Full-time sword repair

Chapter 859 See if I dare!

"These four magic dogs are too easy to fool, right?"

Baili Canfeng followed and couldn't help complaining on the way.

Lin Jichen chuckled and sneered: "This kind of dog is the most greedy. As long as it has milk, it is its mother. It doesn't care whether you are his master or not. As long as you have something to eat, it will sell you for glory in a blink of an eye."

Baili Canfeng was amazed, and couldn't help sighing: "Gou Peixi really knows how to raise dogs..."

Lin Jichen agreed deeply: "Isn't that right, a dog expert."

Both of them laughed out loud at the same time.

On the other side, Gou Peixi happened to be far away, so he didn't notice the movement of the battle here.

And the four magic dogs didn't report to her, and when she rushed back, she saw this stupid dog was still lying on the ground eating, completely forgetting the task his master entrusted to her.

Gou Peixi was so furious, he took a whip and slammed it on the head of the magic dog.

The magic dog screamed before recovering from the temptation of the feast.

Gou Peixi doesn't care so much, it's just a violent beating.

The magic dog screamed and begged for mercy after being beaten.

Gou Peixi, who had finally calmed down, immediately asked the magic dog to continue tracking.

However, after the magic dog chased after him, he realized that there was a new town in front of him.

After Gou Peixi came here, she realized that the other party must have sneaked into this town. She was so angry that she ignored the rules of the Wudu Mountain Range and flew in directly.

"Food dog, find me!"

Gou Peixi shouted an order, and the four devil dogs were backed by their masters, and immediately acted like a tiger, rampaging in the town, tearing down houses and making trouble.

The monks in the town ran away one after another, cursing at the impolite dead dog.

Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng hid in the innermost inn.

Sensing that the magic dog was getting closer, their hearts became heavier and heavier.

If things go on like this, they still have to be discovered.

Just when the magic dog was about to find this inn, there was an angry shout in the middle of the town.

"Who dares to make trouble here!"

When the monks in the town heard the voice, they were overjoyed.

"It's Patriarch Hua!"

"Haha, Patriarch Hua finally showed up!"

"Dare to act wildly in Patriarch Hua's territory, I really don't know how to live or die!"

"Patriarch Hua is the most reasonable and protective, and he is famous in the Wudu Mountains!"

"It's a pity that Patriarch Hua accidentally got mad when he was practicing kung fu, and accidentally killed the elders of their sect. He was hunted down by the sect, so he hid here."

"Patriarch Hua is one of the few good people in the Wudu Mountain Range."


Amidst the discussion among the crowd, an old man with a childlike face and white hair flew over the small town.

The four demon dogs didn't know that the catastrophe was imminent, and they continued to wreak havoc unscrupulously.

When Patriarch Hua saw it, his anger arose from his heart, and a magic seal fell, and the four demon dogs immediately let out a miserable howl.

One of its dog's heads was cut off by the neck!

The four magic dogs that lost one head turned into three in seconds, and the severe pain made it lose its mind.

It ran out of the town in a panic, came to Gou Peixi and complained, begging the owner to help it avenge.

Seeing her dog being beaten, Gou Peixi was also disgraced. She glared at Patriarch Hua and asked, "Old Man Hua! Why did you hurt my dog!"

Patriarch Hua smiled contemptuously, and said, "You still have the nerve to ask? You allow pets to run amok in my territory, how should this be settled!"

"I'm just here to arrest two people. It has nothing to do with you. Get out of the way quickly. After you catch me, I will compensate you for the loss here!" Gou Peixi didn't want to talk nonsense.

Patriarch Hua snorted coldly: "This is my domain, you dare to step over the steps to break the rules, and even speak boldly. It seems that you think I'm easy to bully?"

Gou Peixipi smiled indifferently, a trace of contempt hung on his extremely ugly old face.

"Old man Hua, you have been in the Wudu Mountains for so many years, and you have never had any conflicts with other ancestors of the God Transformation Realm. After being a turtle for so many years, do you think I will be afraid of you?"

Patriarch Hua said with a blank expression on his face, "Okay, then if you have the guts, go to my territory and search for people, and see if I can make a move."

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Hua made an invitation gesture, as if you just come.

Gou Peixi was made undecided by this scene, the expression on his face changed one after another, and he didn't dare to move for a while.

At this time, the monks below began to laugh, they didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Haha, is this Gou Peixi patriarch so courageous?"

"I'm scared, she's scared."

"Although Patriarch Hua never caused trouble, it doesn't mean he is afraid of trouble."

"Is this Old Ancestor Gou? What a dog!"

"Shame! It's too shameful!"


Hearing the discussion below, Gou Peixi's face turned livid, she knew that she was in danger.

If she doesn't go in, her prestige and long-accumulated reputation will be gone. In the future, no one will be afraid of her, but everyone will laugh at her for being courageous.

After a battle between heaven and man, Gou Peixi resolutely stepped into the sky above the town for his own dignity.

However, just when she was about to ask the magic dog to continue searching for people, a terrifying seal fell from her head!

"Patriarch Hua! How dare you!"

Gou Peixi yelled sharply and hastily blocked the move.

She never expected that for so many years, the "good old man" Hua Patriarch, who has always loved peace and never made a move, would actually do something to her!

"See if I dare!"

Patriarch Hua didn't talk too much cruelly, and didn't talk nonsense with her at all, and the next move came like a raging tide!

Gou Peixi could only grit his teeth and fight, but he was no match for Patriarch Hua at all.

A battle at the level of transforming gods began.

The monks in the small town realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly found a place to hide.

The battle of transforming gods was earth-shattering, and the town was completely destroyed in an instant.

During the fight, Patriarch Hua did not forget to sacrifice a magic weapon, which saved the monks in the town from harming innocent people.

Everyone was completely impressed by Patriarch Hua's behavior, and they were all grateful to Patriarch Hua.

However, the two masters of the God Transformation Realm played against each other, but the results were quickly achieved.

In just half a cup of tea, Gou Peixi was beaten until he vomited blood, and his vitality was in a state of disorder.

Gou Peixi, who was afraid of being beaten, was afraid of losing his life, so he made a feint and then ran away.

Before leaving, he did not forget to put down the villain's classic line: "Patriarch Hua, I will come back to take revenge sooner or later!"

However, although he spoke so toughly, he slipped faster than anyone else. When he ran away, he didn't even want his magic dog.

The four-headed magic dog watched its master disappear, but didn't take it with it, so it had to run away with its tail between its legs.

However, Patriarch Hua snorted coldly and stared at it unkindly.

The magic dog trembled all over, and all four legs were trembling.

It obediently crawled on the ground, not daring to move, and looked at Patriarch Hua with pitiful eyes, hoping to get back a dog's life.

Patriarch Hua said lightly: "From now on, I will guard the door for me here. If you dare to run or betray me, I will stew you into a dog meat hot pot!"

The magic dog nodded desperately, and immediately begged for mercy at Patriarch Hua.

He squatted at the entrance of the town, held his chest up, and dutifully acted as a watchdog.

That way, those who don’t know would think how loyal it is...


Two more~

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