Full-time sword repair

Chapter 845 Master, This Disciple Knows First~

"Ling'er, I've been hearing Han'er talking about this Lin Jichen, is he really that powerful?"

The woman in chief suddenly turned to Mu Lingbing for verification with some curiosity.

When Mu Lingbing heard this name, his eyes were inexplicably brighter than before.

"Returning to Master, there is no doubt about Lin Jichen's strength. His victory in the Buddha Sect's Immortal Ascension Conference is enough to prove it."

"Really? It's all because of the old men of the sect. It must be said that the Demon Sect might sneak attack on the sect and guard the sect for the master, so that the master has no time to watch it. It's rare to hold such an interesting event as the Immortal Ascension Conference. Don't go there many times what a pity."

The woman in chief sighed and complained.

She went on to say: "However, this Lin Jichen saved you and Zihan. Our Yuanji Fazong still remembers this favor. Just in time, after a while, I will take Han'er to Tianyan Sword Sect for my teacher."

Mu Lingbing complained: "Master, I think you are repaying favors or fake...is it true to go out to play?"

The chief woman smiled awkwardly, and quickly denied it: "Nothing, as a teacher, I just want to return favors. Tianyan Jianzong and my Yuanji Fazong are both righteous sects. I haven't had a chance to walk around before. This time I just went to see Look, as a teacher, I have always wanted to see the demeanor of Leng Feiyan, the most powerful man in the world, and maybe I can ask for advice on two moves, to see if it is her swordsmanship that is strong, or my teacher's spells are slightly better."

Seeing that Master was really going, Mu Lingbing suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Master, how about I go for you..."

Who knew that the chief woman refused on the spot, and said with a smile: "No need, Han'er told me already, this Lin Jichen is handsome and suave, with extraordinary appearance, good conduct, and he takes care of Han'er so much, and he hits Han'er so well, I just happened to go see him meet him."

As she said that, the woman winked at Mu Lingbing and said: "Lingbing, you also know that as a teacher, I have always wanted to find a father for Han'er, so that he can feel his father's love. This opportunity is rare, I must go and see it. "

Mu Lingbing had a bitter look on her face, as if her beloved baby was being watched by the master.

Gu Zihan on the side was still applauding.

"Okay! Mother, you will be very satisfied when you see Big Brother Lin. Big Brother Lin is the most beautiful man in the world, and he treats Han'er very well. Han'er wants him to be my father!"

The woman gave him a doting smile, and said: "Okay, wait until mother sees him."

At this moment, a disciple of the inner hall came to report.

"Master, there is a sword sect disciple named Lin Jichen who said he came to visit you in our sect. Do you want to bring him in?"

Mu Lingbing's expression, which was still worrying about gains and losses, changed instantly, and she was very pleasantly surprised.

"Really? He said his name is Lin Jichen?"

"it is true."

"I'm going to see him right now!"

Mu Lingbing's heart was in full bloom, and she was about to run away immediately.

"Ling'er, wait." The chief woman suddenly stopped her.

Only then did Mu Lingbing come to his senses, turned around and saluted with a blushing face, and said, "Well...Master, a friend of mine came to see me, so I'll go there first, let's end today's class, I'll take a leave of absence."

After finishing speaking, I will run away.

Unexpectedly, there was an extra wall of fire at the door, blocking Mu Lingbing in place.

"Master, who is this?" Mu Lingbing turned around in astonishment.

The chief woman said with a smile: "Ling'er, you just said that the person who came to see you is called Lin Jichen?"


"Isn't that the savior of you and Han'er?"


"That's a good relationship, just in case I have to go to Jianzong, you go to see him, bring him here, Han'er, you go too, pay attention to the way of hospitality, mother first go back to the house and change clothes .”

After the woman finished speaking, the man disappeared.

Mu Lingbing had a sad expression on his face, good guy, Master started to go back to dress up before seeing him?

Do you want to be so active?This is what the disciples knew first...

"Brother Lin came to see me! Hahaha, Senior Sister, let's pick up Brother Lin!"

Gu Zihan was already so excited that he pulled up Mu Lingbing and was about to run outside.

Mu Lingbing stopped in her tracks.

"What's the matter, Sister?"

Mu Lingbing didn't answer, but his heart was in the battle between heaven and man.

"Master is so introverted. She is already as beautiful as a fairy, and she must be even more stunning after dressing up. No, I can't lose to Master."

Thinking of this, Mu Lingbing immediately said to Gu Zihan, "Go see your brother Lin first, I'm sweating a little, go back and change."

After all, Mu Lingbing hurried out and went back to her room to get dressed.

Gu Zihan was at a loss, and didn't understand why his mother and senior sister had to change their clothes when they saw Brother Lin?It's not that I didn't wear...

But they didn't go, Gu Zihan still ran down Zongmen Mountain very actively.

At this time, Lin Jichen was still waiting outside the mountain gate, surrounded by more and more players, and even many npc disciples.

Lin Jichen looked helpless, everyone looked at him as if he was looking at a panda.

This feeling of being famous everywhere, Lin Jichen really had enough, but it was already like this, and he couldn't change it even if he wanted to.

At this moment, a childish voice sounded.

"Get out of the way! Don't disturb the distinguished guests of our sect!"

Everyone turned their heads, only to see a little guy running over, scolding them.

But no one dared to refute, instead they all hurriedly obediently stepped aside.

There is no other reason, this little devil in the world, the player of Yuanji Dharma School is too familiar with npc.

The head son, who doesn't know him.

In the past, many players wanted to get close to him in order to get the mission, but this little brat refused to stick to his will, and was extremely mischievous, just like a bully.

He often punishes those players who bother him, and it is always a three-day gold miner experience card.

Among them, many players were not convinced, and even made insulting remarks to the little boy, and as a result, they were expelled from the clan, and there was no room for negotiation.

Later everyone also knew that this little brat had no missions to take on and was not easy to mess with, so they didn't dare to offend him.

Seeing Gu Zihan approaching now, everyone just wanted to hide away, for fear of being targeted by this little overlord.

"Brother Lin!"

Seeing Lin Jichen, Gu Zihan happily jumped three feet high, and rushed over to hug his thigh.

"Brother Lin, you didn't lie to me, you really came to see me!"

Lin Jichen smiled and lowered his head to rub his head, and said: "Of course, I keep my word. I haven't seen you in a few months, but you have grown up. Have you practiced seriously during this time?"

"Yes! I practice seriously every day! I don't want to be playful anymore! My strength is much stronger now than before!"

"Yes, I will test you later."

"Yeah, brother Lin, come in with me, coming here is like coming to your own home, don't be restrained!"

Gu Zihan said to the disciple guarding the door: "From now on, no matter when my elder brother Lin comes, he is not allowed to stop him, do you hear me?"

The gatekeeper disciple nodded quickly, and Gu Zihan led Lin Jichen into the sect in such a swaggering manner, leaving behind a group of stunned disciples.

Lin Jichen...why do you know Xiaobawang so well? ? ?


Three shifts

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