
Only a muffled sound was heard, and the elegant and handsome guy Baili Canfeng uttered a scream, flew upside down, and fell to the ground.

Accompanied by Lin Jichen's scolding.

"You bastard! You are laughing at you! It's not because of you, how can I be so miserable?"

The moment Lin Jichen saw Baili Remnant Wind, he became angry.

Because of him, he almost died.

Although his life was saved now, he had to face the wall for ten days, and the deacon of Shangong Hall was beaten.

Can Lin Jichen not be angry?

Baili Canfeng covered his eyes and stood up, just about to apologize.

But Lin Jichen rushed up, rode him under him, and started punching and kicking him.

"I told you to cheat me! Let you cheat me! I can't beat you to death, you idiot!"

"Ah! Ah! Brother Lin~ah~~don't~don't~"

Baili Canfeng's screams and begging for mercy echoed in the hall, and the lingering sound lingered for a long time.

After a few minutes.

Lin Jichen was done and had a good time, so he let him go.

"Go, follow me to Jingsi Cliff!"

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he straightened his clothes and walked out of the hall refreshed.

After the domestic violence, Baili Canfeng didn't dare to resist, like a wronged little daughter-in-law, she got up from the ground and straightened her tattered clothes.

He followed Lin Jichen obediently, not daring to make mistakes.

I saw that Baili Canfeng was no longer that refined scholar.

Not to mention the shabby clothes, his face was even more bruised and swollen, with two panda eyes and chicken coop-like hair, his appearance was indescribably funny and pitiful.

The two came all the way to Jingsi Cliff, and the disciple guarding them put them inside.

Jingsi Cliff is located on the cliff and stream, facing a waterfall. There is nothing else here except a stone bed and stone table.

On the mountain wall of Jingsi Cliff, there are many traces of sword moves, which must have been left by those who faced the wall over the years.

Lin Jichen sat on the stone table without changing his expression, staring straight at Baili Canfeng.

Baili Canfeng was furious at the sight, and said weakly, "Brother Lin, are you still angry?"

"Hehe, what do you think? I was tricked by you once for no reason, and now I have to retreat here for ten days. I even lost my position in the sect. Do you think I have calmed down?" Lin Jichen sneered.

Baili Canfeng slapped his thigh, and smoothed things over: "Damn it, blame me, blame me, I'll apologize to you, in fact, I'm wronged too."

"You're wronged!" Lin Jichen cursed.

Baili Canfeng sat opposite Lin Jichen, and said earnestly: "Really, I originally wanted to wait for you outside your sect, but we didn't leave a sound transmission talisman, so I couldn't contact you."

"I waited outside your Jianzong for many days without seeing you, so I came out and wanted to find a disciple of Jianzong to ask where you were. I didn't expect to meet Li Mu of your Jianzong. When Li Mu saw it was me, he immediately It was like seeing a ghost, I immediately tore up the talisman to summon helpers, I wanted to run away, but then you Elder Tianjian caught me..."

After Baili Canfeng finished speaking, he had a bitter expression on his face, it's easy for him!He is also very innocent!

When I came to find someone, I was regarded as a thief. After being caught, I was beaten up and imprisoned for many days.

When Lin Jichen heard that this was the case, he forgave him.

It's really not his fault.

If Baili Canfeng really came to the sect on purpose, he would have thought that this kid was deliberately tricking him.

"Forget it, the past is over, I was cheated, you were beaten up by me, and it was evened."

Lin Jichen said generously.

But Baili Canfeng felt very happy: "Haha, that's good, that's good, fight well, fight well, as long as brother Lin is not angry with me!"

Lin Jichen was a little speechless at the thought of staying in this place where the birds don't shit for ten days. He originally wanted to go to Jiye Tianshan to find the Broken Star Seven Obsidian Stone.

Forget it, it's too late.

We can only let Xing Sen and the others go there by themselves.

Whether they can find it depends on their luck.

"By the way, why did you come to Jianzong to find me?"

Lin Jichen thought of this question and asked with a glance.

"Of course I invited you to go to the Wudu Mountains. Did you forget that we had an agreement to find the Millennium Baby Fruit?" Baili Canfeng said.

"Have you reached the peak of Gu Ling?" Lin Jichen asked curiously.

Baili Canfeng held his neck high, smiled arrogantly, and said, "Of course, how long can I be trapped in a mere spiritual state? My son has already reached the peak of spiritual power a month ago."

That confident look, if you don't look at his chicken coop shape and panda eyes, he is really handsome.

"Oh? Then you collected the Heavenly Dao materials?"

"I still need to collect it? I always get this stuff directly in the sect." Baili Canfeng said disdainfully.

Lin Jichen rolled his eyes, this is the gap between players and npcs.

Players are controlled by the game system, and they can't be like npcs, who can stretch out their clothes, stretch their hands, and open their mouths just by being favored.

He needs to find all the materials by himself, there is no way, who made him just a player for the time being.

"You collected them all but I didn't. Let's talk about them after I finish collecting them."

Lin Jichen replied to him out of interest.

"What material do you need?"

"Broken Star Seven Obsidian."

"Well, I just happen to have an extra copy!"

After Baili Canfeng finished speaking, he took out a shiny black stone and handed it over generously and conveniently.

[Heavenly materials and earth treasures: Broken Star Heptadite]: A product of the Extreme Night Tianshan Mountains, one of the Heavenly Dao level breakthrough materials, ranking 1/12.


Function: When a spiritual monk breaks through the Nascent Soul Realm, it assists this thing, which can greatly improve the attribute.


After Lin Jichen saw it, he realized that it was really a Broken Star Seven Obsidian Stone, and looked at Baili Canfeng in surprise.

"Why do you have an extra copy?"

Baili Canfeng smiled, and replied: "I was afraid that you didn't collect it, so I specially took an extra copy from my sect's treasure house, so as to save you trouble."

"Does your sect not care?"

"What do you care, except my master, who dares to care about me?" Baili Canfeng said proudly.

Lin Jichen laughed angrily, this kid is really a bright pig in the palm of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

"It's inappropriate for you to send me...isn't it?"

Lin Jichen said he refused, but he had already put the Broken Star Seven Obsidian Stone in his pocket with skillful hands.

"What is this, consider it as your kindness for saving me, and your position was sacked and you were imprisoned, this is considered compensation." Baili Canfeng replied.

Lin Jichen narrowed his eyes, and said maliciously: "You just said that you prepared an extra copy of the materials?"


"Then you have an extra copy of the other five materials?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, just give it to me. Actually, I haven't collected any."


"Of course, we are brothers, would I lie to you?" Lin Jichen said with certainty.

As he said that, he said hypocritically: "If you don't want to part with it, forget it. I'll go and find it myself after I go out."

Baili Canfeng was stupid and sweet, believed it was true, and immediately took out all the materials.

Lin Jichen got it in the bag with lightning speed, and then he smiled with satisfaction, and his mood of being confined was more than half improved.


Three shifts~

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