatiently.

The man was not annoyed either, and said with a grin, "No problem, the starting price for this lot is... 50 low-grade spirit stones! Each price increase must not be less than 1."



Most people took a deep breath, it's so damn expensive!

But seeing how beautiful the female ghost is, and how strong she is, everyone thinks it's worth it.

"51! I want it!"

"Tch, just want 51? I'll offer 55!"

"56 million!"

"60 million!"


The appearance of this female ghost instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the scene, and everyone bid one after another.

Soon the price soared to 70, and there was no intention of stopping at all.

These old monsters in the Nascent Soul Realm are all vicious guys who have done countless murders and robbery, and their families are generally very rich.

After a few minutes, the sound of bidding finally subsided for most of the time, and the price gradually stagnated at 80.

There are only three companies left competing.

Two of them are at the peak strength of the late Nascent Soul, and the last one is actually a ghost cultivator in the early stage of transformation.

All three wanted to get this female ghost.

"82!" A late Nascent Soul cultivator gritted his teeth and quoted the final reserve price.

"83!" Another Nascent Soul cultivator was also holding on.

The Ghost Cultivator of Transforming God Realm gave a disdainful smile and said, "90!"

When he shouted, the remaining two competitors completely died down.

"90, is there anyone asking for a price?"

"90 million for the first time!"

"Second time for 90! If not, this female ghost will belong to the ancestor of Huashen."

Seeing that no one responded, the sharp-mouthed man was ready to finalize the deal.

The Ghost Cultivator of Transforming God Realm also smiled triumphantly, as he was sure of winning.

However, at this moment, a voice broke the almost certain deal.

"100 million!"

There was an uproar!


two more

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