Full-time sword repair

Chapter 858 Can you still play like this?

"Hahaha, cool! Brother Lin, are you happy?"

On the way to escape, Baili Canfeng still shouted excitedly.

"Don't be too happy, let's talk about it if you can escape."

Lin Jichen quickly shuttled through the mountains.

"I have experience in avoiding pursuit, why don't we go find another skunk hole?"

Baili Canfeng said disapprovingly, after what happened last time, it is obvious that he is not very resistant to this escape method.

Where there is a first time, there is a second time~

This time I can bring Brother Lin together, so I don't have to worry about him leaking the secret.

Lin Jichen was speechless, and said: "It won't work this time, you forgot, that Gou Peixi is the Great Elder of the Beautiful Dog Sect, he is very good at raising dogs, this thing has a strong sense of smell, even if it hides in a skunk cesspool, it can You find out."

Baili Canfeng thought about it, and then realized the seriousness of the problem.

"What should I do?"

Lin Jichen calmly said: "Go to the next town. Every town here is guarded by a master of the God Transformation Realm. As long as we get involved, this dog Peixi must not dare to mess around."

"The most important thing right now is that we have to hide in another town before Gou Peixi catches up, otherwise we will be miserable, so let's speed up!"

After a brief exchange between the two, they ran wildly with their heads covered.

Because he didn't dare to use the air defense technique, he could only trek on two legs.

And as long as they don't use spiritual power, it's not so easy for Gou Peixi to find them in this mountain range.

Lin Jichen kept changing positions during this period, and deliberately left personal belongings, intending to confuse the magic dog's sense of smell and interfere with its judgment.

And this trick seemed to work, and the magic dog didn't catch up all the way.

During the period, Gou Peixi flew back and forth in the air a few times, but Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng hid well and were not discovered by the other party.

The two of them drove all night without any danger.

It seemed that they were about to reach the next town, but at this moment, the ground in front of them suddenly cracked and collapsed!

A huge bug drilled out of it, opened its mouth full of mouthparts, and devoured the two of them with lightning speed!

Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng reacted at the same time, and used body skills to avoid it.

"It's the magic scabies flying insect!"

Baili Canfeng frowned.

The magic scabies flying insect is a high-level monster, and the strength of the magic scabies flying insect in front of him has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Normally, the two of them would not be afraid, but now that they are both fleeing, it would be too bad to be stopped by this guy.

But this guy stood in front of him, and it would not be so easy to escape without mana. The key point was that the bug was not slow despite its huge size.

Lin Jichen is sure to rely on his own speed to slip away, but Baili Canfeng is only a magician after all, and he is not good at speed.

He can walk, but Baili Canfeng may not be able to run.

After a little consideration, Lin Jichen decided to do it!

"Quick fight!"

After Lin Jichen said these words, Yushuang sword shot, and the sword energy pierced through!

"Sky Light Slash!"

Jian Guang's castration is like light and electricity, he weighs more than a thousand jun, and he will come when he cuts!

Immediately, a deep wound appeared on the mange flying insect, and green blood spurted out.

"-16000! Trigger bleeding!"

"Bleeding: Lose 30% of current blood volume within 5 seconds."

【Wicked Beast: Demon Scabies Flying Insect】

[Strength: Nascent Soul Middle Stage]

[Level: boss level]

[Vigor and blood: 184000/200000]

【Attack: 2500】

【Defense: 2000】

【Speed: 2400】

【Knowledge: 800】

【Heart protection: 500】

[Resistance: 22%]

【Toughness: 21%】

【Supernatural Skill: Heaven Killing Thorn】

【Own skills: ~~】


After being injured, the magic mange flying insect lost control of its emotions. A pair of wings appeared on the back of the meatball-like body, and then a shrunken version of the flying insect drilled out of its body.

But the huge abandoned body suddenly slammed into Lin Jichen!

Lin Jichen dodged easily, but that body began to inflate like a balloon.


Lin Jichen yelled in a deep voice, and at the same time, the Moji True Yuanjue started to work!

I saw that the flesh shell of the mange flying insect swelled to a certain extent, and burst open!

Countless green blood sprayed out, Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng had nowhere to hide, they were both covered in water.

However, Lin Jichen had Moji Zhenyuanjue body protection, which blocked these green blood attacks, but the aftermath of the explosion still caused him to be slightly injured.

Baili Canfeng was also clever, when he heard Lin Jichen yelling to hide, he immediately sacrificed his defensive magic weapon, which was considered a successful dodge.

The self-detonation of the flying insects caused disasters to the nearby mountains and forests within a thousand feet, and every place where the green blood dripped was completely corroded.

And the loud sound attracted the attention of the nearby.

Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng knew that they couldn't delay any longer, and they struck out at the same time in tacit understanding, trying to kill the devil scabies flying insect with all their strength.

After a few rounds, the magic scabies flying insect was already scarred and seriously injured.

It didn't expect that these two weak human beings, who were only worthy of being reduced to food in its eyes, were so unbelievably strong.

The magic scabies flying insects did not dare to fight any more, turned around and wanted to fly away.

"Want to go?"

Baili Canfeng snorted coldly and tapped his staff lightly.

A dark hand suddenly stretched out from the ground, turned into a magic mist, and firmly grasped the magic mange flying insect in midair.

Moreover, the magic mist instantly caused raging magic flames, and the magic scabies flying insects were all on fire, screaming and struggling in pain.

Lin Jichen had been accumulating momentum for a long time, holding the sword to cut through the air, and with a unique move, the Mountain Breaking Sword, instantly killed this devil scabies flying insect!

The opponent didn't even have time to use his supernatural powers, so he became a charred corpse.

After getting rid of the flying insect blocking the way, Lin Jichen quickly collected the flying insect's soul mound, he didn't even bother to look at it, and was about to run away immediately.

Yet what should come has come.

A four-headed demon dog chased out from behind and lay in front of the two of them.

When Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng saw this devil dog, their hearts sank. There was a high probability that it was Gou Peixi's pet.

Because the two saw a collar hanging on the neck of the magic dog, with the word 'vegetable' engraved on it.

And there is a string of strange symbols attached to it, which looks more like English...

The four demon dogs finally found the traces of these two people, and the four heads grinned with excitement.

"Let's make a quick decision before that Gou Peixi comes!"

Baili Canfeng gritted his teeth.

Just as he was about to make a move, Lin Jichen stopped him.

Baili Canfeng was a little puzzled, but Lin Jichen took out a whole piece of exotic animal meat from the storage ring.

It shook in front of the magic dog.

The magic dog smelled the breath of the strange beast, its eight eyes lit up, and its four mouths drooled at the same time.

Obviously, it has no resistance to this strange animal meat.

"Want to eat?" Lin Jichen asked it with a smile.

The four heads of the four demon dogs kept nodding, their eyes fixed on the meat in Lin Jichen's hand.

"Want to eat it?" Lin Jichen smiled, then picked up the meat of the strange beast, and threw it away vigorously!

The alien meat was thrown far away.

The four-headed magic dog became anxious immediately, and hurriedly chased after Lin Jichen without catching Lin Jichen.


Lin Jichen ran away without hesitation!

"I'm going, can I still play like this???"

Baili Canfeng was stunned.


One more~

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