Full-time sword repair

Chapter 851 Master, Are You Here Again?

It's a pity that Jiang Luoyu's little plan was doomed to fail, Lin Jichen already had the broken star and seven obsidian stones.

Don't ask where it came from, it was sent by a cub.

Lin Jichen didn't say anything, but deliberately cooperated with her and said, "Boss Jiang, I am in urgent need of Broken Star Seven Obsidian, can you send it to me?"

Jiang Luoyu obviously believed it, and said with a wry smile: "But I'm not in Muxian Prefecture now, the Zongmen brought me to Yongning Prefecture to attend the Fazong Exchange Conference, are you in a hurry?"

Lin Jichen quickly replied with a smirk: "Yes, it's urgent!"

"That's it...then...then I'll tell the elder, I won't go, send me your location, I'll come here now."

Jiang Luoyu resolutely gave up participating in the Fazong exchange meeting.

On the contrary, Lin Jichen felt a little embarrassed. He had an idea and said, "Don't bother, you go to Yuanji Dharma School to find someone named Mu Lingbing, and give the things to her, and she will bring them for me."

"Alright, then wait for me for a while."

Lin Jichen didn't wait long when a large group of disciples in golden Taoist robes flew over.

Lin Jichen, who had worn this Taoist robe for ten years in his previous life, was very familiar with it. This was the school uniform of Lan Xing Fazong, ah, no, it was a Taoist robe.

After the person who took the stars fell down, a woman in a golden robe quickly came out, rushing all the way to the seat of the Yuanji Fazong.

Lin Jichen turned around on purpose to prevent the other party from seeing him.

The golden-robed woman came to the disciples of Yuanji Fazong, and all the male disciples of Yuanji Fazong showed dull and admiring eyes.

The woman ignored their eyes, but said directly: "Excuse me, is there someone named Mu Lingbing here?"

Mu Lingbing stood up with some doubts, and said, "I am Mu Lingbing, are you Jiang Luoyu? I met you at the Immortal Ascension Conference."

Jiang Luoyu smiled politely, and didn't have time to reminisce, so she hurriedly said: "I have a friend, ask me..."

Jiang Luoyu stopped abruptly in the middle of her speech, and looked aside in astonishment.

Mu Lingbing asked strangely, "What did you say?"

Lin Jichen stopped pretending at this time, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, Ling Bing, I was just joking with my friend."

Mu Lingbing came to a sudden, and said: "So you know each other."

"Yes, yes." Lin Jichen nodded with a smile.

Mu Lingbing smiled, but didn't say anything else, but looked at Jiang Luoyu with subtle eyes.

Gu Zihan's eyes immediately became hostile, and the senior sister and younger brother immediately stood on the united front.

Lin Jichen seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a bit delicate, so he hurriedly invited Jiang Luoyu to the side to chat alone.

As soon as the two walked aside, a powder fist came towards Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen was also embarrassed to hide, and was hit without pain.

"You bastard, is it fun to lie to me?"

Jiang Luoyu stared at Lin Jichen beautifully, and said angrily.

Lin Jichen grinned and said, "Whoever told you to call me your sister first, I call revenge with virtue."

"Fuck you, it's clear that you repay kindness with grievances." Jiang Luoyu laughed angrily.

But after laughing, she was puzzled and said, "By the way, why did you come to Yuanji Fazong?"

Lin Jichen said: "I have a mission, come here to find someone to help."

Jiang Luoyu nodded, not doubting him, jokingly said: "I thought you were going to abandon your sword and follow the law, and change your career to become a law practitioner."

"No way, sword repair is so promising, how could I change my career."

"Then who knows, you guys know so much about Dharma cultivation, and the Dharma cultivation skills you taught me are really useful. I believe you even if you say you are a sword cultivator wearing Dharma cultivation." Jiang Luoyu teased speak.

Lin Jichen denied it on the surface, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart, buddy was the number one Dharma cultivator in his previous life, so don't you know this skill.

The two had a brief chat, and a disciple of the Lanxing Fazong came to remind Jiang Luoyu that the exchange meeting was about to begin.

"Let's talk about it later, I'll go back first, by the way, this Fragmented Star Seven Obsidian, here you are."

When Jiang Luoyu left, she didn't forget to pass the materials to Lin Jichen.

"No, you take it first, find time to break through the Nascent Soul, anyway, the materials are all ready."

Lin Jichen refused.

"No, there are only two materials. I have discussed with Qiuxue and the others. We will gather a little more together next month, and then we will break through together." Jiang Luoyu shook her head.

Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry, he couldn't figure out why this thing had to be together?

Do girls really like to do everything together...

The two separated temporarily, and Lin Jichen returned to sit beside Mu Lingbing.

As soon as he was seated, Gu Zihan poked his head and asked, "Brother Lin, who is that sister?"

"My good friend." Lin Jichen replied.

But Gu Zihan said sourly: "Brother Lin has so many friends, and they are all girls, and they are all so beautiful, tsk tsk."

Lin Jichen couldn't help laughing when he saw his big kid, pinched his face and said, "What do you want to say?"

Gu Zihan said bluntly: "I mean, no matter how beautiful she is, she is not as beautiful as my mother. Brother Lin, please think about it, my mother really..."

Before Gu Zihan finished speaking, Mu Lingbing covered his mouth.

"Shut up, what do you know, little one?"

"I understand! Don't try to look at people, I know, senior sister, you want to rob Lin University from my mother... oh!"

Gu Zihan stopped talking again, leaving only Mu Lingbing with a blushing pretty face feeling ashamed.

Fortunately, as the exchange meeting began, the attention of the three people was diverted.

When Lin Jichen was thinking that Gu Qingcheng didn't say that he wanted to participate and why he didn't see her for a day, a gust of refreshing fragrance wafted over.

He turned his head and saw that Gu Qingcheng was beside him.

It's just that this time Gu Qingcheng was wearing the same magic robe as his disciples.

Just as Lin Jichen was about to speak, Gu Qingcheng made a hissing gesture towards him.

Gu Zihan and Mu Lingbing also discovered Gu Qingcheng, but they seemed to be familiar with Gu Qingcheng's behavior.

Mu Lingbing couldn't help complaining: "Master, are you doing this again?"

"Mother, why are you pretending to be a disciple again, aren't you afraid that grandpa will scold you?" Gu Zihan also felt a little tired.

My own mother has always been like this, he is almost numb, and he really wants to ask his mother: Can you be more mature like me?

Gu Qingcheng came to the side of the three of them, hugged Gu Zihan and occupied his position, but in this way, Gu Qingcheng was next to Lin Jichen.

The two inevitably made physical contact, and Lin Jichen froze, not daring to move, for fear that the Ascension Realm boss would think he was taking advantage.

Gu Qingcheng didn't seem to care about that, he hugged Gu Zihan and said with a smile: "This is fun, don't worry, no one will find out, and no one will find out."

Lin Jichen turned his head to look, and really found that no one noticed Gu Qingcheng, it seemed that no one could notice her at all.

Lin Jichen immediately guessed that the other party must have used some kind of secret method to isolate others from perception.

This kind of small method is simply too simple for a big shot like Gu Qingcheng.


Two more~

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