Full-time sword repair

Chapter 852 Absolute Dark Horse!

With all the dharma sects present, the elder in charge made a lot of opening remarks, and the exchange meeting officially began.

To put it bluntly, the exchange meeting is actually a discussion meeting.

The first-class sect brought its best disciples to the super sect, and let them see the gap between themselves and the real geniuses at the top of the pyramid.

Thereby stimulating them to work hard.

On the other hand, this is a rare opportunity.

Because according to the rules, all the disciples who performed well in this exchange meeting can get the opportunity to visit the Sutra-Storage Pavilion of the super sect.

And got advice from a certain elder, and a book or two of secret techniques.

Naturally, other sects would not let go of this opportunity to pluck the wool.

Another point is that the first-class sects are introverted and compared with each other.

Show their muscles to the big brother of the super sect, and prove the strength of their sect.

In this way, the two sects will have more opportunities to cooperate in the future.

Even if one's own disciple is poached by the super sect, it is not a loss, because the super sect will definitely pay more, otherwise the super sect would be too embarrassed to speak up.

This is not bad for the first-class sect, and after my disciples go to the super sect to grow up, they will definitely not forget their nurturing grace in the future, and will take care of them a lot.

So there is no harm in this kind of thing, and the first-class sects are very happy to do it.

Unless it is the kind of disciple who can really compete with the elites of the super sect, the first-class sect will be reluctant to give it.

After the exchange meeting started, the disciples of every first-class sect arranged a chance to fight against the disciples of Yuanji Fazong.

Of course, the Yuanji Fazong will not send ordinary characters, it will be a confrontation between the disciples of the inner hall.

Don't even think about the disciples of the outer hall, they are not qualified to stand in the ring at all.

Those Yuanji Dharma Sect players who think that they can win the moon first if they are close to the water, are actually no different from first-rate sects or even second-rate sects.

You have no talent or strength, no matter where you are, no one will take you seriously.

Just like those young people who have no ability but always fantasize about going to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. In fact, no matter how good the place is, the result is the same, and finally go back in despair.

Moreover, players from the Yuanji Dharma Sect had a much harder threshold to enter the inner hall than players from other sects.

After all, the threshold is there, and it is impossible for people to collect garbage.

Like Tianyan Sword Sect, there are more than tens of thousands of players in the outer palace.

But so far, more than a year has passed.

There are less than a thousand players who can advance to the inner hall.

It can be seen that the difficulty is high, it is really a thousand troops crossing the single-plank bridge, and it is truly one in a million!

The competition among Faxiu disciples began one after another. On Lin Jichen's side, disciples from the inner hall of Yuanji Fazong took to the stage to confront disciples from other sects.

The ending is also very worthy of their identities, nine out of ten battles, very few disciples will lose.

The astonishing winning rate proves that they are worthy of being the elite of the strongest Fazong.

Lin Jichen watched the battle on the field with relish.

As if going back to the days when he was a Dharma cultivator in his previous life, relying on his spells, he kept improving in the game.

After the fusion of the worlds, relying on the spells learned hard, he struggled in the new world.

Little by little of the previous life flashed through Lin Jichen's mind.

But he doesn't regret his current choice, and he doesn't waver in the idea of ​​changing careers.

On the contrary, the more you look at it, the more Lin Jichen's obsession with sword repair becomes deeper!

Yes, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that he was not suitable for legal cultivation, and sword cultivation was his destination!

Lin Jichen couldn't help thinking, if he played sword repair in his previous life, would his achievements be higher...

Although the disciples of Yuanji Fazong won frequently, there were still a few disciples who lost.

Those Fazong disciples who were able to defeat them were obviously the elites of the first-class sects.

On the other side, the elders of Yuanji Fazong began to laugh and discuss the potential and brilliance of these outstanding disciples.

Some elders even showed a look of pity on their talents, and they had the intention of poaching them.

And with the cheers on the field, everyone's attention was attracted by a girl in a golden robe.

"Jiang Luoyu, a disciple of Lanxing Fazong, has won three games in a row!"

Everyone was a little surprised, winning three games in a row?Who is so powerful!

Lin Jichen looked at Jiang Luoyu standing proudly on the ring, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, Gu Qingcheng who was on the side also commented: "This little girl from the Dharma Sect of Lan Xing is a rare genius."

As she said that, she said to Mu Lingbing: "Ling'er, I'm afraid her talent is not inferior to yours."

Mu Lingbing was not jealous, but smiled and said: "Master, I told you a long time ago that this girl is extremely talented. At the Ascension to Immortal Conference, Elder Li wanted to poach her. I told you that you still don't believe me. "

Gu Qingcheng pouted and said: "I didn't see it as a teacher, I thought you were just exaggerating, but her strength is still far inferior to yours, but her talent is extremely high, if she is properly cultivated, her future achievements will not be weaker than yours. "

Mu Lingbing aroused the desire to win, and refused to accept: "I don't believe it, even if she comes to our sect, I will not be surpassed by her."

Gu Qingcheng chuckled, and said narrowly: "Are you afraid that the majesty of the elder sister will be lost? If she comes, will you wear small shoes for others?"

Mu Lingbing pursed her lips and said angrily, "Master, who do you think I am? Is this a narrow-minded person?"

Seeing that Mu Lingbing seemed to be angry, Gu Qingcheng didn't put on airs as a master, and quickly admitted his mistake, coaxing: "Okay, okay, I'm just joking with you as a teacher, can't you be wrong, look at you like that, can't tease you what."

"No, it's not fun at all, Master, you are so annoying!" Mu Lingbing snorted.

Gu Qingcheng grinned, didn't take it seriously at all, and continued to watch the competition.

Mu Lingbing sighed, obviously there was nothing he could do about this master.

Lin Jichen couldn't help laughing when he heard the quarrel between the two of them, he didn't know that he thought it was the mother and daughter who were arguing...

In the arena, Jiang Luoyu's performance was far from that, and the winning streak continued!

Four games!

Five games!

Six games!

Jiang Luoyu, who won six games in a row, undoubtedly became the most eye-catching disciple in this exchange meeting.

Almost all the elders of the Yuanji Fazong who were sitting on the viewing platform had a strong love for talents.

"This girl's talent is extremely high, it's really rare!"

"Yeah, I'm afraid I won't be able to meet such a talented disciple again in a hundred years."

"This girl's talent is not inferior to that girl Lingbing, nor is she inferior to that kid Zihan."

"This kind of genius, you have to come to my Yuanji Dharma Sect to bring out her greatest potential!"

"That's right, when the exchange meeting is over, talk to Fazong immediately. They can accept whatever conditions they want."


The elders all became very interested in Jiang Luoyu, the dark horse among the dark horses, and expressed their desire to accept her as a disciple.

However, there is Gu Qingcheng who has the same idea as them...


Three shifts~

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