Full-time sword repair

Chapter 850 Law Cultivation Exchange Conference

Yuanji Fazong, Fazong arena.

Today is a special day for Fazong. Other Fazongs in the four prefectures have sent their disciples here to study and discuss, and to meet friends through Dharma.

The lively arena was already filled with disciples of Yuanji Fazong.

Yuanji Fazong's Taoist robes are red, and the fiery red robes are bright and eye-catching, like balls of raging fire.

Looking around, it looks like a cloud of fire falling from the sky in the evening.

The Taoist robes of each sect are different, like Lin Jichen's Tianyan Sword Sect is blue and white, and Gu Qiuxue's Xuanyi Sect is light green.

Each Taoist robe is a symbol of a sect, similar to a school uniform.

Usually you have other better equipment, which can be replaced, but Zongmen clothing must be well preserved, and you have to wear it during special times.

Generally in Zongmen, disciples need to change into Zongmen Daoist robes.

It's like a school uniform.

When Lin Jichen came, there were already no vacancies here, but he didn't have to worry about it at all.

Under the leadership of Mu Lingbing and Gu Zihan, he arrived at the seat of disciples in the inner hall of the Yuanji Fazong without hindrance.

Lin Jichen's white robe became a speck of white among thousands of red lights, which looked very special.

The disciples in the inner hall of Yuanji Fazong all cast curious and astonishing glances at him, and many of the female disciples even had blushing cheeks, flirting secretly and whispering.

"Is he Lin Jichen? The leader of the Immortal Ascension Conference?"

"That's right, I saw him in the Buddha Sect, but I didn't expect him to really come to our Yuanji Dharma Sect."

"He looks really good-looking, like someone in a New Year picture."

"Why do I feel that he is more attractive than women, and his attractiveness is so comfortable, not the sissy kind."

"Ahh! I want to throw myself in my arms~"

"Don't think about it. Didn't you see that the senior sister had a happy conversation with him? You can tell by the look in the eyes of the senior sister that we are dead."


As time passed, an elder of Yuanji Fazong flew up to the ring and raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Today is the exchange meeting of the Fazong of the Four States. This is a rare learning opportunity for all of you disciples. I hope you will cherish this opportunity. Even if you don't have the opportunity to play, you can still observe and learn from the audience."

"Now, let's invite the disciples of the major Dharma sects to enter the venue first!"

As soon as the elder's words fell, figures flew over from outside the arena, first a group of disciples in purple Taoist robes.

As soon as Lin Jichen looked over, Mu Lingbing introduced to him from the side: "This is the Taiqing Dharma School of Yuehua Prefecture. The Taiqing Dharma Sect's disciples are quite good, and their wind and wood spells are the best."

Lin Jichen was the number one Dharma cultivator in his previous life, so he is naturally familiar with these basic Dharma cultivation knowledge, but he doesn't mind Mu Lingbing introducing it to him again.

Dharma cultivation actually has many branches, just like weapon cultivation is divided into knife cultivation, sword cultivation, spear cultivation, ax cultivation, hammer cultivation and so on.

Dharma cultivation is classified by five elements, elements, etc., such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, dark poison, etc., and even other branches.

For example, talisman cultivation is a branch of Dharma cultivation, and Eunuch Gao’s Curse Master is also a type of Dharma cultivation, but it is very rare.

Different Fazongs generally specialize in different fields.

The Lanxing Dharma School that Lin Jichen joined at the beginning was good at gold and light spells.

Of course, it doesn't mean that other types of spells are not good, it's just that the focus is different, and you can still learn it if you want to learn it.

Back then, Lin Jichen specialized in fire spells, but he knew a lot of other types of spells.

Dharma practice is good in this way. You don’t need to practice only one type, you can learn all of them, but it is very laborious, and learning too complicated is not conducive to comprehending the Dharma.

It was because Lin Jichen learned too much, so he was unable to break through to the enlightenment state at that time.

Later, he made up his mind to forget all other types of spells, and retreated for a whole year before finally breaking through to the realm of enlightenment.

Of course, what greeted him after the breakthrough was the betrayal and frame-up of Guo Jie and Xu Ziyi, and finally died at the hands of Zhu Jiuyin.

In a daze, all the purple-robed disciples landed on the seats next to them.

Immediately afterwards, another large group of disciples in cyan robes flew over.

"This is the Nine Mysteries School of Huafeng Prefecture. The Nine Mysteries School is best at lightning, light, and poison spells." Mu Lingbing continued to introduce intimately.

Lin Jichen pretended not to understand and asked, "Then what is your Yuanji Dharma Sect best at?"

Mu Lingbing smiled, and said to himself: "We are proficient in all schools of spells, but we are not the best at this one. If we have to say it, it should be fire and water."

Lin Jichen smiled wryly in his heart. If he could join the Yuanji Dharma School back then, he wouldn't need to learn other types of spells, and he specialized in fire.

Then he might have broken through to the Dao Enlightenment Realm long ago, and his strength will definitely be stronger. Maybe Zhu Jiuyin won't kill him so easily.

But if he didn't die, how could he live again?

Maybe this is the destiny of God in the dark, how can you know that it is not a blessing if you lose your horse?

He didn't doubt Mu Lingbing's words, because Yuanji Fazong had absolute confidence in being the only super sect in Yongning Prefecture.

Just like his Tianyan Sword Sect's status in Mu Xianzhou, there are so many sword sects in the world, but none of them dare to disobey Tianyan Sword Sect.

It can be said with confidence that the Tianyan Sword Sect is the ceiling of the Sword Sect, and so is the Yuanji Fa Sect.

"Lingbing, how many Dharma sects are here to participate in the exchange meeting?"

"A lot, it's conservatively estimated that there are dozens of them, and the sect's strength must reach the level of a first-class sect to be eligible to come here." Mu Lingbing replied simply.

"Is Lan Xing Fazong included?" Lin Jichen asked curiously.

Mu Lingbing nodded: "Of course, the Lanxing Dharma Sect can be regarded as a first-class sect. Among them, they have a disciple with a very good talent. Even the elders of our sect are eager to recruit them."

"Oh? Who is it?" Lin Jichen already had the answer in his heart, but asked knowingly.

Mu Lingbing smiled and said: "Her name is Jiang Luoyu, and she also performed very well in the Immortal Ascension Conference. At that time, the elders who led our team went to Lanxing Fazong to poach people, but unfortunately they failed."

Lin Jichen laughed, and suddenly his eyes lit up. In that case, Boss Jiang will probably come over too.

I don't know how she will react when she sees herself here.

Lin Jichen felt a little hopeful when he thought of this.

He opened his friends list and saw that Jiang Luoyu was indeed online, so he sent her a message.

"Are there?"

Jiang Luoyu quickly replied to him: "Yes, but I'm not in Muxian State, what's the matter? Boss Lin wants the Broken Star Seven Obsidian Stone? Please~ Please, my sister will give it to you (playful)~"

Because the Polar Night Tianshan only refreshes with Broken Star Heptadite at a fixed time every month.

At that time, Lin Jichen was locked up in Jingsi Cliff and Baili Canfeng, a cub, and couldn't get out at all.

Jiang Luoyu and the others had no choice but to go by themselves. However, they checked for a whole day, but they didn't see a piece of Broken Star and Seven Obsidian Stones.

Seeing that the time was coming to an end, Jiang Luoyu had an idea, and called Shi Xiyue, the Queen of Europe, and finally at the last moment, got two copies of Broken Star Seven Obsidian Stones.

Jiang Luoyu thought that Lin Jichen was looking for her for the Broken Star Seven Obsidian Stone, so she wanted to tease him.


One more~

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