Full-time sword repair

Chapter 844 Visit Yuanji Dharma School!

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

These days, Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng stayed at Jingsi Cliff, chatting, playing chess, or exchanging fighting skills during the day.

At night, they sleep separately, Lin Jichen occupies the only stone bed, forcing Baili Canfeng to sleep on the ground.

Fortunately, Lin Jichen still has some conscience, so he gave him all the camping equipment used in the Eternal Ice Field.

Ten days pass.

The two couldn't stay any longer, so they hurried down the mountain, unwilling to stay any longer.

The Great Elder didn't ask Lin Jichen to question him again, which obviously meant that Leng Feiyan hadn't left the customs yet.

"Brother Lin, let's go to the Wudu Mountains together!"

Baili Canfeng couldn't wait any longer.

Lin Jichen sighed quietly, why didn't he want to find the Millennium Baby Fruit?

But the problem is... the Wudu Mountain Range is close to the ghost town of Fengdu, where humans and ghosts meet.

Not to mention the many crises, the key is that he is afraid that the generals will come to arrest him again...

He originally wanted to ask his master for some protection, after all, it was impossible for a general of this level to compete with his current strength.

But I didn't expect Master to go to retreat.

Lin Jichen turned to find his cheap second master, Elder Tianqing, but the relationship between him and Elder Tianqing was far from being to the point where the other party protected him for free.

With the intervention of the game system, it is difficult for the player to obtain the protection of the sect. Anyway, they can be resurrected after death, otherwise it will affect the balance of the game too much.

And if Elder Tianqing knew that he was going to the Wudu Mountains with Baili Canfeng, let alone protecting him, he would have to be locked up again...

Elder Tianqing definitely doesn't allow himself to go to such a dangerous place.

But waiting for the master to leave the customs is no longer realistic. Apart from finding the Millennium Yingguo, Lin Jichen has another important task.

That was Eunuch Gao's request.

Seeing that there was less than a month left, Lin Jichen knew that he had to go.

"Okay, let's go, but go to a place with me first."

"Where are you going?" Baili Canfeng asked.

"Yuanji Dharma School." Lin Jichen replied calmly, he could only put his hope in Yuanji Dharma School.

He planned to find the suzerain of Yuanji Fazong for help.

After all, even if the two of them didn't know each other, Lin Jichen managed to save this little kid, Gu Zihan.

With this kind of favor, if I ask Mu Lingbing to help me to talk good things, maybe it will work.

The two left Jianzong immediately, boarded the teleportation formation, and after several turns, they came to Yongning Prefecture, thousands of miles away, at the foot of the Yuanji Fazong mountain.

"Hey, this Yuanji Dharma Sect is indeed a super sect. It's really magnificent! I heard that the Yuanji Dharma Sect is full of beauties. I want to go in and see it. Maybe I can win the heart of a certain girl."

Baili Canfeng smiled and admired this majestic and majestic sect, and raised his leg to pay a visit with Lin Jichen.

However, as soon as he took a step forward, he was dragged back by Lin Jichen.

"Don't go."

"Why? Brother Lin, isn't he afraid that I'll steal your limelight because I'm so handsome?" Baili Canfeng said dissatisfied.

Lin Jichen's face darkened, and he said speechlessly: "Can you find out your identity, you are a demon cultivator! Haven't you learned enough from our Sword Sect?"

Baili Canfeng's smile froze, he scratched his head resentfully, and said, "Haha, I forgot about it, why don't you go in and intercede with me, I'm a serious demon cultivator, really."

Lin Jichen rolled his eyes and said, "You think this is my sword sect? Is there a great elder speaking for me? Don't blame me if they arrest you when you go in."

"This...then what should I do?" Baili Canfeng hesitated, the shadow of being caught last time was still there.

Lin Jichen replied calmly: "You find a nearby cave to hide, and I will come out to find you after I visit."

Baili Remnant Feng shouted at the trough.

"Brother Lin, you are going too far. You go to someone's sect to be a guest to eat delicious food, and you want me to go to the mountains to be a savage? I won't do it!"

Lin Jichen laughed and said, "Then what can I do? Who told you to be a disciple of the Demon Sect? Even if I know you are not a bad person, it doesn't mean that everyone knows. The disciples of the Fazong will definitely smash you to pieces on the spot when they see you."

Speaking of Lin Jichen, he bewitched: "Why don't you change jobs and change to an orthodox sect?"

Baili Canfeng refused without hesitation: "Brother Lin, don't talk nonsense, my master has treated me as much as a mountain, how could I do the thing of betraying the sect?"

Lin Jichen shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then you can choose for yourself. If you enter the sect and be beaten to death as a demon, even if you are full of demonic energy in nearby cities, it will be difficult to enter. Or go to the wild and wait for me to come out."

Baili Canfeng struggled for a while, and finally made the right choice for his own life. When the savage...

"How soon will you be out?"

"I don't know. It depends on the situation. If it is fast, it can be done in half a day."

"Then you have to come out early!" Baili Canfeng repeatedly urged.

Lin Jichen agreed very readily, and the two separated immediately.

Baili Remnant Feng fled into the wild, while Lin Jichen ostentatiously visited the mountain.

Before arriving at the Zongmen, many players in Yongning Prefecture had already recognized Lin Jichen's identity, and they were all surprised.

It was the first time for the players of Yuanji Fazong to see Lin Jichen alive, and they all swarmed around him as if they had seen a star.

"God Lin! I'm your fan!"

"You're so handsome, Ms. Lin, can you be my boyfriend? I'm doing fine!"

"Lin Jichen, do you want a wife?"

"Brother, do you still accept the younger brother?"

"Lin Ouba"


Seeing that he was so popular when he first arrived, Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry.

But there is one thing to say, the girls of Yuanji Fazong are of high quality... a lot of beautiful girls.

Fortunately, the lecherous scholar Baili Canfeng is not here, otherwise he would have to sink here.

Lin Jichen didn't want to waste time, so he pushed through the crowd and quickly climbed up to the mountain gate.

The disciple guarding the sect immediately stopped him.


At this time, in the main hall of Yuanji Fazong, a little boy was standing in the center, pinching the magic weapon with his hands, a flash of thunder flashed, and it went straight to a girl.

The girl smiled slightly, not panicking at all, and an ice wall appeared in front of her when she raised her hand, easily blocking the thunder.

The little boy was dejected, and said sullenly: "I won't play anymore! Senior sister is bullying people! Don't let me at all!"

The girl laughed and said, "You are the one who is not good at cultivation, how can you blame me for bullying you?"

"Hmph! I'm only very young. You cultivated so many years earlier than me. When I grow up, I will definitely beat you!"

"That depends on whether you have the strength."

The two argued and bickered.

At this time, the woman sitting at the head of the main hall smiled and said, "Okay, stop arguing, Lingbing and you too, Zihan is only so young, just let him go."

Mu Lingbing smiled and said to the woman in chief: "Master, I'm here to sharpen the temperament of my junior for you, so that he won't think that he has learned something, and then ostentatiously."

"I'm not ostentatious anymore! I've already promised Brother Lin that I will practice hard. When I succeed in cultivation, I will take my mother to visit Brother Lin at the Tianyan Sword Sect! I won't take you there! I envy you to death! "

Mu Lingbing curled her mouth, obviously dissatisfied.


two more

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