Full-time sword repair

Chapter 853 No need to choose again

Even Gu Qingcheng became interested in Jiang Luoyu.

"Ling'er, you go to Elder Luo and ask him to negotiate with Lan Xing Dharma Sect, and say that the teacher wants to accept her as a disciple, and see if Lan Xing Dharma Zong will let her go or not."


Mu Lingbing immediately got up and went to work.

Lin Jichen's eyelids twitched when he was sitting by the side, good guy, even the head of Gu has his eyes on Jiang Luoyu!

Fortunately, Jiang Luoyu was not tricked back, otherwise she would have missed such a god-given opportunity, and he would have committed a great crime.

Mu Lingbing returned soon, but shook her head regretfully.

"Master, the Lanxing Dharma Sect is unwilling to let people go. I asked them to make a condition, but they said that except for Jiang Luoyu, other disciples can talk."

Gu Qingcheng was not too surprised, and said with a light smile: "I guessed it as a teacher, such a talented disciple would not be willing to let him go if he wanted to come to Lanxing Dharma Sect, forget it, it's just a pity that this little girl's talent is so great The Star Law Sect may not be able to give her the best resources and stage, so she is reckless."

Gu Qingcheng didn't force it, but Lin Jichen next to him was a little impatient.

He didn't want Jiang Luoyu to miss such a good opportunity.

Gu Qingcheng's words hit the nail on the head, yes, the Lanxing Dharma Sect is indeed not suitable for Jiang Luoyu!

Lan Xing Fazong is best at gold-type spells, mainly focusing on five-element spells, while Jiang Luoyu's talent is called the power of elements.

Although Lin Jichen didn't ask about the specific details of her talent, it is certain that Jiang Luoyu is more suitable for taking the route of elemental cultivation.

Lin Jichen, who was a Dharma practitioner in his previous life, could understand Gu Qingcheng's words very well.

At the beginning, he majored in fire spells, but the Zongmen didn't have many fire spells, and it was because he had the rubbish talent of a 'business wizard'.

This made him unable to enter the inner hall, and he did not have powerful elders to guide him.

Fortunately, with the help of the game system, Lin Jichen can obtain the powerful fire magic skill book by going around the secret realm and fighting bosses.

However, these methods are still limited.

It is also for this reason that Lin Jichen chooses to fully blossom and learn everything, as long as it is a skill book for Dharma cultivation, he will learn it if it is easy to use.

This also caused Lin Jichen to be stuck in the state of transforming gods for a long time without being able to break through, and his studies were too complicated to realize the Tao.

Lin Jichen, who had been through it, didn't want to watch Jiang Luoyu waste his talent on the Dharma Sect.

"Master Gu, I think it's a pity to waste such a good talent, why don't you fight for it?"

Lin Jichen couldn't help but speak out.

Gu Qingcheng glanced at him with beautiful eyes, and asked with a smile: "Are you interceding for her? What is your relationship?"

Mu Lingbing and Gu Zihan were a little nervous.

Lin Jichen said frankly: "She is my friend and has helped me a lot."

Gu Qingcheng shook his head and sighed: "Although our Yuanji Dharma Sect is a super sect, we will not rob other sects' disciples. The Lanxing Dharma Sect refuses to let people go, so I have no choice."

Speaking of this, Gu Qingcheng said: "That's good, for your sake, I can let her study in our sect for two months, within two months, if you can persuade the Lanxing Fazong to release her, I will accept her as a disciple, if not, then I can only let her go back."

Lin Jichen was overjoyed when he heard it, this is a good way!

As for persuading Lan Xing Fazong to release him, it is not hopeless, after all, Jiang Luoyu's master is Ling Feihong, who is Nan Gongyue's mother.

He can ask Nan Gongyue to intercede, maybe it will work.

"Thank you, Master Gu." Lin Jichen said gratefully.

Gu Qingcheng waved his hand casually, and said: "You don't need to thank me. I said that in addition to agreeing to your help, I will give you some extra compensation. This is considered compensation, and we are settled."

Lin Jichen asked curiously: "If I didn't say this, what kind of compensation will Master Gu give me..."

Gu Qingcheng replied leisurely: "Oh, I wanted to give you a heavenly treasure."


Lin Jichen almost vomited old blood, wasting a heavenly treasure like this? ? ?blood loss~

Seeing Lin Jichen's aggrieved look, Gu Qingcheng couldn't help laughing and said, "If you feel distressed, I can also give you a chance to go back on your word and help her intercede and a heavenly treasure. You can choose again."

Lin Jichen shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Forget it, there is no need to choose again."

Gu Qingcheng smiled narrowly and said, "It seems that she is really important to you, huh?"

Lin Jichen coughed twice, not knowing what to say, so he fell silent.

Mu Lingbing felt bitter, how many rivals did she have...

Gu Zihan is also depressed, mother, why are you acting like a normal person, mother, you can take care of yourself~ so how can you find me a father? ? ?

Gu Qingcheng didn't think it was a big deal to join in the fun, and directed to Mu Lingbing: "Ling'er, go and fight Jiang Luoyu in the next match, if you lose any more, our Yuanji Fazong will lose face. "

Mu Lingbing gave her a blank look, and said, "Master, if you want to see the excitement, just say it."

Gu Qingcheng didn't deny it, but heartlessly slapped his legs and laughed heartlessly, and accidentally slapped Gu Zihan on the head, making the little boy's head buzzing.

Although Mu Lingbing knew that the master did it on purpose, but the master's order was hard to disobey, he still obediently went on stage.

When Mu Lingbing and Jiang Luoyu fought, all the audience's attention immediately shifted away.

The confrontation between the two talented girls has undoubtedly become the biggest highlight of this exchange meeting.

The two of them clashed spells in the arena, each showing their special abilities, which was very exciting.

But Jiang Luoyu, the super dark horse, did not create any more miracles after all, and was finally defeated in the face of Mu Lingbing's formidable strength.

The discussion of other people in the back seemed dull.

It was not until the evening that the exchange meeting ended.

Lin Jichen thought he would be able to leave, but Gu Qingcheng used the excuse that he was a little tired and had to rest for a night before he could leave.

"Master Gu, you made me wait an extra night because the shops in Tianhei City were closed?" Lin Jichen couldn't help complaining.

Gu Qingcheng smiled awkwardly, then disappeared without saying a word.

Lin Jichen sighed, alas, this head is too unreliable.

He can't help it, who let him be the head, and he still has to ask others, so he can only do as he wants.

Baili Canfeng can only work hard to stay in the mountains for one more night, and if he only stays for one night, he should be fine.

Not long after returning to the courtyard, Jiang Luoyu came looking for her.

"It was you who interceded for me and let me study in Yuanji Fazong for two months?"

As soon as Jiang Luoyu saw Lin Jichen, she asked straight to the point.

Lin Jichen did not deny it.

Jiang Luoyu smiled and said, "Thank you, but I still have to manage the guild, so I might not stay for long."

Lin Jichen said seriously: "The guild can be handed over to Su Wanling, or you can find someone you trust to manage it for you, but this opportunity is rare, don't waste it."

Seeing that he was so serious, Jiang Luoyu nodded and agreed after a moment of pondering.

"You want me to join Yuanji Dharma Sect?"

"If possible, it's best to join." Lin Jichen said bluntly.

"But Yuanji Fazong is in Yongning Prefecture, my guild is in Muxian Prefecture, and all my friends are there, including you..."


One more~

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