Seeing Baili Remnant Wind rushing towards him, Lin Jichen was so frightened that his face paled and he ran away.

Baili Canfeng was chasing after him.

The two chased after each other in the mountains and forests.

Lin Jichen had never been so afraid, even if he was chased and killed by Zhu Jiuyin in his previous life.

But when he saw Baili Canfeng running towards him covered in dung, he really panicked...

"You fucking don't come here"

Lin Jichen shouted in despair while running.

This kid, even beating him now feels like getting his hands dirty.

"I don't care, if you don't give me a hug today, this matter will never end!"

Instead of stopping, Baili Canfeng chased even harder.

Fortunately, Lin Jichen found a waterfall, which temporarily calmed Baili Remnant Feng's anger.

Seeing Baili Remnant Feng taking a shower naked under the waterfall, Lin Jichen could only turn his head away and act as his bodyguard.

"Brother Lin, don't talk about this matter, or my reputation as a handsome young man will be ruined by you."

Baili Canfeng thought while scrubbing.

Lin Jichen said with a chuckle, "Don't worry, I'll keep your secret for the rest of my life."

"You won't. I can see that you are a person who can keep secrets very well. I can rest assured that I can make friends with you."

Baili Canfeng said curiously and asked: "Brother Lin, you know that I was not surprised at all when I avoided hunting in the cesspit. Have you tried it before?"

"You fart! I didn't! Don't slander me, you boy!"

Lin Jichen suddenly lost his composure, and hastily denied it, but recalled the memories of fleeing in his previous life...

But even if he was killed, he would not admit it.

"Brother Lin, why don't you come and take a bath together? The water is very cool."

Lin Jichen rolled his eyes, and said, "Shut up, take your bath, I don't want needle eyes."

"Haha, Brother Lin, why are you so shy? What are men afraid of? Could it be that you are a woman disguised as a man?"

Baili Canfeng's eyes lit up a little as he said that.

Lin Jichen's face darkened, and he immediately released a swarm of poisonous horned bees: "Go, sting these bastards to death!"

"Hey, brother Lin, I'm wrong, don't make trouble, don't make trouble, I won't say it, I promise I won't say it."

Seeing that this kid admits to being cowardly, Lin Jichen was willing to give up.

In this way, Baili Canfeng stayed under the waterfall for a long time, his skin was almost washed out, and he was relieved after confirming that there was no smell.

But after putting on his clothes, Lin Jichen could still smell his faint stench, so stay away from this guy quickly.

Hate to go out with this guy like this, but the smell will last at least a month.

Lin Jichen couldn't wait another month.

So even if this guy has a taste, he can only bear it.

"Forget it, if you get used to smelling it, you will probably get used to it."

Lin Jichen could only comfort himself in this way.


Wudu Mountains.

Known as one of the ten forbidden places in the eight barren lands.

This mountain range stretches for hundreds of miles, and it is full of poisonous miasma, high-level monsters, and a large number of vicious human monks and ghost monks.

Because this place is the junction of the human race and the ghost race, and there is no one under the jurisdiction of the ghost race, it has become a place outside the law.

It took Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng two days and two nights to arrive here.

Outside the Wudu Mountain Range, there is a thick layer of poisonous miasma. This poisonous miasma is several miles thick. Ordinary monks can't get in without advanced detoxification pills.

Looking at the green poisonous miasma in front of him, Baili Canfeng took out two pills and handed one to Lin Jichen.

"This poisonous miasma is very powerful. This is a local antidote pill. Take it."

Lin Jichen took his elixir and put it directly into the ring, but didn't take it.

"Brother Lin, why don't you eat?" Baili Canfeng asked suspiciously.

Lin Jichen smiled disdainfully, and then flew directly into the poisonous miasma.

Baili Canfeng was stunned for a moment, seeing that Lin Jichen was safe and sound, he thought that the poisonous miasma was not as powerful as the rumors said, so he also tried to put down the elixir and followed inside.

However, as soon as he entered, his face immediately turned green. After inhaling the strong poisonous miasma, Baili Canfeng, a fragile little Faxiu, fainted on the spot and fell from a high altitude.

Fortunately, Lin Jichen found out in time, and quickly flew to pick him up, otherwise he would not die if he fell, and no one cared about him, the poisonous miasma would slowly kill him.

"You're here to drag me down, right?"

Lin Jichen hugged the fainted Baili Remnant Feng, his face was speechless, could this kid be reliable?

Although he complained, Lin Jichen hurriedly stuffed the pill into his mouth.

After a while, Baili Canfeng regained his composure.

"Thank you Brother Lin for saving my life again." Baili Canfeng looked at Lin Jichen with sincere eyes.

Lin Jichen said disgustedly: "Stop talking nonsense, get up and fly! I don't want to hug you anymore! It stinks!"

Baili Canfeng chuckled, but didn't hold back anymore, and the two walked through the poisonous miasma again.

Soon, the two passed through the poisonous miasma layer for several miles.

In front of you is the real Wudu Mountain Range.

"Brother Lin, why are you so aggressive without taking medicine?"

Baili Canfeng suddenly asked curiously.

It's just that this question made Lin Jichen feel black.

Seemingly aware that his question was a bit strange, Baili Canfeng quickly changed his words.

"What I mean is, Brother Lin, can you survive this poisonous miasma without taking the detoxification pill?"

Lin Jichen rolled his eyes and said, "I'm more resistant to drugs, is that okay?"

Baili Canfeng came to a sudden, and asked weakly: "Then why did you take my elixir away..."

"What? You want to take back what you gave me?" Lin Jichen rebelled.

"No, no, you can take it away, I have no objection."

Baili Canfeng smiled coyly, only daring to feel aggrieved.

"Let's go, find a place to stay first, it will be even more difficult to move here when it gets dark."

Lin Jichen didn't want to waste time, so he took the lead. Baili Canfeng immediately put on a smiling face and followed behind.

The two traveled quickly in the mountains and did not choose to fly.

Flying here can easily alarm the vicious people nearby, and it may cause a fatal disaster.

In the Wudu Mountain Range, there are a lot of people with the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm, and there are even a lot of old monsters at the Transformation God Realm hiding in it.

Therefore, those who dare to fly in the Wudu Mountains are either idiots who don't know anything for nothing when they come here for the first time, or they are super-strength experts.

Coming to this 'sad' place again, Lin Jichen couldn't help but sigh.

He has been to the Wudu Mountains three times in total, but died all three times...

The first time I died inexplicably, I didn't know why I died.

Was attacked by villains for the second time.

The third time was when Lao Glass, who was in the Nascent Soul Realm, fell in love with him and insisted on arresting him as a Taoist companion, but Lin Jichen refused and was killed.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen felt very painful.

Lin Jichen would really have a headache if he came across that old glass in the Wudu Mountains this time.

Because the strength of the old glass is indeed very strong, the Nascent Soul is in the middle stage, and it is not that kind of garbage Nascent Soul.

With Lin Jichen's current strength in the spiritual realm, it might be a bit troublesome to deal with it, but seeing Baili Canfeng next to him, he put his heart in his stomach again.

It's okay, the big deal is to let Baili Canfeng sacrifice his hue to make that old glass...

one more

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