Full-time sword repair

Chapter 846 Mission: The Road to Son-in-Law!

Under the leadership of Gu Zihan, Lin Jichen passed through the outer hall and entered the main hall of Fazong without hindrance.

"Mom, I brought Brother Lin to see you."

As soon as Gu Zihan entered the hall, he shouted at the top of his voice, and looked around.

Lin Jichen was taken aback, he had no idea that Gu Zihan was going to take him to see his mother, didn't he mean to take him to see Mu Lingbing? ? ?

"Little one, why did you really bring me to see your mother? Don't be so polite, are you kidding me?"

"Of course I'm not joking. Brother Lin, don't worry, once I say something, it's hard to follow!" Gu Zihan swears, smacking his chest.

Lin Jichen was astonished, and he turned his head and wanted to leave a little bit.

But Gu Zihan hugged his thigh.

"Brother Lin, don't go. I've said it all. I will definitely introduce my mother to you. My wife is very good."

Lin Jichen smiled wryly, and said, "Little guy, I really don't want to be your father. I just appreciate your kindness, and forget about the introduction."

"Brother Lin, don't worry, you haven't seen my mother yet, and you won't think so when you see you." Gu Zihan strongly recommended.

Lin Jichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't think so in his heart. He still had the same idea, how sweet would a married woman with a child that big be?cut!

At this moment, a warm and crisp voice sounded like a yellow warbler in the hall.

"Han'er, is this your savior?"

Lin Jichen turned his head to look, and was stunned on the spot.

I saw a beautiful woman approaching, her black silk like black jade was simply tied up in a flying fairy bun, and a few plump and round pearls were randomly dotted in her hair.

The woman's red sleeves are fluttering, she is extremely graceful!

A flame-like robe with flame patterns set off her crystal-clear jade-like skin.

Outside the main hall, the faint sunlight shone in, shining on her body as if through flawless glass, soft and well-proportioned.

What's more, her perfect and hot figure is looming and imaginative.

Even Lin Jichen, who was used to seeing stunning beauties, couldn't help feeling a little lost at this moment.

Among the NPCs who can be compared with the woman in front of me, I am afraid that there are only my master and the suzerain of the Xuanyi sect.

Moreover, the three suzerains are the beauty of completely different temperaments.

Leng Feiyan is as cold as snow, Yun Lanyi is as gentle as the wind, but this one in front of him is as enthusiastic as fire.

Lin Jichen suddenly wanted to take back that thought, Gu Zihan's mother...seemed to be really delicious...sucked

"Yes, mother, this is Brother Lin."

As Gu Zihan said, he introduced to Lin Jichen: "Brother Lin, this is my mother and the suzerain of Yuanji Fazong, Gu Qingcheng."

Gu Qingcheng looked at Lin Jichen and smiled, showing no airs of suzerainty.

"The Tianyan Sword Sect is worthy of being a famous and authentic sect. It can cultivate such outstanding disciples. The story of you beheading Situ Zhao and defeating Li Xinghun has been spread in the four states. It is indeed a hero born a boy. I didn't expect Tianyan Sword In addition to Chu Tianhan, Zong also has an even more outstanding disciple, which is really enviable."

Hearing Gu Qingcheng's praise, Lin Jichen was flattered.

Just kidding, he is the head of Yuanji Fazong, the ceiling of Faxiu!

She's not an ordinary girl, she's a real powerhouse in the Ascension Realm!

However, such a strong man not only had no airs, but also took the initiative to talk to him and praised him.

If it were Yun Lanyi, that would be absolutely impossible, it would be good if he wasn't kicked out.

"Sect Master Gu has won the award. I still have a long, long way to go for my humble beginnings. There are many people who are better than me. Our big brother Chu Tianhan is far better than me. I can't be Gu This is the honor of the suzerain."

Lin Jichen responded modestly, mainly because he didn't understand the other party's temper, and now that he was asking for help from others, he couldn't behave better.

Gu Qingcheng was very satisfied with Lin Jichen's modest attitude, looked him up and down, and the smile in his eyes was even bigger.

"Lin Jian has cultivated too modestly. He was able to kill Situ Zhao and defeat Li Xinghun, but he is by no means a mediocre Taoist. If I were as old as you, I'm afraid I would have to bow down too. If you practice hard, your future will be limitless."


The two exchanged a few words, not knowing how to proceed.

But Gu Zihan suddenly said: "Mother, I'm going to find my senior sister, you guys talk first."

After finishing speaking, the little guy ran out of the hall in a flash. He had to find a way to delay Senior Sister Mu's arrival, so as to give Mother and Brother Lin enough time to get to know each other and enhance their relationship!

As soon as Gu Zihan left, there were only Lin Jichen and Gu Qingcheng left in the hall.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle.

Lin Jichen was worried and didn't know what to say, but Gu Qingcheng took the initiative to invite him to sit down.

As soon as Lin Jichen sat down, Gu Qingcheng started chatting with him.

It was really just chatting, chatting about Jianzong, Fazong, and his hobbies.

In short, Gu Qingcheng asked about everything, especially the matter between him and Gu Zihan, he asked the most clearly.

"Lin Shaoxia may not know it. Han'er has always been arrogant and mischievous, but since returning from a trip to the Eternal Ice Field, her temper has changed a lot, and her personality is no longer as arrogant as before. All this is thanks to Lin Shaoxia. "

"It's easy to talk about, it's just a trivial matter, nothing to worry about." Lin Jichen replied.

Gu Qingcheng leaned on the chair and said with a smile: "This is not a trivial matter. No one in the whole sect can make Han'er correct his temper and character, even my mother can't do anything, but you did it. When it arrived, it not only saved Han'er's life, but also greatly improved Han'er's temper, just for these points, I am very grateful to you, Yuanji Fazong owes you a favor."

Lin Jichen was overjoyed when he heard this, he came at the right time, and now it's his 'good guy''s turn to be rewarded for his good deeds!

Looks really promising

"Sect Master Gu, to be honest, there is one thing that comes down to Guizong..."

Before Lin Jichen finished speaking, Gu Qingcheng interrupted, and Lin Jichen froze when he heard her next words.

"Lin Shaoxia, are you willing to join my Yuanji Fazong and marry me?"

Lin Jichen: "?????"

Ding!Trigger the only hidden mission, the road to son-in-law!Task requirements: agree to Gu Qingcheng's invitation, marry her as his wife, abandon the sword and follow the law, and belong to the Yuanji Dharma School from now on, are you willing?

After hearing the game prompt, Lin Jichen believed it was true, and he heard it right.

Just now, he once thought that he had auditory hallucinations and was daydreaming.

But unexpectedly, this is not a dream, but real...

Lin Jichen glanced at Gu Qingcheng's hot and foul figure under the red dress, and swallowed unconsciously...

Marry Gu Qingcheng as his wife... My mother, what kind of fairy mission is this?

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