Full-time sword repair

Chapter 873 No need to fight?

Soon, another few days passed.

Lin Jichen still found nothing.

"Brother Lin, let's give up. In this Wudu mountain range, trying to find an old Nascent Soul monster that is deliberately hidden is like looking for a needle in a haystack. If he doesn't want to come out, we can't find him even if we dig three feet of."

Baili Canfeng held a piece of dog's tail grass in his mouth, and followed Lin Jichen's thoughts.

Lin Jichen sighed, and said, "Let's look for it again, it will be a disaster if you can't find me."

"Who is so important to you?"

"Oh, it's hard to say, let's go, maybe we will meet as we walk."

Baili Canfeng laughed loudly, and said, "Brother Lin is probably talking in his sleep, how could he have such good luck."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden earth-shattering sound in the distance, as if someone was fighting fiercely ahead.

The two of them didn't need to communicate, and rushed to the source of the sound in a tacit understanding.

When he got closer, he realized that it was a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm fighting a ghost cultivator.

This ghost cultivator obviously only had a spiritual cultivation, but the Nascent Soul cultivator didn't seem to want to kill him right away, but was just playing around.

"I'll ask you again, where is she now!"

"Senior, I really don't know. I'm just in charge of delivering the goods. After delivering them, I don't know."

"Very well, then you go to die."

The monk in the Nascent Soul Realm seemed to lose his patience, a spell penetrated into the opponent's body, and accompanied by a horrific cry, the ghost cultivator received the lunch box just like that.

Baili Canfeng who was hiding in the distance took a casual look and lost interest. This kind of fighting and killing happened every day in the Wudu Mountains.

In the past few days, they have encountered several robberies and murders, so they are already numb.

"Let's go, brother Lin, there's nothing to see."

However, Lin Jichen remained indifferent, and kept looking in that direction.

"It won't be good if someone finds out, don't provoke a strong enemy for nothing." Baili Canfeng kindly reminded.

Lin Jichen murmured: "Let me tell you, do you believe me when I found it?"

The dog's tail grass fell from Baili Canfeng's mouth, and he asked in disbelief, "Are you kidding me?"

"No kidding, it's him! I'm sure, he's the one I'm looking for!"

Lin Jichen's eyes lit up, this person is exactly the same as the person on the portrait that Eunuch Gao gave him!

And it’s also a Dharma cultivator, exactly the same!

Gao Quansheng!it's him!

Baili Canfeng really believed it now, and complained speechlessly: "You really hit the mark, you met me while walking?"

"Brother Lin, you are not the child of luck, are you?"

Lin Jichen turned his head and smiled, and said, "No, I'm lucky."

"Tch! I don't believe it, it's just bad luck."

Baili Canfeng naturally didn't believe it, but he didn't know that what Lin Jichen said...was true.

But he was a little worried, and said: "I'm afraid this person is difficult to deal with. His strength seems to be stronger than Zhao Laojiu."

Lin Jichen smiled confidently, and said, "It's okay, the other party is a Dharma cultivator, and I specialize in subduing Dharma cultivation."


"Do you believe me when I said that I was a Dafa cultivator at the Dao Realm in my previous life?"

"Ghosts believe!"

The conversation between the two was unexpectedly overheard by Gao Quansheng, who threw a spell at him when he raised his hand, forcing Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng to show up.

When Gao Quansheng saw that the two of them had only spiritual realms, he smiled disdainfully and said, "You two lifeless things also want to be fishermen? Then I'll send you to be ghosts."

Lin Jichen hurriedly raised his hand to interrupt, trying not to fight if possible.

"Are you Gao Quansheng?"

"How do you know my real name?" Gao Quansheng was taken aback.

Lin Jichen immediately stated his intention: "Don't get me wrong, I have accepted the commission of Eunuch Gao to come to you, that is, your brother."

"What evidence is there?"

Lin Jichen took out the token that Eunuch Gao had given him.

Eunuch Gao is willing to believe this is true.

"He told you to come to me, what's the matter?"

Although Gao Quansheng knew that it was his brother who came to look for him, he didn't show any joy on his face, on the contrary he became very impatient.

Lin Jichen felt that this person's mission was not that simple.

But still wanted to give it a try.

"Eunuch Gao was afraid that you would cause too many troubles outside and you would be killed, so he asked me to come to you and bring you back to Fengqu City."

"and then?"

"Uh, he said that he wants you to go to the heavenly prison to reflect. On the one hand, it will atone for your sins, and on the other hand, it can also protect your life."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Who knew that Gao Quansheng laughed out loud after hearing this, the laughter was full of mockery.

"He is really good for me, he wants to put me in the prison, hahaha, okay, okay!"

Gao Quansheng suddenly changed his mind, and a spell hit Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen reacted quickly and successfully avoided it.

"What do you mean?" Lin Jichen frowned.

"What do you mean? Go to hell!" Gao Quansheng attacked again.

Lin Jichen sighed inwardly, there was no other way, it was another fierce battle.

Just when he was about to fight Gao Quansheng seriously with his sword, Baili Canfeng behind him suddenly shouted: "Old man Gao!"

Gao Quansheng was obviously taken aback when he heard this voice, he followed the sound, and met Baili Canfeng's eyes, they were all stunned for a moment.

"It's really you, old man Gao!" Baili Canfeng said with a smile.

Gao Quansheng was also obviously a little surprised, with a smile on his face, he said happily: "You are Xiaofeng!"

"It's me, haha, we haven't seen each other for many years, old man Gao, you still haven't changed much." Baili Canfeng smiled unabated.

Gao Quansheng flew over directly, walked up to Baili Canfeng, and after confirming that it was correct, he laughed heartily. This time the laughter seemed to be really happy.

"Xiaofeng, it's really you. I didn't expect me to meet you here, old man. I haven't seen you for so many years. You have changed a lot. Well, you have already reached the peak of your spirit. It's going to surpass me."

"How can I, I'm still young, how can I be an opponent of you, an old fox."


The old and the young chatted on the spot, leaving Lin Jichen alone in a daze.

what's going on?These two people know each other?

So whether to fight or not...

The two chatted for a while, and Baili Canfeng couldn't wait to introduce Gao Quansheng: "This is my good brother, Lin Jichen."

"Brother Lin, this is my old friend, old man Gao."

Before Lin Jichen could react, he asked, "How did you know each other?"

Baili Canfeng explained with a smile: "Five years ago, my master and I were passing through the Chidi area, and happened to meet old man Gao who was being chased and killed by Yi Hanba. Take the shot, old man Gao agreed, and my master rescued him, and asked him to be my subordinate, give me advice and help me practice, and that's how I got to know him."

"But old man Gao didn't want to be subservient to others. After working for less than half a year, he wanted to escape. After being discovered by my master, he was seriously injured. I couldn't bear his death, so I let him go secretly."

After hearing this, Lin Jichen suddenly realized, from this point of view, there is no need to fight!

Brother's birthday, please drink, there are two less chapters today, sorry

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