Seeing that Jiang Luoyu didn't seem to want to leave Mu Xianzhou very much.

Lin Jichen had no choice but to follow the persuasion.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't there a teleportation array? It's just a matter of spending more spirit stones at a few stops. The Star-Lanning Dharma Sect is really not suitable for you. Your talent can be fully utilized in the Yuanji Dharma Sect. Believe me, here You can really become strong."

"You don't want your guild to not have a super master of law repair, do you? You don't want your guild's strength to decline, do you?"

Lin Jichen's words really moved Jiang Luoyu.

But Lin Jichen didn't say that after a few more updates, the teleportation formations in the four states would be gradually banned.

In other words, the teleportation array will gradually disappear in the future, and if you want to go somewhere, you must fly...

If he did, Jiang Luoyu would definitely not agree.

Lin Jichen is also doing it for her.

"Okay, I promise."

Lin Jichen heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "You still have to obtain the consent of your master and the sect, when the time comes, I..."

But Jiang Luoyu interrupted: "No, my master actually wants me to go to Yuanji Fazong, but I don't want to. As long as I agree, she will persuade the sect to agree."

Lin Jichen was overjoyed, this saved him a lot of effort.

"That's good, then you should study hard in the Yuanji Dharma Sect first, and then transfer to the sect when the time comes."

"Are you leaving?" Jiang Luoyu said reluctantly.

"Well, I have to do a task tomorrow, anyway, I can see you anytime in the game, it's okay." Lin Jichen said.

Jiang Luoyu was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "I'm going to Jiangling to inspect the branch in a while, when the time comes... can I go to your house for a meal?"

Lin Jichen was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and smiled, "Yes, come anytime."

Only then did Jiang Luoyu smile in satisfaction, and the two chatted for a while before going back to their rooms to rest.

The next day.

Lin Jichen finally left Yuanji Fazong.

As soon as Gu Qingcheng left Fazong, he seemed extremely excited. He wished he could fly to all the cities in Yongning Prefecture and visit all the streets in the past few years.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Lin Jichen hurriedly made a sound.

"That... Headmaster Gu, look at the Primordial Spirit Talisman... when will you give me it..."

But Gu Qingcheng hurriedly asked: "What is the primordial talisman? Why don't I know?"

Lin Jichen was dumbfounded, what the hell is this bastard going back on his word and crossing the river to tear down the bridge?

Lin Jichen was very angry, but no matter how angry we dared not show it, thousands of words could only be turned into a bitter face.

" don't remember it...forget it..."

Lin Jichen thought that he was completely fooled by Gu Qingcheng.

However, in the next second, a spell hit Lin Jichen's wrist.

At first, Lin Jichen thought that the other party not only repented but also wanted to destroy the corpse, his face turned pale with fright.

But soon he found out it wasn't.

Nothing happened to him, except for a flame tattoo on his wrist.

Gu Qingcheng smiled and said: "Just teasing you, I, Gu Qingcheng, am I a person who does not believe what I say?"

"This is?"

"The imprint of the soul, if you encounter a really powerful enemy, he will not give you a chance to use the amulet, but this is different, as long as you encounter a crisis, I will sense it and come immediately, and this imprint of the soul can Help you resist for a while, even if the opponent is a strong person in the Ascension Realm, they will not be able to get rid of it immediately." Gu Qingcheng explained.

Lin Jichen was overjoyed, his mood was up and down, this head is too tormenting, playing with children!

"Thank you, Master Gu."

Gu Qingcheng waved his hands lightly, and said: "This is a deal, you don't need to thank me, it's all right, you can go to your work, I'm going to the mortal world to 'experience', haha!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Qingcheng flew away gracefully.

Seeing that the other party had left, Lin Jichen finally set off with peace of mind and headed for the Wudu Mountains!

But before that, he had to find Baili Canfeng.

Lin Jichen came to the mountain forest that he had agreed with the other party before, but he didn't see Baili Canfeng's figure at the original location. Instead, there were many signs of fighting nearby.

Looking at the traces, it seems to be left by two spells.

Lin Jichen groaned, "Oh no, this kid won't be so unlucky to be discovered by the elder Fazong, right?"

"How can I rely on this guy to memorize to such an extent?"

Lin Jichen couldn't help complaining.

It's fine if he was discovered in Tianyan Sword Sect before, but now he is still discovered in Yuanji Fazong?

Did this kid step on shit?

Lin Jichen complained and searched everywhere.

Following the traces of the fight, Lin Jichen quickly ran through the mountains and forests.

However, after searching for a long time, there was no sign of Baili Canfeng.

Lin Jichen's heart sank more and more, this guy won't be slaughtered...

Just when Lin Jichen didn't know what to do, a strong smell came from one direction, and it was getting closer.

Lin Jichen looked back, and saw a savage covered in excrement suddenly rushing towards him.

"Fuck!" Lin Jichen's face turned pale, and he kicked his leg.

With a scream, the savage flew out directly.

Lin Jichen was a little surprised, why is the scream of this savage so familiar?It is very similar to the scream when he beat someone up in the Jianzong hall...

"Brother Lin, what are you kicking me for?"

The savage got up from the ground and asked angrily.

Only then did Lin Jichen come to his senses, his expression was wonderful and he was dumbfounded.

" are Baili Canfeng???"

"Who else is it if it's not my son?" The savage said, thinking he was handsome, he tossed his hair, and a few black spots splashed out from his hair.

Lin Jichen smelled a stench and wanted to vomit, so he hurriedly covered his nose and retreated far away.

"What's wrong with you, Brother Lin?" Baili Canfeng was still a little puzzled.

"You can't smell yourself so badly? Why did you go there? The shit pile doesn't smell so bad!" Lin Jichen cursed.

Baili Canfeng sniffed himself suspiciously, and said, "It doesn't stink, why can't I smell it?"

"Your meow is all pickled, of course you can't smell it, stay away from me! Why did you go?"

"Oh, when I was hiding in the forest, I was discovered by an elder of the Fazong. I hid in Tibet, and jumped into a cesspool in a skunk den in order not to be discovered."

"Jump in...for two days?"

Baili Canfeng's face darkened, as if recalling some tragic memories, he pointed at Lin Jichen and scolded: "Lin Jichen, you bastard! You said that it would be fine to let me wait for you for half a day, but I have been in this mountain forest for two whole days. Two days and two nights! Do you know how I got here these two days! Bastard!"

The scholar Baili Can, who has always been elegant, burst into the limelight for a while, and it is conceivable that the memories brought to him in the past two days are very bad...

Lin Jichen said helplessly: "I can't help it, something has delayed me for two days."

"I believe it's your fault. You caused me to soak in the cesspit for two days. No way, brothers have the same blessings and share the same difficulties. Now I will hug you for three days and three nights!"

After Baili Canfeng finished speaking, he screamed and rushed forward...


two more

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