Full-time sword repair

Chapter 843 He Was Facing The Wall, Not On Vacation

"Brother Lin, I really want to thank you for pleading for me this time, otherwise my little life may have to be accounted for by your sword sect."

Baili Canfeng said with emotion that even after so long, he still couldn't forget every word Lin Jichen said for him in the hall.

Every word came from the heart, which moved him deeply.

He swore that he would never let down Lin Jichen's trust in him. This was also the first time he felt the sincerity of a friend, his best friend!

Lin Jichen chuckled, and said casually: "You don't have to thank me, you heard my conversation with Master Tianqing, even if I didn't intercede for you, you wouldn't die, you are the young master of the Demon Sect, I killed you, Although our Sword Sect is not afraid, it will cause a lot of trouble, and it will also cause a catastrophe of righteousness and evil, so it will be a loss no matter what."

Baili Canfeng didn't take it seriously, and said, "No, although I am the young master of the Tianmo sect, the Tianmo sect is far away from Mu Xianzhou. The world is invincible, no one will dare to attack, unless the heads of the four major demon sects join forces to make a move."

"You say that, do you still want to send me some gift to thank me? You're welcome, I can bear it, and I accept your apology. "

Lin Jichen jokingly stretched out his hand in front of Baili Canfeng, but was slapped away by his arrogant slap.

"How can you be inseparable from presents? Don't be so vulgar, kindness can be kept in your heart." Baili Canfeng taught dutifully.

"No, I prefer you to act."



Sitting on Jingsi Cliff, the two of them chatted, laughed, or bickered, and they had a very pleasant time.

"Hey, it would be great if there is a table with good food and wine at this time. Wouldn't it be nice for us to sit down and talk, taste wine and eat food?"

Baili Canfeng said with emotion.

As soon as he finished speaking, a delicate voice came from the foot of the mountain.

"Little brother~"

Lin Jichen immediately dropped Baili Canfeng and ran away from the stone table.

Baili Canfeng rolled his eyes, and could only complain: "This guy is still so sensual and despised friends!"

I saw Nangong Yue walking over with a basket.

Seeing Lin Jichen, her eyes were full of joy.

"Little sister, why are you here? Did you commit a crime and get locked up?"

Lin Jichen looked at Nangongyue who came over, and asked with concern.

Nan Gongyue shook her head, said with a smile: "I'm fine, I'm afraid that you will be miserable here, so I made some wine and food for you, you can eat."


Before Lin Jichen could speak, Baili Canfeng applauded immediately, stood up and asked excitedly, "Did you bring wine?"

Nan Gongyue pursed her lips, and snorted, "What's the use of saying it's good? It's not for you. Want to eat? There's no way!"

Baili Canfeng hurriedly said to Lin Jichen: "Brother Lin, you won't be so stingy, will you?"

Lin Jichen glanced at him, and jokingly said: "How can you be called stingy? Why should I feed you the meals my little senior sister cooked for me? I still have a few steamed buns left in my storage ring, so you can just eat them, don't worry." full."

As he said that, Lin Jichen really threw a few steamed buns at him.

Baili Canfeng had no choice but to smile at Nangongyue and said, "Sister-in-law Nangong, don't be so heartless, how can I say that I have helped you in Xiyun City too?"

The name Baili Canfeng made Nangongyue blush immediately, and said angrily, "What are you yelling?"

Baili Canfeng smiled and said: "I'm not mistaken, aren't you a couple? Brother Lin and I are best friends, and you are her Taoist sweetheart, so naturally you are sister-in-law."

"Brother Lin often mentions you in front of me, saying that you are gentle and virtuous, a gift from heaven, and that he misses you every day, and always talks about you from time to time. Why don't I call you sister-in-law?"

It has to be said that Baili Canfeng's flattering skills are very good, and he has completely grasped Nangongyue's mind.

If he praised how beautiful Nangong Yue was, it would be absolutely useless.

But a 'Nangong sister-in-law' changed Nangongyue's impression of him greatly.

"Hmph, you're right. I did owe you a favor in Xiyun City back then, so this meal...you can only eat a small dish."

Nan Gongyue handed the vegetable basket to Lin Jichen, and said, "Junior Brother, don't give him too much food, just share a small dish."

Lin Jichen nodded with a smile, took the basket, and just wanted to have some private conversation with Nan Gongyue, or hide away for a couple kiss or something.

But the silence was broken by a cough.

It turned out that behind Nangong Yue, there was a Nangong Wu.

Nangong Wu walked over with a blank face, glanced at Lin Jichen, and then said to Nangong Yue: "Yue'er, the food has been delivered, it's time to go back, your grandfather asked me to watch you, he is facing the wall, not on vacation, Go, come back with me."


Nangongyue reluctantly agreed, and then told Lin Jichen that she would come to deliver meals every day in the future, and then followed Nangongwu down the mountain.

Lin Jichen took the basket back, opened it and saw that it was fragrant, and it was several grades better than the dishes of Zuixianlou!


Baili Canfeng swallowed his saliva without hesitation, and immediately stretched out his hand.


Lin Jichen slapped it away, and said, "My little senior sister made this for me, it's not for you."

Baili Canfeng became anxious, and said: "Brother Lin, how could you do this, just now my sister-in-law clearly said that I can have a small plate."

"That's her. Now she's not here. I'm in charge of this dish. I'll have it all by myself."

"Don't, at worst, I'll treat you to ten meals of wine and food from Zuixianlou in the future!"

"Do not care."

"Twenty tons!"


"That one hundred tons!"

"Okay, deal, remember, you owe me a hundred meals."

Only then did Lin Jichen reluctantly agree to Baili Canfeng's meal.

Baili Canfeng had no choice but to agree, but for some reason, he always felt as if he had been tricked again...

The two sat back at the stone table, which was filled with delicious food and two jugs of fine wine.

The two ate vegetables and drank wine, and talked about life, how pleasant it is!

The two of them ate a meal until the night, and there was no food or drink left, and the food was cleaner than a dog had licked it.

After eating and drinking enough, the two of them chatted enough, so they were ready to rest.

However, when they saw that there was only one bed, both of them were stunned.

"Why is there only one bed, how can I rest here?"

Baili Canfeng seemed very embarrassed and said.

Lin Jichen gave him a blank look, and said, "What are you thinking? Of course it's my bed, that's my place."

"But me?" Baili Canfeng pointed at himself and asked eagerly.

Lin Jichen pointed to the ground and said, "You can just lie down on the ground and meditate if you can't."

Baili Canfeng was obviously unwilling, and said weakly: "I think this bed is quite big, it should be able to sleep two people, brother Lin, how about..."


Before he finished speaking, Baili Canfeng was kicked away by Lin Jichen...


One more~

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