After Gou Peixi escaped, Patriarch Hua also left gracefully.

The town also returned to normal order.

Everyone is even more afraid to make trouble here, everyone is talking about the war of transforming gods just now.

However, Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng had quietly left the town.

They were afraid of arousing Patriarch Hua's suspicion, and their hearts were in the middle of their stomachs, so it was better to leave as soon as possible.

After the two left, they traveled to many small towns in the mountains, but they never heard any news about the strange beast and cunning cow.

Seeing that the ten-day limit was almost over, Lin Jichen was ready to give up and do another task.

"Brother Lin, are you really going to give up the Millennium Baby Fruit just like that? We've only been here for less than ten days."

In the dense forest, the two walked through it, and Baili Canfeng asked Lin Jichen a little unwillingly.

Lin Jichen replied: "It's not considered giving up. I have more important things to do. If we can finish it sooner, we can go and inquire about the Millennium Baby Fruit."

"Alright." Baili Canfeng agreed straightforwardly, and had no intention of parting ways with Lin Jichen.

Anyway, whatever Lin Jichen wants to do, he will definitely help unconditionally.

Just as the two were on their way, there were voices begging for mercy in front of them.

"Senior, please spare my life, I am a businessman~"

After hearing this, Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng looked at each other, and sneaked over silently in tacit understanding to find out.

In the forest ahead, a pale and thin man with thin hair and thin face was lying on the ground, looking in horror at the monk holding a knife in front of him.

Dao Xiu looked at him and laughed wildly.

"Haha, if you still want to live when you meet me, someone who is sensible will hand over everything on you, including those ghost servants you raised, so that maybe I can spare your life if I am in a good mood."

"This...Senior, I can give you everything else, but...the ghost servant is my food...Can you show your hand..." The thin man begged.

"If you don't want to give it to me and don't make things difficult for you, then I'll kill you and take it for myself!"

As soon as the words fell, Dao Xiu ruthlessly raised the butcher knife, and was about to kill and steal.

"no, do not want..."

The thin man yelled in despair. Seeing that the opponent's long knife was about to cut his head, he was so scared that he peed on his pants.

At this moment, a group of magic flames suddenly flew out of the forest, and exploded in front of Daoxiu!

Daoxiu was blown out, immediately got up ferociously, and roared: "Who dares to spoil my good deeds!"

Baili Canfeng walked out of the forest calmly, and said lightly, "It's me, what can you do to me?"

Daoxiu stared at Baili Canfeng viciously, and said viciously: "Blocking someone's way of making money is like killing one's parents. I'll let you meddle in your own business and die!"

The sword repairer moved horizontally, and the sword energy pierced through the void.

Baili Canfeng chuckled, and said: "I look down on a guy like you who can only rob houses and bully the weak. If I see one, I will get rid of one!"

While speaking, Baili Canfeng lifted the staff in his hand, and the surging devil energy turned into a dark dragon.

The two fought in the forest, but after only a few moves, Daoxiu realized that he had provoked the wrong person.

Realizing that he had kicked the iron plate, he turned around and wanted to run away.

However, as soon as he turned around, a sword qi killed him on the spot.

This knife cultivator didn't see clearly who killed him until he died, but just cursed before he died: "Lao Liu...

Daoxiu fell to the ground, and the thin man walked away from the gate of hell. He survived the catastrophe and stood up to thank Baili Canfeng.

Baili Canfeng waved his hand casually, and said: "Be smarter in the future, so don't mess around in the Wudu Mountains with this little strength, I can save you once, but not the second time."

"Yes, yes, there is nothing the villain can do. I live in the Wudu Mountains. If you don't dislike me, senior, you can accept me as my little brother. I will do my best in front of the senior from now on!"

Seeing how strong Baili Canfeng is, the thin man immediately wanted to hug his thigh.

Baili Canfeng didn't have this plan, he shook his head and refused.

Seeing this, the thin man did not give up, but took out a booklet and handed it to Baili Canfeng with a wicked look.

"Senior, as long as you promise to accept me as your younger brother, you can play with the ghost servants up here as you please. These ghost servants are all top-quality goods. They can do anything. Tsk tsk, I guarantee that you will fall in love with them after playing once." .”

After hearing this, Baili Canfeng curiously picked up the booklet and read it because he had never played it before.

However, at this moment, a cold snort sounded from behind him.

Baili Canfeng suddenly felt a chill on his back and his chrysanthemum tightened, he quickly threw the booklet back, still plausible.

"Take it away! How can I play with this kind of thing? It's really unreasonable! Don't tempt me!"

Saying that, Baili Canfeng looked at the person behind him with a sad smile, and said, "Brother Lin, don't get me wrong, I'm just curious, I will never play, I swear!"

Lin Jichen rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Don't be misunderstood, I didn't let you play, I just met an acquaintance."

Baili Canfeng didn't believe it, he thought he just glanced at the brochure, and didn't play, why brother Lin got angry~

Alas, how should I coax Brother Lin~

The thin man was a little annoyed, he was annoyed that the man behind disrupted his plan, and immediately looked behind Baili Canfeng in displeasure.

He wanted to see who was so blind to spoil his good deeds?

But when he saw the person coming, the thin man was frightened on the spot and sat back on the ground.

"You you you... you are... that..."

The thin man tremblingly looked at the man walking towards him in front of him.

Lin Jichen came to him, and said with a half-smile, "We meet again, Jin, no, call."

Lin Jichen also didn't expect to meet Jin Buhua, a pimp from Fengdu, a ghost town, in this place.

When he went to Fengdu back then, he met this guy who was trying to sell ghost servant services to him, and even came up with the idea of ​​his own little Wan.

Later, Lin Jichen let him go, but he didn't expect to meet him here today.

Jin Buhuan had an idea, and quickly knelt down to be grateful: "Senior, I really didn't expect to meet you here. I just thank you for killing that sword repairer for me and saving my life. This is a great kindness, and little Jin Buhuan Nothing to repay~"

"Why are you here? Didn't you stay in Fengdu all the time?" Lin Jichen asked.

Jin Buhuan replied honestly: "I dare not lie to seniors, I and Feng have caught too many ghost servants, and now I am wanted by the ghost I can only hide here..."

Lin Jichen saw that this guy was thinner and older than before, but he looked like an old man in his 20s and [-]s in his [-]s. Sooner or later, this guy would be squeezed dry by a female ghost and die.

He immediately lost interest in this guy, and dismissed him casually: "Hurry up and get out."

Jin Buhuan honestly prepared to leave, but felt that this opportunity to hug his thigh was too rare.

After all, in the Wudu Mountains, a rubbish Golden Core cultivator like him is simply an ant-like existence, who can be crushed to death by anyone.

If he can get close to these two masters, he can also save his own life.


One more~

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