Full-time sword repair

Chapter 874 Is It Really Just An Injustice?

It was really guessed by Lin Jichen.

Relying on Baili Canfeng's relationship, Gao Quansheng really didn't do anything again.

But... Lin Jichen was not happy for too long, because the other party still refused to go back to Fengqu City with him.

And it's not easy for Lin Jichen to do anything now, after all, he and Baili Canfeng are friends who have forgotten years, so if he wants to do it, Baili Canfeng will definitely not let him.

Only then did Lin Jichen realize that the two knew each other, which was not a good thing for him (smile bitterly).

Gao Quansheng and Baili Canfeng found a small river to sit down and have a lively chat. The two hadn't seen each other for many years, so naturally they had a lot to say.

Lin Jichen was lying on a big rock nearby, sometimes looking at the fish in the small river, sometimes turning his head to look at Baili Remnant Wind, shaking his head and sighing from time to time.

"It seems that this task is destined to be impossible to complete. Well, how do you go back and do business?"

Lin Jichen felt a headache when he thought of this, but it is impossible for him to cut off his brother's friend just because of one task.

Master Lin, who couldn't do anything after thinking about it, really lost his mind this time, so he just smashed it!

Forget it, if you fail, you will fail, the big deal is that the store will not open, just go to other cities to open it, and you can't make things difficult for your brothers.

While Baili Canfeng was chatting with Gao Quansheng about his experience in the past few years, he secretly glanced at Lin Jichen.

Seeing Lin Jichen's deflated look, the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably, but instead of comforting him, he continued to talk to Gao Quansheng as if nothing had happened.

The two chatted for several hours before it ended, and Lin Jichen had already slept on the rock.

"Are you finished talking? Then let's go, leave the Wudu Mountains early, I have to go back to the business."

Lin Jichen yawned and said that he had completely given up hope for this task.

However, Baili Canfeng smiled and asked: "Go back so soon, don't you want to complete the task?"

Lin Jichen was taken aback for a moment, not quite understanding what this guy meant.

"What do you mean by that?"

Baili Canfeng and Gao Quansheng looked at each other and laughed loudly.

Baili Canfeng said: "I have already discussed with old man Gao, he is willing to go back to Mu Xianzhou with you, and he is also willing to enter the prison."

"I'll go! Really?" Lin Jichen couldn't believe it.

This old man would rather die than follow, why did he suddenly change his mind?

Gao Quansheng smiled at the side: "Yes, I agreed. It's really uncomfortable to hide in Tibet all these years. Instead of lingering in this Wudu mountain range, why not go to my brother to seek asylum, under the protection of Emperor Qianlong, I think those guys I offended are afraid to come to me again."

After finishing speaking, Gao Quansheng patted Baili Canfeng on the shoulder and said, "Xiaofeng, you can talk to him, I'll go back and wait for the good news."

After all, Gao Quansheng left.

Lin Jichen was a little puzzled: "Didn't you agree? Why did you leave?"

Baili Canfeng said: "Don't worry, if he said he would follow you, he will definitely follow you."

Lin Jichen was relieved when he heard it, and his mood suddenly turned from worry to joy.

Of course he knew that Gao Quansheng couldn't have changed his mind by himself, it must be because of Baili Canfeng's persuasion.

Just about to thank you, Baili Canfeng interrupted with a smile: "Brother Lin, don't be too happy, old man Gao has conditions."

"What conditions, tell me."

Lin Jichen also knows that there is no free lunch in the world, and the best conditions are required, as long as there are conditions, it will be easy to handle.

Baili Canfeng explained: "Old Man Gao wants you to take an auction for him at the auction in two days' time."

"Oh? What treasure is it?" Lin Jichen asked curiously.

Baili Canfeng smiled and said: "This lot is not a treasure, but a female ghost."

"Girl ghost?"

Lin Jichen was taken aback, and immediately thought of something unhealthy, and said with a smirk, "I didn't expect him to still have this hobby. If I had said it earlier, I would have given him Jin Buhuan's Soul Tomb!"

Lin Jichen suddenly felt a little regretful that he didn't go to the tomb of souls where he didn't search for money. He didn't expect that these female ghosts could sometimes play a role.

Well, this lesson taught him that whenever he encounters a female ghost in the future, he must take it away!in case the emergency!

This Gao Quansheng did not expect that he and Jin Buhuan were in the same league.

Love to play female ghosts?I admire you.

It turns out that so many people like to play female ghosts. From this point of view, this 'hobby' is not so unacceptable...

Baili Canfeng smiled wryly, and explained: "Brother Lin, you misunderstood. Old Man Gao is not that kind of person. He only wants that female ghost, and he doesn't want any other female ghosts."

While talking, Baili Canfeng explained the reason, and then he told a story that left Lin Jichen dumbfounded.

Gao Quansheng and the female ghost met by chance. At that time, the female ghost was being bullied by a ghost king. Gao Quansheng couldn't stand it and rescued him.

After that, the female ghost fell in love with Gao Quansheng, followed him all the time, and signed a ghost servant contract with him.

In this way, a master and a servant accompanied day and night, never leaving each other. Over time, Gao Quansheng developed feelings for the female ghost.

When Lin Jichen heard this, he was a little stunned. Why is this meow so similar to his experience with Xiao Wan...

Until a while ago, Gao Quansheng was hunted down by his enemies, and he could only temporarily separate from the female ghost in order to escape.

Afterwards, when he came back, he couldn't find it, and later learned that his ghost servant was taken as a lot and would be publicly sold at the auction.

Gao Quansheng was furious after hearing this, and wanted to save his ghost servant, but the person behind this auction was an ancestor of Huashen, and he happened to have a grudge against Gao Quansheng.

Gao Quansheng had no choice but to squat down the monks of those auction houses here, trying to get them to hand over their ghost servants.

But after a long time without any results, Gao Quansheng left this task to Lin Jichen, and promised that as long as he could bring back his ghost servant, he would go to Mu Xianzhou with him immediately.

After hearing this, Lin Jichen immediately decided to help.

"Even if he doesn't come with me, I will help with this!"

"Oh? Why?" Baili Canfeng wondered.

Lin Jichen said righteously: "The relationship between master and servant is so deep and righteous. How can such a touching relationship be broken up casually. As the saying goes, it is better to tear down ten temples than destroy one marriage. I will help with this matter!"

Baili Canfeng stroked his chin, and murmured suspiciously: "Brother Lin, this guy is a bit abnormal, is it really just a rough road..."

The two quickly rushed to the town that Gao Quansheng had mentioned, and after inquiring, they confirmed that there would be an auction here in the future, and there were many coveted treasures in the auction.

The two immediately found an inn to live in.

Two days passed quickly.

On the day of the auction, the town was crowded with people, especially the auction house, which was already full, making it hard to find one.

When Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng came here, they were told that they were not qualified to enter because only Yuanying Realm guests were accepted inside.

The reason is also very simple, because most of the monks below the Nascent Soul Realm have no family background, so the auction will be too lazy to receive them.

Baili Canfeng was not happy when he heard this.

"I'll ask you again, can you do it?"

"Difficult." The other party replied disdainfully.

"Difficult? Then don't do it!"

Baili Canfeng was about to flip the table on the spot.

one more

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