"Everyone, viewers, hello everyone, this is the program "The First in All Servers", and I am your favorite anchor, Liu Xiazi!"

"Today's program is the work of Ben Xiazi's dream come true, and it is also the closest time between Ben Xiazi and his idol, quack~"

"You have always said that Xia Zi's program is not good-looking and not authoritative enough, so today's program, I believe, no one dares to say that again!"

"Because, the guest of this issue of "No. [-] in All Servers" is recognized as the number one master in the eight wildernesses, with the ceiling of fighting power in the eight wildernesses, Lin! Ji! Dust!"

Following the video, Liu Xiazi explained with all his might.

Video after video began to play, not directly into the content of the interview.

What was played was a picture of an elegant figure holding a sword against the enemy.

Next to it are passages of elaborate monologues and editing special effects.

The first episode is the Canglan Medicine Valley, the battle between Lin Jichen and the Blood Fiend Guild.

With one enemy, only relying on the state of Qi Refining Realm, he defeated more than a dozen opponents, and incidentally killed the boss in Medicine Valley.

This video can also be said to be the beginning of Lin Jichen's fame.

What follows is a collection of Lin Jichen's various wonderful battles, the entrance to the secret realm, the battle with the blood fiend, one against a thousand, and the incarnation of Shura!

Ascension to the immortals, defeat countless powerful enemy players, and win the championship!

Ascension Immortal Inner Competition, this hell-difficult event that is said to be impossible for players to win, Lin Jichen single-handedly supported the appearance of the army of players.

Forcibly pass all the way and win the leader!

Etc., etc.

In these videos, Lin Jichen and the sword in his hand blend together perfectly, as if the sword fairy is reincarnated, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

Liu Xiazi is also accompanied by various passionate subtitles.

What's the sword qi spanning thirty thousand miles, one sword's light cold nineteen continents! '

What's aside from the three-foot sword of the king's body, who in the world can match white clothes! '

What else? Leaning on the sword and singing a glass of wine, the northwest of floating clouds is China! '<.

Seeing all the players' blood rushing up, their hearts are full of pride, and in their dreams, they want to sing like Lin Jichen with swords, no one can beat him!

In fact, there are many bloggers on the forums and various short video softwares that are making Lin Jichen's videos.

No way, who made Lin Jichen so popular in Bahuang, so high that others can only hold a candle to him.

Naturally, these bloggers would not let Lin Jichen, the super traffic king, be as popular as he could, so a large number of highlights and introduction videos about Lin Jichen sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

But no blogger has ever been able to be so delicate and sincere like Liu Xiazi's video.

After watching it, many viewers wondered if this is a promotional video for a fairy tale movie, how could it be shot so well?

They didn't know that Liu Xiazi hadn't broadcast live for a week in order to make this video, and the company thought something happened to her.

In order to make this program the best, Liu Xiazi paid a lot of money to hire professional special effects artists and editors, and worked overnight until she was satisfied.

It can be said that Liu Xiazi really put in a lot of effort for this program.

Lin Jichen only accepted the interview for two hours, but Liu Xiazi spent several whole nights and emptied his wallet because of his busy schedule for these two hours.

Even when Lin Jichen asked her to come to brush snakes, she resisted not coming.

The video lasted for more than ten minutes, but under Liu Xiazi's meticulous production, not only did people not find it boring, but the meaning was still unfinished, and the blood was still burning!

At the end of the collection, we finally entered the topic.

When they saw Lin Jichen appearing in Liu Xiazi's camera, everyone believed it was true. Lin Jichen actually went to Liu Xiazi's show!

How could this little anchor be able to invite the number one celebrity in the world?

"Idol please sit down, thank you for being a guest on my show, let's say hello to everyone first."

Lin Jichen, who was sitting on a chair, introduced himself seriously with a faint smile on his face.

"Hello, all viewers of the "All Servers First" program, I'm Lin Jichen, and I'm very glad to be here."

"Oh! Did you hear that, brothers, Ben Xiazi didn't talk nonsense, this is really Lin Jichen, my idol!!"

Liu Xiazi screamed excitedly at the recorded camera, his excitement was beyond words.

Then the two sat together and began to enter the real interview session.

"Idol, many people say that you are the number one expert in the Eight Desolations, do you think this title is exaggerated?" Liu Xiazi asked the first question.

Lin Jichen replied with a smile, and said calmly: "If it's just a player, I'm indeed number one, but if it's an npc, I'm still far behind."

"No way, I'm talking about people below the Nascent Soul Realm, and you must be number one." Liu Xiazi said in disbelief.

Lin Jichen shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, in fact, the really powerful NPCs in the Eight Wastelands are often too strong for you to imagine, such as the big disciples of the major super sects, and the heroes of other clans, they are all extremely powerful. Strong, so we should not sit on the sky and be blindly arrogant."

"It shouldn't be, those big disciples of super sects were defeated by you in the Immortal Ascension Conference."

Lin Jichen smiled, and said: "That's not all of them have played against each other. Some strong players were eliminated early, and I didn't meet them. I was lucky. I even got a bye in the finals, so I saved a lot of energy."

"And not all the masters are willing to participate in the competition. There are still many masters who did not appear in the Ascension to Immortals Conference. Each of them is super powerful and not so easy to deal with."

"So that's how it is. Idol, you are so humble, but npcs are just npcs after all. To measure the strength of a game, naturally you still have to look at the comparison between players."

Liu Xiazi didn't care, after all she was just like other players, no one would take npc seriously, they all thought it was just game data.

"Then let's move on to the next question, idol, do you think the profession of sword repair is the strongest?"

"There is no such thing as the strongest profession. Any profession can become a top powerhouse if you play well. The key lies in yourself."

"Well said! Next question, you..."

In this way, Liu Xiazi chatted with Lin Jichen on the show, asking and answering.

Liu Xiazi asked all kinds of questions, including some of Lin Jichen's experience with sword repair, and the skills of using swords.

Regarding these issues, Lin Jichen did not hide his secrets, but shared them generously, and explained them in great detail.

This made countless sword repair players suddenly enlightened after listening to it, and they benefited a lot.

Of course, in addition to these professional issues, there are also many personal issues, such as Lin Jichen's talent, mate selection criteria, hobbies, interests and so on.

Sometimes he made a few jokes. The interview process was relaxed and witty, which was very interesting.

The audience couldn't bear to fast forward.

But when it was about to end, Liu Xiazi raised a heavyweight question.


Two more~

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